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98 INTRODUCTION TO BOTANY. Hemigoriiarii. Part of the organs of both the sexes changed into petals. Andropetalani. Petals increased in number, and the stamens changed into petals ; the pistil remaining unchanged. Olopetalarii. The floral coverings changed either entirely or in part, and the stamens and pistils changed into petals or petaloid lobes. Agynarii. The floral covers and changed stamens form the entire flower, the pistil being wanting. ylnandriani. The multiplied floral covers and pistils form the entire flower, the stamens being wanting. ^ Bractearii. Changed flowers in which the change has taken place in the bracteae. Calycinarii. Flowers changed in respect to the calyx. Corollarii. Flowers changed in respect to the corolla. Perigoniarii. Flowers changed in respect to the perigonium, or single floral cover. % LiguliferL Compound flowers whose tubular flowrets are changed into ligulate flowrets. Aster Chinensis flore pleno. Tubiferi. Compound flowers whose ligulate flowrets are changed into tubular flowrets. Aster Chinensis flore pleno. •f[ Hen and chicken, childing, proUferi. When another flower, or a leaf-bud grows out of the centre of a flower. Anemone, Dianthus, Rosa, Bel lis. 1 1 . Efivelopes. Naked, Flores nudi. Having neither calyx nor corolla. Arum maculatum, Fraxinus excelsior. Perimithei. Having a calyx or corolla, or both. Liliaceffi, Labiatae, Boraginese, Cruciferai, Carophyllese. P1.9,fig. 12. Petaloid, petaloidei, corollalU bracteati. Having a corolla, and consequently a calyx. Primulaceae, Boragineae, Ca-t ryophylleae. PL 9, fig. 10, 12, 13, 14 and 15. Apetalous, stamineous, apetali, staminei. Not having any corolla. Juncese, Polygonese. ^ Glumaceous, glumacei. Sexual organs enclosed in glumes instead of a calyx or corolla. Graminete. PI. 11, fig. 12 to 19. Bracteated, bracteati. Sexual organs accompanied with bracteas. and 6. Origanum, Convolvulus sepium. PI, 7, fig. 5

INTRODUCTION TO BOTANY. 99 Spathaceous, spathati, spathacei. -Sexual organs accompanied with a spatlie. Arum maculatum, Calla, Palmse, Narcissus. PL 7, fig. 12. Involucrated, invoLucrati. Sexual organs accompanied with an involucrum. Daucus vulgaris. Anemone, Ammi majus. PL 7, fig. 1. Cupped, cupulati. Sexual organs accompanied with a cupula. Cupressideae, Corylideae. 12. Time of fiowering. Springtide, vernal, Flores vernales, verni. Flowering in the spring of the year, that is in England, in April and May. Primula veris, Draba verna. Summer, estiuales. Flowering in summer, that is, June, July, and August. Most plants. Autumnal, autumnales. Flowering in autumn, that is, September and October. Crocus serotinus, Colchicum autumnale. Winter, Jujlerni, hyhernales, hiemales. Flowering in winter, that is, from the beginning of November to the end of March. Galanthus nivalis, Helleborus niger. 5[ Early, precoces. Flowering earlier than those of the same division. Daphne florida, Cornus mascula. Late, serotini. Flowering later than other plants of the same division. 13. Opening and shitting. Meteoric, Flores meteorici. Influenced by the weather which accelerates or retards their opening or shutting. Calendula pluvialis, Oxalis versicolor, Sonchus Sibiricus, Anagallis Phoenicia. Equinoctial, equinoxiales. Opening and shutting at certain hours. Ephemeral, ephemeri. Remaining open a few hours only, and then either fall offj or close never more to open again. Convolvulus purpureus, Cistus, Cactus grandi- florus. Periodical, periodici. Opening and shutting for several days successively. Ornithogalum umbellatuxn, Mesembryanthema. Day, diurni. Open and shut in the course of the day. Anagallis arvensis. Calendula arvensis, Cistus. Morning, matutini. Opening in the morning. Cichorium sylvestre, Leontodon officinale, Nymphsea alba. H 2


Hemigoriiarii. Part of the organs of both the sexes<br />

changed into petals.<br />

Andropetalani. Petals increased in number, and the<br />

stamens changed into petals ; the pistil remaining unchanged.<br />

Olopetalarii. The floral coverings changed either entirely<br />

or in part, and the stamens and pistils changed into petals<br />

or petaloid lobes.<br />

Agynarii. The floral covers and changed stamens form<br />

the entire flower, the pistil being wanting.<br />

ylnandriani. The multiplied floral covers and pistils<br />

form the entire flower, the stamens being wanting.<br />

^ Bractearii. Changed flowers in which the change has<br />

taken place in the bracteae.<br />

Calycinarii. Flowers changed in respect to the calyx.<br />

Corollarii. Flowers changed in respect to the corolla.<br />

Perigoniarii. Flowers changed in respect to the perigonium,<br />

or single floral cover.<br />

% LiguliferL Compound flowers whose tubular flowrets<br />

are changed into ligulate flowrets. Aster Chinensis flore<br />

pleno.<br />

Tubiferi. Compound flowers whose ligulate flowrets are<br />

changed into tubular flowrets. Aster Chinensis flore pleno.<br />

•f[ Hen and chicken, childing, proUferi. When another<br />

flower, or a leaf-bud grows out of the centre of a flower.<br />

Anemone, Dianthus, Rosa, Bel lis.<br />

1 1 . Efivelopes.<br />

Naked, Flores nudi. Having neither calyx nor corolla.<br />

Arum maculatum, Fraxinus excelsior.<br />

Perimithei. Having a calyx or corolla, or both. Liliaceffi,<br />

Labiatae, Boraginese, Cruciferai, Carophyllese. P1.9,fig. 12.<br />

Petaloid, petaloidei, corollalU bracteati. Having a corolla,<br />

and consequently a calyx. Primulaceae, Boragineae, Ca-t<br />

ryophylleae. PL 9, fig. 10, 12, 13, 14 and 15.<br />

Apetalous, stamineous, apetali, staminei. Not having<br />

any corolla. Juncese, Polygonese.<br />

^ Glumaceous, glumacei. Sexual organs enclosed in<br />

glumes instead of a calyx or corolla. Graminete. PI. 11,<br />

fig. 12 to 19.<br />

Bracteated, bracteati. Sexual organs accompanied with<br />

bracteas.<br />

and 6.<br />

Origanum, Convolvulus sepium. PI, 7, fig. 5

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