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102 INTRODUCTION TO BOTANY. In bundles, fasciculate, fasciculati. Grouped together very close, and nearly of the same height. Dianthus bar- batus, D. Carthusianum . PI. 7, fig. 10. In umbels, umbellated, umbellati. On peduncles divided once or twice, the branches of each division being of equal length. Umbelliferse. PI. 7, fig. 1 and 9. In vehiiis, verticillate, verticilla ti. Attached in a ring round their support. Hippuris vulgaris, Myriophyllum verticillatum^DamasoniumDalechampii, Lapathum aureum, lUecebrum verticillatum. PL 8, fig. 4. In half whirls, semivertidUatl. pratensis, Lapathum acutum. In a half ring. Acetosa In heads, in cnpihdos collect!. Collected into a dense round head. Cephalanthus, Jasione montana. PI. 7, fig. 7. In glomerules, in glomerulos collecti. In small heads, placed along the stem, or uniting together to form a larger head, Blitum capitatum. In calathides, compositi, in calathides collecti. Sessile, in a flat or hemispherical head. Compositse. PI. 9, fig. ] 9. f Flosculous,^o5a//o5i. In calathides, the corollae of all the flowers being tubular. Carduus, Centaurium. Semiflosculous, semiflosculosi, pleni. In calathides, the corollse of all the flowers being ligulate. Leontodon, Hieracium. Radiated, radiati. In calathides, the corollse of the centre flowers being tubular, and those of the circumference ligulate, Aster, Helianthus. Or although tubular yet larger. Scabiosa. Also in umbels, cymes or cor^mbi, the flowers towards the circumference being enlarged, Caucalis, Heracleum, Coriandrum, Iberis. Flower-bud, Alahastrum, The flower previous to its full opening. Disposition of its contents. Simple, ^stivatio I^mnseus, PrefoHat io K'lchard, simplex. When the integuments of the future flower £W'e all disposed in a uniform manner. Compound, composita. When the calyx is disposed differently from the corolla, or the external divisions of the perigonium from the internal. Dianthus, Tradescantia Virginica.

INTRODUCTION TO BOTANY. 103 % Valvular, valvariSf valvata. When the petals, or other parts, only touch each other at their edges. Compositse, Araliaceae. Induplicativa. When the petals, or other parts, only touch other, and are then folded inwards. Clematides viticellae. Twisted, olvoluta, contoria. When the petals, &c. are placed obliquely, and cover one another spirally. Dianthus, Apocynise. Alternate, alternaia, alternativa. When the petals, &c. are placed in two or more rows, so that each petal of the exterior rows cover two halves of the petals of the interior rows opposite to them. Liliacese. Quincuncial, quincuncialis. When there are five pieces, two interior, two exterior, and a fifth, one side of which covers the interior pieces, and the other side is covered by the exterior. Calyces of rosee and dianthi. Covei-ing, vexillaris. When one of the pieces, folded inwardly on the middle rib, encloses all the others which are placed opposite to each other. Leguminosas. Snail-like, cochlearis. When one of the pieces, being larger than the rest, and bent in a curve, covers all the rest. Aconitum, many labiatse. Tiled, imbricata, imbricativa. When the pieces are in diverse series, and the exterior series being smaller than the interior, cover them only at the base. Involucra of many of the compositee, petals of double peionies. Calycular, calycularis. The pieces being in two series, the external covers only the base of the internal. Involucra of the seneciones. Enveloping, convolutiva. When each exterior piece in succession is bent so as to cover all the pieces within it. Petals of cheiranthus, and of many other cruciferse. Rumpled, plicativa. The pieces are folded, or rumpled up without any apparent order. Corollse of the papaveraceae, Cistus, Punica. These are the principal variations that have been hitherto noticed, but the study of the flower-bud is still in its infancy, although of great use in ascertaining the natural affinity of plants.


In bundles, fasciculate, fasciculati. Grouped together<br />

very close, and nearly of the same height. Dianthus bar-<br />

batus, D. Carthusianum . PI. 7, fig. 10.<br />

In umbels, umbellated, umbellati. On peduncles divided<br />

once or twice, the branches of each division being of equal<br />

length. Umbelliferse. PI. 7, fig. 1 and 9.<br />

In vehiiis, verticillate, verticilla ti. Attached in a ring<br />

round their support. Hippuris vulgaris, Myriophyllum<br />

verticillatum^DamasoniumDalechampii, Lapathum aureum,<br />

lUecebrum verticillatum. PL 8, fig. 4.<br />

In half whirls, semivertidUatl.<br />

pratensis, Lapathum acutum.<br />

In a half ring. Acetosa<br />

In heads, in cnpihdos collect!. Collected into a dense<br />

round head. Cephalanthus, Jasione montana. PI. 7, fig. 7.<br />

In glomerules, in glomerulos collecti. In small heads,<br />

placed along the stem, or uniting together to form a larger<br />

head, Blitum capitatum.<br />

In calathides, compositi, in calathides collecti. Sessile, in<br />

a flat or hemispherical head. Compositse. PI. 9, fig. ] 9.<br />

f Flosculous,^o5a//o5i. In calathides, the corollae of all<br />

the flowers being tubular. Carduus, Centaurium.<br />

Semiflosculous, semiflosculosi, pleni. In calathides, the<br />

corollse of all the flowers being ligulate. Leontodon,<br />

Hieracium.<br />

Radiated, radiati. In calathides, the corollse of the<br />

centre flowers being tubular, and those of the circumference<br />

ligulate, Aster, Helianthus. Or although tubular yet<br />

larger. Scabiosa. Also in umbels, cymes or cor^mbi,<br />

the flowers towards the circumference being enlarged,<br />

Caucalis, Heracleum, Coriandrum, Iberis.<br />

Flower-bud,<br />

Alahastrum, The flower previous to its full opening.<br />

Disposition of its contents.<br />

Simple, ^stivatio I^mnseus, PrefoHat io K'lchard, simplex.<br />

When the integuments of the future flower £W'e all disposed<br />

in a uniform manner.<br />

Compound, composita. When the calyx is disposed differently<br />

from the corolla, or the external divisions of the<br />

perigonium from the internal. Dianthus, Tradescantia<br />


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