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120 INTRODUCTION TO BOTANY. The principal distinctions of the cupule must be taken from its appearance in the fruit. In general the cupule is very different from the common leaves, but there is a regular series of changes from the cupule of the corylus avellana, which resembles two leaves united together by their edges, through the quercus composed of small scales or bracteae soldered together by their lower part, and scarcely differing from some involucrums, and the ephedra, in which the sheaths at each joint are evidently opposite leaves soldered together, approaching near the fruit, and composing a series of cupules set one within another; and so on to the cupule of pinus,' abies, &c. Glume. Bale, Calyx, External glume, Gluma, Calyx, Gluma exterior, Gluma calycinalis, Tegmen, Lepicena. The ex- ternal common involucnim of the Jiowers of the grasses, situated at the bottom of the locusta. Cupule-like, Gluma cupuUformis. Having the appearance of a cupule. Alopecurus agrestis. Involucrated, involucrata. Surrounded by an involucrum. Cynosurus cristatus. 5[ One-flowered, unifiora. Alopecurus agrestis, Oryza sativa, Hordeum, Zeocriton. Two-flowered, Uflora. natus, Aira caryophyllea. Panicum, Holcus mollis, H. la- Three-flowered, trifiora. Antlioxanthum odoratum. Many-flowered, mult'ifiora. Briza, Cynosurus, Festuca fluitans, Lolium, Avena, Bromus, Secale. % Longer than the glumelle, glumeUd longlor. Avena fatua, A. sterilis, Achnatherium lanceolatum. Shorter than the glumelle, glumelld Irevior. Bromus arvensis, Secale cereale. % One-spathelled, unispatheUata, nnipaleacea. Formed of only one spathelle. Eleocharis palustris. Two-spathelled, bispathellafa, bipaleacea. Formed of two spathelles. Bromus, Triticum, Avena, Secale. Spathelles. Valves, Glumes, Chafls, Spathellse, Valvulee, Glumse, Paleee. The pieces that compose the glume. Opposite, Spathellce oppositce. Two pieces, attached opposite each other at the same height. Triticum, Secale, ^gilops. PI. 12, fig. 12.

INTRODUCTION TO BOTANY. 121 Conjointed, connatoB, coadiinatcB, coa.dna(cE, coal'UcB. Two pieces, attached opposite to each other, and joined by their edges. Alopecurus pratensis, A. agrestis, A. bulbosus. One-sided, unilaterales. Attached side by side, on one side only of the axis, at the same height. Hordeum. Alternate, alternw. When the two spathelles are attached on opposite sides of the axis, but with one rather higher than the other. Agrostis canina, Phleum, Phalaris, Briza, Melica, Bromus, Avena. PI. 12, fig. 14. ^ Similar, similares. When both the upper and lower spathelles are alike. Dissimilar, diss'unilares. When the spathelles are dif- ferent. Bromus, Vulpia, Festuca. ^ Equal, cequales. Spathelles of equal length. Triticura, Secale, Hordeum, Phalaris. Unequal, inequales. Arrhenatberum elatius, Panicura, Anthoxanthum odoratum, Lolium temulentura. \ Herbaceous, herhacece. Milium effusum. Membranaceous, me77ibranace

120<br />


The principal distinctions of the cupule must be taken<br />

from its appearance in the fruit.<br />

In general the cupule is very different from the common<br />

leaves, but there is a regular series of changes from the<br />

cupule of the corylus avellana, which resembles two leaves<br />

united together by their edges, through the quercus composed<br />

of small scales or bracteae soldered together by their<br />

lower part, and scarcely differing from some involucrums,<br />

and the ephedra, in which the sheaths at each joint are<br />

evidently opposite leaves soldered together, approaching<br />

near the fruit, and composing a series of cupules set one<br />

within another; and so on to the cupule of pinus,' abies, &c.<br />

Glume.<br />

Bale, Calyx, External glume, Gluma, Calyx, Gluma exterior,<br />

Gluma calycinalis, Tegmen, Lepicena. The ex-<br />

ternal common involucnim of the Jiowers of the grasses,<br />

situated at the bottom of the locusta.<br />

Cupule-like, Gluma cupuUformis. Having the appearance<br />

of a cupule. Alopecurus agrestis.<br />

Involucrated, involucrata. Surrounded by an involucrum.<br />

Cynosurus cristatus.<br />

5[ One-flowered, unifiora. Alopecurus agrestis, Oryza<br />

sativa, Hordeum, Zeocriton.<br />

Two-flowered, Uflora.<br />

natus, Aira caryophyllea.<br />

Panicum, Holcus mollis, H. la-<br />

Three-flowered, trifiora. Antlioxanthum odoratum.<br />

Many-flowered, mult'ifiora. Briza, Cynosurus, Festuca<br />

fluitans, Lolium, Avena, Bromus, Secale.<br />

% Longer than the glumelle, glumeUd longlor. Avena<br />

fatua, A. sterilis, Achnatherium lanceolatum.<br />

Shorter than the glumelle, glumelld Irevior. Bromus<br />

arvensis, Secale cereale.<br />

% One-spathelled, unispatheUata, nnipaleacea. Formed<br />

of only one spathelle. Eleocharis palustris.<br />

Two-spathelled, bispathellafa, bipaleacea. Formed of<br />

two spathelles. Bromus, Triticum, Avena, Secale.<br />

Spathelles.<br />

Valves, Glumes, Chafls, Spathellse, Valvulee, Glumse,<br />

Paleee. The pieces that compose the glume.<br />

Opposite, Spathellce oppositce. Two pieces, attached<br />

opposite each other at the same height. Triticum, Secale,<br />

^gilops. PI. 12, fig. 12.

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