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1[ Opening inwardly, ifiius dehiscenfes. Aconitum,<br />

Trollius Europ£eus, Poeonia. PI. 17, fig. 18.<br />

- Opening outwardly, exius dehiscentes. Magnolia.<br />

Not opening, indehiscentes. Ranunculus, Liriodendrura.<br />

Hemigyrus.<br />

Fruit ivoody, opening on one side, one or two-celled, each of<br />

which are one or two-seeded. Proteacese.<br />

Cod.<br />

Legumen. Fruit irregular, -memhranaceous, two-valued,<br />

rarely three or four-valued, with a pistillary cord divided into<br />

two branches running parallelly along the upper suture, so<br />

that the seeds are attached along this suture, alternately to<br />

one and the other value. Leguminosse. PL 16, fig. 1, 2.<br />

Ovoid, Legumen ouoideum. Lotus hirsutus, L. Gi'aecus.<br />

Halfmoonlike, semilunatum. Cynometra.<br />

Sabreshape, acinaciforme. Bent like a sabre. Phaseolus<br />

lunatus, Dolichus ensiformis.<br />

Oblong, oblongian. Ulex Europseus, Trifolium repens.<br />

Cylindrical, cyUndricum. Cassia Fistula. '<br />

Nearly cj'lindrical, cylindraceus. Lotus corniculatus.<br />

Linear, lineare. Lathyrus gramineus, Indigofera.<br />

Compressed, compressum. Pisum sativum, Lathyrus<br />

apliyllus.<br />

Inflated, inflatum. Membranaceous, dilated, filled with<br />

air like a bladder. Colutea.<br />

Swollen, iurgiditm. Swelled out, but not membranaceous.<br />

Genista Anglica, Ononis.<br />

Bowed, arcuatum. Ornithopus.<br />

Bent, curvatum, recurvatum. Astragalus glycyphyllus,<br />

Medicago falcata.<br />

Spiral, spirale. Medicago sativa, Scorpiurus vermicu-<br />

lata.<br />

Strombus-like, cochleatum, stromlndiforme. Bent in a<br />

long spiral like the shell so called, Medicago strombulifera.<br />

M. polymorpha.<br />

Four- sided, tetragonum. Dolichos tetragonolobus.<br />

Four-winged, tetrapterum. Lotus siliquosus.<br />

Top-winged, epipterum. Securidaca volubilis. ^<br />

Reverse-crenated, ohcrenatum. Bisserula pelecinus.<br />

Jointed, articulatum. Formed of pieces, united endways<br />

to one another, each containing a single cell.<br />

Scorpiurus, Hedysarum.<br />


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