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13fi INTRODUCTION TO BOTANY. 6. Colour. Red, Corolla rubra. Rosa Damascena, DIanthus Caryophyllus ruber. Reddish violet, ruhro-violacea. Ly thrum spicatum, Ce- losia cristata. Violet, violacea. Aconitum Napellus, Campanula Car- patbica. Bluish-violet, cceruleo-violacea. Convolvulus tricolor, Cyanus vulgaris, Cineraria amelloides. Blue, ccerulea. Pneumonanthe vulgaris. Delphinium grandiflorum. Bluish-green, ccBruleo-vindis. Green, viridis. Greenish-yellow, viridi-lutea. Hedera communis, Acer majus, Silene parviflora. Yellow, lutea. Ranunculus longifolius. Yellowish-orange, luteo-aurantiaca. Calendula officinalis. Orange, aurantiaca. Tropaeolum majus. Reddish-orange, riilro-aurantiaca. Salvia coccinea, Papaver erraticum. % White, alba. Parnassia palustris. 7. Duration. Persisting, withering. Corolla pers'istenSf mnrcescens. Lasting after the fecundation of the ovules, but in a withered state. Trientalis Europaea, Erica, Campanula, Corrigiola, Trifolium pi'ocumbens, Cucumis. Passing away, decidua, transiloria. Falling soon after the fecundation of the ovules. The generality of flowers. Fugacious, fugax, caduca. Falling off" as soon as the flower is completely open, or even befoi*e. Actaea, Thalictrum, Chelidonium corniculatum, Glaucium violaceum, Cerastites macrocephala, Peplis Portula. Betals. Peiala. The several pieces into which the corolla is divided. 1. Posilion. Opposite, Petala opposltiva, calyci opposita. Placed before the divisions of the calyx. Berberis, Epimedium. Interposed, alternate, i?ite7-posifiva, calyci alterna. Alternating with the divisions of the calyx. Cruciferse, Rosa, and most plants.

INTRODUCTION TO BOTANY. ISS 2. Attachment. Clawed, Petala unguiculata. Attached to the other parts of the flower by a long claw. Cheiranthus and other cruciferjE, Dianthus and other caryophyllese, Statice pulchellum. Sessile, sessilia. The claw very short. Vitis, Elatine, Gypsophila. 3. Direction. Bent inwards, Petala injlexa. Curved towards the centre of the flower. Astrantia major. Involute, involuta. Bent and rolled from the top towards the centre of the flower. Ancthum graveolens. Upright, erecta. Placed parallel to the axis of the flower. Geum, Hermannia. Incumbent sideways, lateraUter incumheniia. Covering the sides of one another. Oxalis versicolor, Hermannia. Open, spreading, palcnfia. At right angles with the axis of the flower. Rosa, Fragaria, Geum urbanum. Bent back, rejlexa. Turned over from the centre of the flower. Ai'alia arborea. One-sided, unilateralia. Inclining to one side of the flower. Cleome. Ascending, ascendentia. Inclining to the top of the flower. Cleome. 4. Form. Roundish, Petala suhrolnnda. Silene latifolia, Ranunculus bulbosus, Potentilla fruticosa, Fragaria vesca. Oval, ovalia. Statice pulchellum, Linum usitatissimum. Elliptic, elUpticuin. Saxifraga decipiens. Lanceolate, lanceolata. Hypericum montanum, Saxifraga sarmentosa. Linear, I'mearia. Fraxinus Ornus, Chionanthus, Hamamelis Virginiana. Spatulashape, spathulata. Dictamnus albus, Cleome pentaphylla. Wedgeshape, cunearia. Linum Austriacum. Heartshape, cord/formia, obcordiformia. Heartshape, the notch being at top. Parnassia palustris, Geranium Pyreniacum, Cerastium arvense, Stellaria holostea, CEnothera odorata. Concave, concava. Parnassia, Tilia Europsea, Ruta graveolens. Boatshape, navkiilaria. Cookia punctata.


6. Colour.<br />

Red, Corolla rubra. Rosa Damascena, DIanthus Caryophyllus<br />

ruber.<br />

Reddish violet, ruhro-violacea. Ly thrum spicatum, Ce-<br />

losia cristata.<br />

Violet, violacea. Aconitum Napellus, Campanula Car-<br />

patbica.<br />

Bluish-violet, cceruleo-violacea. Convolvulus tricolor,<br />

Cyanus vulgaris, Cineraria amelloides.<br />

Blue, ccerulea. Pneumonanthe vulgaris. Delphinium<br />

grandiflorum.<br />

Bluish-green, ccBruleo-vindis.<br />

Green, viridis.<br />

Greenish-yellow, viridi-lutea. Hedera communis, Acer<br />

majus, Silene parviflora.<br />

Yellow, lutea. Ranunculus longifolius.<br />

Yellowish-orange, luteo-aurantiaca. Calendula officinalis.<br />

Orange, aurantiaca. Tropaeolum majus.<br />

Reddish-orange, riilro-aurantiaca. Salvia coccinea, Papaver<br />

erraticum.<br />

% White, alba. Parnassia palustris.<br />

7. Duration.<br />

Persisting, withering. Corolla pers'istenSf mnrcescens.<br />

Lasting after the fecundation of the ovules, but in a withered<br />

state. Trientalis Europaea, Erica, Campanula,<br />

Corrigiola, Trifolium pi'ocumbens, Cucumis.<br />

Passing away, decidua, transiloria. Falling soon after<br />

the fecundation of the ovules. The generality of flowers.<br />

Fugacious, fugax, caduca. Falling off" as soon as the<br />

flower is completely open, or even befoi*e. Actaea, Thalictrum,<br />

Chelidonium corniculatum, Glaucium violaceum,<br />

Cerastites macrocephala, Peplis Portula.<br />

Betals.<br />

Peiala. The several pieces into which the corolla is<br />

divided.<br />

1. Posilion.<br />

Opposite, Petala opposltiva, calyci opposita. Placed before<br />

the divisions of the calyx. Berberis, Epimedium.<br />

Interposed, alternate, i?ite7-posifiva, calyci alterna. Alternating<br />

with the divisions of the calyx. Cruciferse, Rosa,<br />

and most plants.

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