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126 INTRODUCTION TO BOTANY. Furrowed, sulcatus. Calamintha vulgaris. Spurred, calcaratus. Having a hollow elongation, resembling the spur of a cock. Delphinium, Tropaeolum. Two-lipped, hilahiatus. With two principal divisions, one above, the other below ; not quite equal, and open so as to resemble two lips. Salvia, and many other labiatae. Calyculate, calycidatus. Having a calycule, or involucrum resembling a second calyx. Calluna sagittsefolia, Limisea borealis. 4. LimJj and edge. Not cut, Calyx 'integer. Having neither teeth nor lobes, used indefinitely in opposition to toothed or lobed. Truncated, truncatus. Appearing as if cut off across. Fissilia. Torn, erosus. Edge uneven, as if bitten by some insect. Chenopodium spinacifolium. Crenated, crenatus. Guarea trichilioides. Toothed, dentatus. With slight angular cuts. Tine toothed, dentlcukUus. With very slight angular cuts. Three-toothed, tridentatus. Triphasia, Cneorum. Four-toothed, quadridentatus. Ligustrum, Cornus. Five-toothed, quinquedentatiis. Stachys and many other labiat£e. Coriandrum, Dianthus, Cucubalus, Silene. Divided, incisus, divisus. Split, lobed, or parted, used in opposition to not cut. ^ Cut, Jissus. Divided, the incisions reaching to the middle of the length of the calyx ; the divisions being narrow. Two-cut, blfidus. Divided into two divisions. Utricularis, Pedicularia palustris, Verbena nodiflora. Three-cut, trrfidus. Four-cut, quadrifidus. Rhinanthus, Reseda salicifolia. Five-cut, quinquefidus. Hyoscyamus niger, Cucubalus bacciferus, Rosa. Six-cut, seocfidus. Eight-cut, oclojidus. Tormentilla. Ten-cut, decemfidus. Potentilla, Fragaria. Twelve-cut, duodecemfidus. Peplis. ^ Lobed, hiatus. Divided into cuts, ^xxt the divisions ar& broad. Two-lobed, hilohatus. Three-lobed, trilobatus, &c. 5F Parted, partitus. Divided, and the incisions reaching nearly to the bottom.

INTRODUCTION TO BOTANY. 127 Two-parted, lipart'itus. Orobanche. Three-parted, tripartitus. Alisma major^ Sagittaria aquatica. Four-parted, quadripartiius. Veronica officinalis, Erythalia campestris. Five-parted, quinquepartiius. Digitalis speciosa, Orontium majus, Borrago officinalis. Many-parted, pUiripartitus. The number of divisions not being required to be exactly expressed, or being really indefinite. 5. Length, in relation to the corolla. Long, Calyx corolla lo7igior. Longer than the corolla. Lychnis segetum, Stellaria media, Arenaria rubra, A. te- nuifolia. Equal, corolla equalis. Stellaria. vulgata. Short, coroUdbrevior. Shorter than the corolla, Dianthus, Stellaria arvensis. 6. Attachment. Adherent, Calyx adherens. United throughout its v^^hole length to the ovary. Compositae, Myrtus, Agrimonia, Pyrus. Superior, superus. United to the ovary, but with the limb free. Punica granatum. Semi-adherent, semi-adlierens, semi-inferus. The calyx adhering to the ovary only part of its length. Limosella aquatica. Not adherent, free, inadherenSj liler, inferus. The calyx totally detached from the ovary. Labiates, Caryophyllese, Fragaria, Rubus, Rosa. 7. Colour. Coloured, Calyx coloratus. Of some other colour than green. Tropaeolum, Andromeda polifolia, Fuchsia, Punica Granatum. Blossomlike, petaloideus. Aquilegia. Doubtful, ambiguus. Appearing like a calyx externally, and like a corolla internally. Grewia. 8. Duration. ^ Fugacious, Calyxfugax, caducus. Falling off as soon as the flower opens. Papaver, Epimedium. Deciduous, deciduus. Falling off after the fecundation of the ovules, at the same time with the corolla, Actsea spicata, Chelidonium majus, Cruciferse, Berberis.


Furrowed, sulcatus. Calamintha vulgaris.<br />

Spurred, calcaratus. Having a hollow elongation, resembling<br />

the spur of a cock. Delphinium, Tropaeolum.<br />

Two-lipped, hilahiatus. With two principal divisions,<br />

one above, the other below ; not quite equal, and open so<br />

as to resemble two lips. Salvia, and many other labiatae.<br />

Calyculate, calycidatus. Having a calycule, or involucrum<br />

resembling a second calyx. Calluna sagittsefolia,<br />

Limisea borealis.<br />

4. LimJj and edge.<br />

Not cut, Calyx 'integer. Having neither teeth nor lobes,<br />

used indefinitely in opposition to toothed or lobed.<br />

Truncated, truncatus. Appearing as if cut off across.<br />

Fissilia.<br />

Torn, erosus. Edge uneven, as if bitten by some insect.<br />

Chenopodium spinacifolium.<br />

Crenated, crenatus. Guarea trichilioides.<br />

Toothed, dentatus. With slight angular cuts.<br />

Tine toothed, dentlcukUus. With very slight angular<br />

cuts.<br />

Three-toothed, tridentatus. Triphasia, Cneorum.<br />

Four-toothed, quadridentatus. Ligustrum, Cornus.<br />

Five-toothed, quinquedentatiis. Stachys and many other<br />

labiat£e. Coriandrum, Dianthus, Cucubalus, Silene.<br />

Divided, incisus, divisus. Split, lobed, or parted, used<br />

in opposition to not cut.<br />

^ Cut, Jissus. Divided, the incisions reaching to the middle<br />

of the length of the calyx ; the divisions being narrow.<br />

Two-cut, blfidus. Divided into two divisions. Utricularis,<br />

Pedicularia palustris, Verbena nodiflora.<br />

Three-cut, trrfidus.<br />

Four-cut, quadrifidus. Rhinanthus, Reseda salicifolia.<br />

Five-cut, quinquefidus. Hyoscyamus niger, Cucubalus<br />

bacciferus, Rosa.<br />

Six-cut, seocfidus.<br />

Eight-cut, oclojidus. Tormentilla.<br />

Ten-cut, decemfidus. Potentilla, Fragaria.<br />

Twelve-cut, duodecemfidus. Peplis.<br />

^ Lobed, hiatus. Divided into cuts, ^xxt the divisions<br />

ar& broad.<br />

Two-lobed, hilohatus.<br />

Three-lobed, trilobatus, &c.<br />

5F Parted, partitus. Divided, and the incisions reaching<br />

nearly to the bottom.

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