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Bracteated, Iracteata. Orchidese, Melampyvum cristatum,<br />

M. arvense, Lavandula.<br />

Spathed, spatliata. Vallisneria spiralis foemina. Arum,<br />

Calla.<br />

Involucrated, i7ivolucrata. Having an invoiucrum at<br />

bottom. Brunella vulgaris.<br />

Upright, erecta. Triticum, Triglocliin palustre, Per-<br />

*f[<br />

sicaria amphibia, Bistorta major, Lavandula Tragi, Reseda<br />

lutea.<br />

Hanging, pendula. Trasus pendulus, Musa, Hura cre-<br />

pitans.<br />

Besides these distinctions, there are also to be considered,<br />

the number of the spikes, their disposition relative to each<br />

other, and the insertion of the flowers in each spike.<br />

Spikelets.<br />

Spiculae, Locustae. The small spikes which are the divishm<br />

of a compound spike, or panicle. PL 8, fig. 1.<br />

These admit most of the distinctions of the simple spike.<br />

Raceme.<br />

Bunch, Racemus, — botrys. The flowers are home upon<br />

pedicells, which are generally single-flowered, and these<br />

again upon an axis.<br />

Simple, Racemus simplex. The axis having no branches.<br />

Actea spicata, Cerasus racemosa. PI. 8, fig. 6.<br />

Branched, ramosus. The axis branched. Fagopjruni<br />

esculentuu). Borrago oflicinalis, Acer campestre.<br />

^ Upright, erectus. Acer campestre, Scrofularia nodosa,<br />

S. aquatica, S. scorodonifolia.<br />

Hanging, pendulus. Berberis vulgaris, Cerasus racemosa,<br />

Acer majus. PI. 8, fig. 6.<br />

% Axillary, axillaris. Acer majus, Cerasus raceraosus,<br />

Orobus sylvaticus. PI. 8, fig, 6.<br />

Opposite to the leaves, oppositifoUus. Herniaria glabra^<br />

Phytolacca.<br />

There must alsoibe noticed, the number of the racemeSj<br />

and their position in respect to one another.

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