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138 INTRODUCTION TO BOTANY. Arched,fornicai'iim, galeatum. Bent and hollowed within, Pedicularia palustris, Phlomis, Lamium, Galeopsis. Compressed, compressum. Folded in two lengthways, and flattened sideways. Rhinanthus, Pedicularia palustris. Many salvias, Many phlomides, Trichostema. Flat, planum. Melittis grandiflora. Uncut, integrum. Molucella loevis. Notched, emarginatum. Lycopus. S\)\\\., fissum. Euphrasia officinalis, Salvia bicolor, Nepeta longiflora. Parted, partitum. Divided to the very orifice of the tube. TeucriuiT), Lobelia Cardinalis. L. syphilitica. Lower Lip. Lahium inferius. The lower division of a two-lipped gamopetalous corolla. Longer than the upper, Lahium inferius superiore longius, Molucella Igevis, Phlomis Zeylanica. Shorter than the upper, inferiore brevius. Phlomis Leonurus. Prolonged, porrecium. Melampyrum vulgatum, Salvia bjcolor, Molucca laevis. Fallen down, demissum. Eriostomum Germanicum. PI. 9, fig. 13. Turned back, rejiexum. Turned over backwards upon the tube. Chelone barbata. Turned in, infiexum. Bent inwards towards the orifice of the tube. Plectranthus punctatus. PI. 9, fig, 15. PERIGONIUM. Perianthium, Calyx. The integument of a jiower when there is but one, and its appeara?ice renders it doubtful whether it ought to be esteemed a calyx or a corolla. This admits all the various distinctions of both calyx and corolla. Galea. The upper hollow part of the perigonium of the orchideae. Lip. Lahellum. The lower spread out part of the perigonium of the orchidese; which is sometimes divided into two dissimilar parts. Epichilium. The upper part of the labellum.

INTRODUCTION TO BOTANY. 139 Hypochilimn. The lower part of the labellum. Spur, Calcar. A hollow spur formed by an elongation of the labellum. Perule. Perula. A hollow part, often resembling a spur, formed of two elongated and soldered sepales. Orchideae. STAMENS. Chives, Attire, Stamina,—stemon. The male organ of the plant, usually placed next within the corolla^ and immediately surrounding the pistill. 1. Origin. Hypogynous, Stami?ia hypogyna, receplaculo inserta. Exserted from the receptacle, either below the ovarj', or even with its bottom. Graminese, Cruciferse, Ranuncu- laceae. Perigynous, perigyna, calyci inserta. Exserted from the internal surface of the floral integument, above the part where it is detached from the ovary. Thymeleae, Rosaceae, LeguminosaB, Myrtacese. Epigynous, epigyna, pistillo inserta. Exserted from the pistill itself. Arislolochia, UmbelliferEe. % Immediate, immediata. Exserted from the receptacle, calyx, or pistill. Cruciferse, Rosaceae, Umbelliferse. Mediate, mediata, epipetala. Exserted from the co- rolla, and therefore judged to have the same insertion in respect to the ovary as the corolla itself. Labiatae, Campanulaceae, Compositse. 2. Number. Definite, Stamina definita. The number constant and not exceeding twelve. 1 Hippuris, 2 Syringa, 3 Iris, 4 Plantago, 5 Lonicera, 6 Lilium, 7 iEsculus, 8 Fuchsia, 9 Butomus, 10 Saxifraga, II not yet discovered, 12 Ha- lesia. Indefinite, indejinita. More than twelve, and not usually counted, or constant. Papaver^ Ranunculus, Rosa. 3. Connexion. Distinct, Stamina distincta, discreta. Not united together either by their filaments, or their anthers. Lilium, Ranunculus.


Hypochilimn. The lower part of the labellum.<br />

Spur, Calcar. A hollow spur formed by an elongation<br />

of the labellum.<br />

Perule.<br />

Perula. A hollow part, often resembling a spur, formed<br />

of two elongated and soldered sepales. Orchideae.<br />

STAMENS.<br />

Chives, Attire, Stamina,—stemon. The male organ of the<br />

plant, usually placed next within the corolla^ and immediately<br />

surrounding the pistill.<br />

1. Origin.<br />

Hypogynous, Stami?ia hypogyna, receplaculo inserta.<br />

Exserted from the receptacle, either below the ovarj', or<br />

even with its bottom. Graminese, Cruciferse, Ranuncu-<br />

laceae.<br />

Perigynous, perigyna, calyci inserta. Exserted from the<br />

internal surface of the floral integument, above the part<br />

where it is detached from the ovary. Thymeleae, Rosaceae,<br />

LeguminosaB, Myrtacese.<br />

Epigynous, epigyna, pistillo inserta. Exserted from the<br />

pistill itself. Arislolochia, UmbelliferEe.<br />

% Immediate, immediata. Exserted from the receptacle,<br />

calyx, or pistill. Cruciferse, Rosaceae, Umbelliferse.<br />

Mediate, mediata, epipetala. Exserted from the co-<br />

rolla, and therefore judged to have the same insertion in<br />

respect to the ovary as the corolla itself. Labiatae, Campanulaceae,<br />

Compositse.<br />

2. Number.<br />

Definite, Stamina definita. The number constant and<br />

not exceeding twelve. 1 Hippuris, 2 Syringa, 3 Iris,<br />

4 Plantago, 5 Lonicera, 6 Lilium, 7 iEsculus, 8 Fuchsia,<br />

9 Butomus, 10 Saxifraga, II not yet discovered, 12 Ha-<br />

lesia.<br />

Indefinite, indejinita. More than twelve, and not usually<br />

counted, or constant. Papaver^ Ranunculus, Rosa.<br />

3. Connexion.<br />

Distinct, Stamina distincta, discreta. Not united together<br />

either by their filaments, or their anthers. Lilium, Ranunculus.

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