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Interposed, inlerpositivl, intrafoliacei. Growing between<br />

a pair of opposite leaves, and alternately with them. Stellaria<br />

aquatica, Arenaria lateriflora, Asclepias Syriaca.<br />

By the side of the leaves, laterifoLii. Growing on the<br />

sides of leaves which are not opposite. Solanum Bonariense,<br />

Atropa physaloides.<br />

2. Attachment.<br />

Peduncled, Flores pedunculati. Borne on a peduncle.<br />

Cerasus. PI. 8. fig. 2, 5, 6.<br />

Sessile, sessiles. Not having any peduncle. Daphne<br />

florida, Salsola decumbens, Erythi'eea vulgaris, Cactus<br />

Opuntia.<br />

3. Disposition.<br />

Alternate, Flores alterni. Not placed opposite to each<br />

other. Vinca, Passiflora.<br />

Opposite, oppositi. Placed opposite to each other. Numniularia<br />

repens, Bugula arvensis.<br />

Scattered, sparsi. Daphne florida.<br />

One-rowed, unilaterales. All placed on one side of the<br />

peduncle or support. Digitalis purpurea, Scorodonia so-<br />

litaria.<br />

Facing one way, secundi. When they not only come out<br />

on one side only of the support, but also all face one way.<br />

- Polygonatum vulgare.<br />

Two-rowed, distichi. When they grow in two rows op-<br />

posite to each other. Triticum monococcum, T. Spelta,<br />

Zeocriton distichon.<br />

Four-rowed, tetrastichi. When they grow in four<br />

rows, two rows on one side of the support, and two on the<br />

other. Hordeura tetrastichum.<br />

Six-rowed, liexastichi. In six rows. Hordeuni hexastichum.<br />

Spiral, spirales. Disposed in a spiral line round the<br />

support. Neottia.<br />

i. Position.<br />

Upright, Flores erecti. Directing themselves to the sky.<br />

Colchicum, Crocus, Vinca minor, Ericala verna, Thalictrum<br />

flavum.<br />

Drooping, nodding, cernui, mdantes. Inclining to the<br />

earth. Galanthus^ nivalis, Fritillaria tessellata, C}-pripedium<br />

ferrugineura, Linncea borcalis, Viola odorata^ Geum<br />


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