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introduction to botany. 191<br />

Cone.<br />

Strobile, Conus, Strobilus. Fndt composed of many<br />

membranaceous utricles^ concealed in the axillcB of very large,<br />

dry hractecB, disposed in theform of a cone. PI. 18, fig. 12.<br />

Roundish, Strobilus subrotundus. Cupressus semperrirens,<br />

Juniperus communis.<br />

Conical, conicus. Pinus sylvestris.<br />

Ovoid, ovoideus. Pinus Pinea.<br />

Cylindrical, cylindraceus.<br />

bus.<br />

Abies pectinata, Pinus Stro-<br />

^ Berrylike, baccatus. Bractese juicy, and unite with<br />

one another. Juniperus communis.<br />

Bractean, bracteanus. Strobile formed of bracteas only<br />

Alnus glutinosa, Juniperus comumnis, Thuya.<br />

Pedunculean, pedunculeunus. Strobile formed of peduncules.<br />

Pinus, Abies, Cedrus, Larix.<br />

Cupule.<br />

Ovoid, Cupida ovoidea, ovata. Pinus.<br />

Angular, angulosa. Juniperus communis, Cupressus<br />

sempervirens.<br />

^ Woody, lignosa. Pinus Pinea.<br />

Membranaceous, membranacea. Thuya occidentalis.<br />

Boney, ossea. Schubertia disticha.<br />

5[ Upright, erecta. Thuya, Cupressus, Juniperus.<br />

Reversed, resupinata. Abies, Pinus, Larix, Cedrus.<br />

^ Winged at bottom, hypopterata. Pinus, Abies, Larix,<br />

Cedrus.—At first sight the cupule appears winged at top,<br />

because it is reversed, but it is enchased in a prolongation<br />

of the wing, which only grows at the bottom, and falls off.<br />

Winged all round, peripterata. Thuya occidentalis.<br />

5[ Headed, capitata. Limb swelled into a head. Larix.<br />

Two-horned, bicornis. Limb prolonged into two small<br />

diverging horns. Pinus.<br />

OhWc^e, obliqua. Limb oblique and jagged. Cedrus.<br />

The form, &c. of the utricles should be remarked.<br />

Galbule.<br />

Nut, Nux, Pseudocarpium, Galbulus. A kind of cone,<br />

in which the bractecB are enlarged at top, form a sphere, and<br />

scarcely open when ripe. Cupressus. PI. 18, fig. 15.

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