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196 INTRODUCTION TO BOTANY. carpium, and joining by its edges the two opposite sutures. Cruciferae. Doubtful, amhigua. Connected with the centre and sides of a pericarp that does not open ; and whose origin, therefore, cannot be determined exactly. Citrus. Fixed, Jixa. Remaining immoveable, and attached as usual when ripe; which seldom takes place except in inde- hiscent pericarpiums, or those that open by pores or slits. Antirrhinum, Campanula, Papaver, Nigella Saxifraga. Free, libera. Formed of a placentarium that becomes free by the dehiscence of the pericarpium. Plantaginese. Persisting, pershteniia. Remaining in their place after the opening of the fruit, Cruciferee. Meeting, olcurrentia. Partial partitions meeting together, and dividing the cavity of the pericarpium into several cells. Acanthace^, Antirrhinum, Convolvulacese, Saxi- frageae. Whirled, verticillala. Several partial partitions disposed in the jiericarpium like the spokes of a wheel. Convolvulacese, Rhodoracese, Aurantiaceae. Seed-bearing, semhnfera, placentifera. Carrying the seeds. Ruellia, Nymphsea, Helianthemum. The distinctions are usually taken from their appearance after the pericarpium has split open ; but this is frequently a bad guide to their original formation. Septum. A Partition that is lo?igitudi?ial. Lilium, Cruciferae. PI. 16, %. 8, 14 and J 5. Phragma. ' A Partition that is transverse. Cassia Fistula. PI. 16, %. 1. Placentarium. ^ Placenta, Trophospermum, Spermophorus, Colum, Receptaculum seminum. That part of the pericarpium toivhich the seeds are attached. PL 17, fig- 4, 5. Fleshy, Placeiiiarium carnosum. Vaccinium, Ruta, Saxifraga granulata. Corky, suherosum. Centunculus, Anagallis, Hyoscyamus, Nicotiana, Stramonium. Leatherlike, coriaceum. Papaver, Begonia. 'Woody^ lignosum. Svvietenia Mahogani.

INTRODUCTION TO BOTANY. 197 % Honeycombed, alveolatum. Centunculus, Anagallis. Tuberculated, tuberculatum. Stramonium. Villous, villosum,. Cucubalus, Silene. •[ Partitioning, septiforme. Enlarged into a partition. Plantaginese, Cruciterse. This is the same as the placen- tarian partition, but considered in another light. Globular, sphccricurn, glohosum. Centunculus minimus, Anagallis phoenicea. Cylindrical, cylindraceum. Lychnis, Silene, Cerastium. Th readlike, Jilijorme. Velezia. Awlshape, suhukitum. Dodecatheon, Dianthus. Three- sided, trigoman, iriqueter. Poleraonium vulgare, Dodonaea viscosa. Four-sided, tetragonum^ tetracpieter. Adoxa tuberosa. Five- sided, pentagonurn, pentaqueter. Swietenia Maho- gani. Lobed, lohatum. Forming thick projections within the cavity of the pericarp. Rhododendrum, Cucurbitaceae. Radiating, radiaium. Rhododendrum, Cucurbitacete. ^ Central, centrale. Placed in the centre of the pericarpium. Antirrhinum, Campanula, Saxifraga. Axile, axile. Growing up from the bottom to the top of the pericarpium, in the direction of its diameter. Lilium, Digitalis, Polemonium. Apicilar, apicilare. Placed at the top of the cavity of the pericarpium. Umbelliferae. Basilary, hanlare. Placed at the bottom of the cavity of the pericarpium. Berberis, Chrysosplenium. Fixed at bottom, basi/ixum, libenim. Attached only to the bottom of the cavity of the pericarpium when ripe. Primulaceffi, Silene. Sessile, sessile. Fixed at bottom without any footstalk. Footstalked, /jefl'?ce//fl/z/w. Parietal, parieiale. Attached to the sides of the cavity of the pericarpium. Ribes, Punica Granatum.—An axile placentarium in a multilocular ovary, sometimes becomes parietal in consequence of the absorption of several of the cells. One-sided, unilaterale. Attached to one side only of the pericarpium. Many apocynese, Actsea, Leguminosae. PI. 16,%. 2. Two-sided, bilaterale. Ribes. PI. 17, fig. 4 and 5. Three-sided, trilatsrale, and so on. Valvular, valvare. Attached to the valves of a dehiscent pericarpium. Orchis, Bixa, Orellana.


carpium, and joining by its edges the two opposite sutures.<br />

Cruciferae.<br />

Doubtful, amhigua. Connected with the centre and<br />

sides of a pericarp that does not open ; and whose origin,<br />

therefore, cannot be determined exactly. Citrus.<br />

Fixed, Jixa. Remaining immoveable, and attached as<br />

usual when ripe; which seldom takes place except in inde-<br />

hiscent pericarpiums, or those that open by pores or slits.<br />

Antirrhinum, Campanula, Papaver, Nigella Saxifraga.<br />

Free, libera. Formed of a placentarium that becomes<br />

free by the dehiscence of the pericarpium. Plantaginese.<br />

Persisting, pershteniia. Remaining in their place after<br />

the opening of the fruit, Cruciferee.<br />

Meeting, olcurrentia. Partial partitions meeting together,<br />

and dividing the cavity of the pericarpium into several<br />

cells. Acanthace^, Antirrhinum, Convolvulacese, Saxi-<br />

frageae.<br />

Whirled, verticillala. Several partial partitions disposed<br />

in the jiericarpium like the spokes of a wheel. Convolvulacese,<br />

Rhodoracese, Aurantiaceae.<br />

Seed-bearing, semhnfera, placentifera. Carrying the<br />

seeds. Ruellia, Nymphsea, Helianthemum.<br />

The distinctions are usually taken from their appearance<br />

after the pericarpium has split open ; but this is frequently<br />

a bad guide to their original formation.<br />

Septum.<br />

A Partition that is lo?igitudi?ial. Lilium, Cruciferae.<br />

PI. 16, %. 8, 14 and J 5.<br />

Phragma. '<br />

A Partition that is transverse. Cassia Fistula. PI. 16,<br />

%. 1.<br />

Placentarium.<br />

^<br />

Placenta, Trophospermum, Spermophorus, Colum, Receptaculum<br />

seminum. That part of the pericarpium toivhich<br />

the seeds are attached. PL 17, fig- 4, 5.<br />

Fleshy, Placeiiiarium carnosum. Vaccinium, Ruta, Saxifraga<br />

granulata.<br />

Corky, suherosum. Centunculus, Anagallis, Hyoscyamus,<br />

Nicotiana, Stramonium.<br />

Leatherlike, coriaceum. Papaver, Begonia.<br />

'Woody^ lignosum. Svvietenia Mahogani.

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