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introduction to botany.<br />

Crown.<br />

"<br />

137<br />

Cup^ Corona. A cuplike appendage, placed on the throat<br />

of the flower.— Silene, Narcissus.<br />

Orbiculus.<br />

A circular swelling of the base of the corolla, surrounding<br />

the sexual organs.— Stapelia.<br />

Limb.<br />

Tuimhus. The upper expanded part of a gamopetalou?<br />

corolla.<br />

Folded, Limhus plicatiis. In regular folds like a fan.<br />

Convolvulus, Pneumonanthe vulgaris.<br />

Twisted, tortus^ contortiis. The divisions of the limb<br />

are cut obliquely, and cover one another, before the opening<br />

of the flower, by twining round the axis of the flower.<br />

Nerium Oleander, Vinca, and other Apocyneee.<br />

Upright, erectus. Parallel to the axis of the flower.<br />

Hydrophyllum, Cynoglossum officinale, Cerinthc.<br />

Spreading, patens. Forming a right angle with the<br />

tube. Verbena multifida, Anchusa Italica, Nerium Oleander,<br />

Chironia, Centaurium.<br />

Turned back, rejiexiis. Turned over outwardly. Cyclamen,<br />

Dulcamara flexuosa, Asclepias, Oxycoccus palustris.<br />

Revolute, revolutus. Rolled over outwardly. Cestrum<br />

cauliflorum, C. fastigiatum, C. odontospermum.<br />

Upper Lip. i<br />

Lahlum superlus. The upper division of a two-lipped<br />

gamopetalous corolla.<br />

Spread forward. Labium superius porrectiim. Carried<br />

out in the fore-part, in the same direction as the tube.<br />

Monarda, Phlomis Leonurus, Galeopsis nodosa.<br />

Ascending', ascendens. Following at first the direction<br />

of the tube, and then rising up. Nepeta longlflora, Stachys<br />

annua, Betonica officinalis. PI. 9, fig. 13.<br />

Turned back, reflectum. Turned over on the tube.<br />

Plectranthus punctatus. PI. 9, fig. 15.<br />

Turned in, injieclum. Turned inwards on the lower lip.<br />

Brunella.<br />

S\ck\e\\ke,falcatum. Bent like a reaping-hook. Salvia<br />

bicolor. S. pratensis.

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