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116<br />


BRACTE^.<br />

Leaf-like organs accompanying the Jloivers.<br />

Floral Leaf.<br />

Bractca. Leaf-like organs, placed near the- flowers^ and<br />

frequently very slightly diferingfrom the common leaves.<br />

Rounded, Bractea suhrotunda. Salix viminalis.<br />

HLeartshape, cordiformis, cordata. Melampyruni cristatum,<br />

Salvia pratensis, S. bicolor, Lactuca virosa.<br />

Spearshape, lanceolala. Orchis morio, O. mascula,<br />

Orobanclie major, Melampyrnm arvense, Mentha rotundi-<br />

folia, Ribes alpina.<br />

Awlshape, suhidata. Cephalanthera ensifolia.<br />

Bristlelike, setacea, Mentha viridis.<br />

Keeled, carinata. Goraphrena globosa.<br />

Fringed, ciliata. Mentha viridis, Calamintha vulgaris,<br />

Brunella vulgaris, Carpinus ulmoides.<br />

Thornlike, spi?iesce?is. Salsola decumbens.<br />

Palmate, pahnata. Fumaria bulbosa, Anthyllis vulne-<br />

raria.<br />

Fealher-cut, pinnatifda. Melampyrum vulgatum.<br />

QovcvhlWie, pectinata. Melampyrum cristatum,<br />

^[ Crowning, coronans. Forming a crown above the<br />

flowers. Fritillaria imperialis, Eucomis regia.<br />

Coloured, colorata. Melampyrimi cristatum, Salvia nemorosa.<br />

Flower-bearing, j?orj/fc'7'a. Bearing the flowers. Populus,<br />

Corylus, Salix, Larix, Cupressus. PL 7? fig. 6.<br />

Bracteole.<br />

Bracteolfe. Smcdler floral leaves attached to the divisions oj<br />

an assemhlaoe of floivers.<br />

'<br />

Tuft.<br />

Coma. An assemblage of floral leaves crouming the tip of<br />

some spikes or racemes.— Salvia Horminum.<br />

Spathe.<br />

Spatha, Calopodium, Valva. A leaflike organ, ivhich at<br />

frst envelopes the flowers, hut afterivards opens and lets<br />

them escape.<br />

Common, Spatha comynimis, Encipsing several flowers..<br />

Arum, Phoei]ix.

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