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122 INTRODUCTION TO BOTANY. % Awned, aristatcB. Furnished with awns. Secale. Unarmed, 7mUiccB. Without awn, or point. Briza* Glumelle. Stragule, Corolla, Interior glume, Glumella, Stragula, Gluma interior, Glum a corollina, Perigonium. The in- ter7ial particular involucrum of the flowers of the grasses, similar in structure to the glumes, hut peculiar to each flower, and situated next the sexual organs. One-spathelluled, Glumella unispathellaia, unipaleacea. Composed of one piece only. Agraulis caninus, Alopecurus. PI. 12, fig. 13, 14, and 19. Two-spathelluled, lispathellulata, hipaleacea. Composed of two pieces. Broraus, Avena, Secale, Briza. Spathellules. Valves, Spathelles, Chaffs, Spathellulffi, Valvulae, Spathellse, Glum^, PaleaB. The pieces that compose the glumelle. Similar, Spathellidce similares. When both spathellules are alike. Dissimilar, disshnilares. When the lower spathellule is different from the upper. % Two-rowed, distichce. Briza, Bromus. Tiled, imbricates. Briza, Bromus. Conjoined, connatce, coadnutcE, coalitcz. Alopecurus agrestis, A. pratensis, A. bulbosus. Rounded, sulrotundce. Briza. Oval, ovules, Melica nutans. Lanceolate, lanceolate^. Bromus, Avena. Truncated, trmicatcs. Phleum. Concave, concava. Briza, Melica nutans. Compressed, compressce. Oryza sativa. Boatlike, navicidares. Phalaris Canariensis. Triticum sestivum, Secale cereale^ Uncut, integrce. Briza, ^ Membranaceous, memhranacece. Melica 41tissima. Leatherlike, coriacece. Olyra pauciflora, Stipa. 'R\hhcdL,nervatce, nervosce. Secale cereale. PI. 12, fig. 12, Two-teethed, bidentatcE. Agraulis caninus, Bromus ar- vensis, Achnatherium lanceolatum, Aira caryophyllea. Four-teethed, quadridentatcE. Achnatherium lanceolatum. ^ Pointed, mucrojiatce. Uniola.

INTRODUCTION TO BOTANY. 12S Awned, aristatce. Alopecurus, Apera effusa, Agraulus caninus, Holcus, Avena, Hordeumj Triticum, Secale, Bromus. PI. 12, fig. 14 and 17. Awns. Aristae, — athera. A stiff hair, or threadlike point, inserted on the spathelles and spathelhdes, and not appearing to he the continuation of a rib or nerve, hut arising sud- denly from the hack or end. Straight, Aristce rectilinece, rectce. Kneed, geniculatcB. Bent in the middle, Avena. Twisted, torsce. Avena, Agraulus caninus. PI. 12, fig. 14 and 17. Jointed, ariiculatie. Stipa. Featherlike, phcmosce. Stipa pennata. ^ From the tip, apiculares. From the tip of the glumes. Below the tip, suhapiculares. PL 12, fig. 16. Dorsal, dorsales. From the back of the glumes. Avena, Agraulus caninus. PI. 12, fig. 17. From the base, hasilares. ^ Persistent, persistentes. Avena. Falling off^ caducce. Stipa. Bristles. Setse, — chaeta. A stiff hairlike point, inserted on the spathelles and spathellides, heing a visihle continuation and elongation of a rih or nerve. PI. 12, fig. 12. The bristle admits the same distinction as the awn, and has been generally confounded under the same name. LODICULE. Nectary, Glumelle, Corolla, Lodicula, Glumellula, Glumella. An involucriimformed of very small petaloid scales attached to the receptacle of the graminecB with the sexual organs, and surrounded hy the glumelle. One-paleolated, Lodicula unipaleolata. Composed of a single paleole. Two-paleolated, hipaleolata. Of two paleoles. Avena, Bromus, Triticum, Secale. PI. 12, fig. 15. Three-paleolated, tripaleolata. Of three paleoles. Rambusia arundinacea.


% Awned, aristatcB. Furnished with awns. Secale.<br />

Unarmed, 7mUiccB. Without awn, or point. Briza*<br />

Glumelle.<br />

Stragule, Corolla, Interior glume, Glumella, Stragula,<br />

Gluma interior, Glum a corollina, Perigonium. The in-<br />

ter7ial particular involucrum of the flowers of the grasses,<br />

similar in structure to the glumes, hut peculiar to each<br />

flower, and situated next the sexual organs.<br />

One-spathelluled, Glumella unispathellaia, unipaleacea.<br />

Composed of one piece only. Agraulis caninus, Alopecurus.<br />

PI. 12, fig. 13, 14, and 19.<br />

Two-spathelluled, lispathellulata, hipaleacea. Composed<br />

of two pieces. Broraus, Avena, Secale, Briza.<br />

Spathellules.<br />

Valves, Spathelles, Chaffs, Spathellulffi, Valvulae, Spathellse,<br />

Glum^, PaleaB. The pieces that compose the glumelle.<br />

Similar, Spathellidce similares. When both spathellules<br />

are alike.<br />

Dissimilar, disshnilares. When the lower spathellule is<br />

different from the upper.<br />

% Two-rowed, distichce. Briza, Bromus.<br />

Tiled, imbricates. Briza, Bromus.<br />

Conjoined, connatce, coadnutcE, coalitcz. Alopecurus<br />

agrestis, A. pratensis, A. bulbosus.<br />

Rounded, sulrotundce. Briza.<br />

Oval, ovules, Melica nutans.<br />

Lanceolate, lanceolate^. Bromus, Avena.<br />

Truncated, trmicatcs. Phleum.<br />

Concave, concava. Briza, Melica nutans.<br />

Compressed, compressce. Oryza sativa.<br />

Boatlike, navicidares.<br />

Phalaris Canariensis.<br />

Triticum sestivum, Secale cereale^<br />

Uncut, integrce. Briza,<br />

^ Membranaceous, memhranacece. Melica 41tissima.<br />

Leatherlike, coriacece. Olyra pauciflora, Stipa.<br />

'R\hhcdL,nervatce, nervosce. Secale cereale. PI. 12, fig. 12,<br />

Two-teethed, bidentatcE. Agraulis caninus, Bromus ar-<br />

vensis, Achnatherium lanceolatum, Aira caryophyllea.<br />

Four-teethed, quadridentatcE. Achnatherium lanceolatum.<br />

^ Pointed, mucrojiatce. Uniola.

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