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Hooked, lappaceum. Furnished with hooked points,<br />

like the involucrum of arctium lappa. Sanicula Europasa,<br />

Myosotis Cappula.<br />

Spinous, spiiiellosum, echinatum. Stramonium foetidum,<br />

iEschylus Hippocastanum, Cucumis prophetarum.<br />

4. Substance.<br />

Membranaceous, Pericarpium memhranaceum. Salsola<br />

Tragus, Col u tea.<br />

Paperlike, ckartaceum. Anagallis phoenicia, Cerefolium<br />

sylvestre, Coriandrum.<br />

Leatherlike, coriaceum. Helianthus annuus, Trapa natans,<br />

Lupinus, Arachis hypogcea.<br />

Crustaceous, crustaceum. Dry, thin, and brittle. Pas-<br />

serina.<br />

Woody, lignosum. Lecythis, Cassia Fistula, Hymensea<br />

Courbaril.<br />

Corky, suherosum, fungosum. ^Ethusa cynapium, Raphanus<br />

sativus. -<br />

Pulpy, pulposum. Ribes, Vitis, Rubus.<br />

Fleshy, carnosum. Mains.<br />

Valves.<br />

Valvse, Valvulae. The pieces composing the sides of<br />

some pericarps, which open when ripe, and separate. Pi. 16,<br />

fig. 8, 14, 15 and 29.<br />

Longitudinal, Falvce lojigitudinales. The suture perpendicular<br />

to the base of the pericarp. Cheiranthus fruticu-<br />

losus, Ruellia ovata.<br />

Transverse, transversa'. The suture parallel to the base<br />

of the pericarp. Anagallis arvensis, Hyoscyamus.<br />

Re-entering, mtrojiexce. Edges bent inwards towards<br />

the centre of the pericarp. Colchicum, Rhododendrum.<br />

Re-entering conjointly, conjunctim introjiexce. The<br />

contiguous re-entering valves united together in that part<br />

which penetrates within the pericarp. Rhododendron<br />

Ponticum<br />

.<br />

Re-entering distinctly, distinctim-introjiexce. The contiguous<br />

re-entering valves not united together in that part<br />

Tj'hich penetrates into the pericarp. Colchicum.<br />

Parting, hipartihiles. Splitting when they open into two<br />

parts lengthways. Veronica, Digitalis speciosa, Nicotiana^<br />

—These bipartible valves are evidently composed of two<br />


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