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Ovoid, avoidea. Ephedra.<br />

^ Upright, erecta. The orifice turned towards the point<br />

opposite to the base of its support. Taxus, Ephedra.<br />

Reversed, resupinata. Fixed so that the orifice faces the<br />

base of its support. Podocarpus.<br />

For the characters of the pericarp, reference may be<br />

made to akenium.<br />

Nucule.<br />

Nucula, Nux. Fruit one-celled, one-seeded, not opening<br />

when ripe, with a long covering, the pericarp only slightly,<br />

or not distinct from the seed ; frequently sunk in an iiivoluerum.<br />

Corylus sylvestris, Corylus tubulosa. PI. 14-, fig. 4*.<br />

Xylodium.<br />

Fruit like a nucule, hut without a cupule, and home upon a<br />

fleshy support. Anacardium. PL 14, fig. 7.<br />

Carcerulus.<br />

Bacca sicca, Capsula indehiscens. Fruit not opening, dry,<br />

many-celled, many-seeded. Tiha. PI. 14, fig. 8 and 9.<br />

Amphisarca.<br />

Capsula indehiscens. Fr7dt not opening, dry, many-celled,<br />

woody on the outside, pulpy internally. Adansonia. PI. 14,<br />

fig. 13.<br />


Fructus gynobasici, Cenobionares, Cenobia. Fruits simple,<br />

hut composed of four or more cells, eremi, so far apart that<br />

they appear like so many separate fruits ; hut are all home<br />

upon a gynohasis, more or less dilated and heing the hase of a<br />

single style. PI. 14, fig. 16 to 20.<br />

Two-celled, Cenohium hieremum. Cerinthe.<br />

Four-celled, quadri-eremum. Labiatae, Boraginese.<br />

Five-eremed, quinque-eremum.<br />

fig. 16.<br />

Six-eremed, sex-eremum, &c.<br />

Gomphia nitida. Pi. 14,<br />

Eremes.<br />

Globular, Eremi glohulosi. Collinsonia Canadensis,<br />

Salvia officinalis.<br />

Ellipsoidal, ellipsoidei. Salvia Hispanica, S, bicolor.

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