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1S4. INTRODUCTION TO BOTANY. Helmetshape, galeiformia. Hollow, arched, and open in front. Aconitum. Cornetshape, cuculUformia. In the form of a cone. Delphinium, Aquilegia. Spurred, calcarata. Prolonged at bottom in a hollow point, like the spur of a fowl. Viola. Two-lipped, h'dahiata. Tubular with a limb having two lips, Nigella, Helleborus, Isopyrum. Mis-shapen, difformia. Irregular, and not to be compared to any known form. Epimedium. Unequal, incequalia. Different, either in form, or size, or in both. Anona, Viola, Pisum, and other leguminosae. Conjoined, coadunata. Joined and soldered together by their edges, but so feebly that they may be separated without any visible tear in the texture. Statice monopetala, Fissilia disparilis. This junction is sometimes by their tips, Vitis; or their base, Oxycoccus palustris. ^ Radiating, radiantia. The petals next the circumference of an assemblage of flowers larger than those next the centre. Tordylium. 5. Edge. Wavy, strasmia. Petala undulata. Geranium phaeum, Lager- Gnawed, erosa. Glaucium luteum, Frankenia Isevis. Crenated, crenata. tatissimum. Dianthus Caryophyllus, Linum usi- Toothed, dentata. Dianthus barbatus, D. capitatus, Silene Lusitanica. YringQA, fimhriata. Cucubalus fimbriatus. Lashed, ciliata. Edged with fine jags or hairs like the eyelashes. Tropaeolum, Ruta. Notched, emarginata. Cheiranthus sinuatus. Geranium sanguineum, G. dissectum, Agrosterama coronaria, Dianthus prolifer, Rosa rubiginosa. 6. Divisio?!, Jagged, Petala lacin'mta. Cut into slips. Reseda, Dianthus plumarius. Two-cut, bifida. Draba verna, Cucubalus inflatus, Lychnis vespertina, L. diurna, Silene conica. Three-cut, trifida. Hypecoum procumbens. Four-cut, quadrifida. Lychnis plumaria. Two-parted, hipartita. Silene nutans, Stellaria aquatica, S. media.

introduction to botany. 135 Lacinule. Lacinuln. A small claw or appendage to the petals. Uncut, Lacinula Integra. Astrantia, Sanicula. Bent, wflexa. CEnanthe. Hooked, uncinata. Straight, recta. Torilis, Sphondylium. Oblique, ohliqua. Chserophjdlum. Linear, linearis. Bulbocastanum. Linear pointed, linearis acuta, ^thusa tenuifolia. Linear blunt, linearis obtusa. ^thusa elata. Furrowed, sulcata. Tragium. Notched, emarginata. Cnidium. Streaked, striata. Selinum. Channelled, canaliculata. Sanicula. Waved, undulata. Athamanta. Dilated, dilata. Athamanta. Narrowed, angustata. Pimpinella minor. Awlshape, subulata. CEnanthe. Long, longa. Sanicula. As long as the petals themselves. Astrantia, Crenulated, crenulala. Peucedanum. Wavy-crenulated, undulaio-crenulata. Heracleum. Apiculate, apiculata. With a point. Heracleum. Toothed, denticulata, Astrantia, Sanicula. Blunt, obtusa. Conium, Apium. Three-pointed, tricuspidata. Astrantia. Tube. Tulm. The lower part of a gamopetalous corolla. PI. 8, fig. 4. Straight, Tubus rectilineus, rectus. Not having any curvature. Vinca, Hamelia. Cylindrical, cylindricus. Mirabilis Jalapa. Threadlike, gracilis, filiformis. Plumbago rosea. Bellied, ventricosus, injlatus. Erica inflata, E. ventricosa. Clubshape, clavifctrmis, clavatus. Spigelia Marylandica. Pi'ismatic, prismaticus. Hamelia. With an internal appendage, intern^ appendiculatus. Furnished with an appendage (nectary, Linnaeus) in the interior part of it. Hydrophyllum, Lithospermum tenuifolium, Cuscuta. ^ Bent, curvatics, ai-ataius, curvus. Martynia, Nepeta longiflora.


Helmetshape, galeiformia. Hollow, arched, and open<br />

in front. Aconitum.<br />

Cornetshape, cuculUformia. In the form of a cone. Delphinium,<br />

Aquilegia.<br />

Spurred, calcarata. Prolonged at bottom in a hollow<br />

point, like the spur of a fowl. Viola.<br />

Two-lipped, h'dahiata. Tubular with a limb having two<br />

lips, Nigella, Helleborus, Isopyrum.<br />

Mis-shapen, difformia. Irregular, and not to be compared<br />

to any known form. Epimedium.<br />

Unequal, incequalia. Different, either in form, or size,<br />

or in both. Anona, Viola, Pisum, and other leguminosae.<br />

Conjoined, coadunata. Joined and soldered together by<br />

their edges, but so feebly that they may be separated without<br />

any visible tear in the texture. Statice monopetala,<br />

Fissilia disparilis. This junction is sometimes by their<br />

tips, Vitis; or their base, Oxycoccus palustris.<br />

^ Radiating, radiantia. The petals next the circumference<br />

of an assemblage of flowers larger than those next<br />

the centre. Tordylium.<br />

5. Edge.<br />

Wavy,<br />

strasmia.<br />

Petala undulata. Geranium phaeum, Lager-<br />

Gnawed, erosa. Glaucium luteum, Frankenia Isevis.<br />

Crenated, crenata.<br />

tatissimum.<br />

Dianthus Caryophyllus, Linum usi-<br />

Toothed, dentata. Dianthus barbatus, D. capitatus,<br />

Silene Lusitanica.<br />

YringQA, fimhriata. Cucubalus fimbriatus.<br />

Lashed, ciliata. Edged with fine jags or hairs like the<br />

eyelashes. Tropaeolum, Ruta.<br />

Notched, emarginata. Cheiranthus sinuatus. Geranium<br />

sanguineum, G. dissectum, Agrosterama coronaria, Dianthus<br />

prolifer, Rosa rubiginosa.<br />

6. Divisio?!,<br />

Jagged, Petala lacin'mta. Cut into slips. Reseda, Dianthus<br />

plumarius.<br />

Two-cut, bifida. Draba verna, Cucubalus inflatus,<br />

Lychnis vespertina, L. diurna, Silene conica.<br />

Three-cut, trifida. Hypecoum procumbens.<br />

Four-cut, quadrifida. Lychnis plumaria.<br />

Two-parted, hipartita. Silene nutans, Stellaria aquatica,<br />

S. media.

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