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fIS nraHOBUCTION TO BOTANY. Floralis, Jloralis. Growing in the place of the flowers. Allium arenarium, A. carinatum. Bud and Turio. .Naked, GermncB nudce. Without any perule. Hippophae littoralis. Perulated, perulatce. Covered with a perule. Daphne, Syringa, Malui, Ficus, Pinus. •y External, exienicE. Appearing above the surface as soon as it begins to be formed. Daphne, Fraxinus, Pyrus, PL 3, fig. 5 and 6. Internal, internee. Hidden in the stem until it is developed. Du'caea, Robinia Pseudo-acacia. f[ Simple, simplices. Exhibiting the rudiments of only one branch. Fraxinus, Ficus, Alnus, Carpinus. Composite, compositce. Containing under a single perule, the rudiments of several branches, distinct even before their shooting. Pinus maritima. ^ Leaf-bearing, yb/ii/er^z'. Producing a shoot of leaves only. Terminal bud of daphne florida, Populus, Alnus. Flower-beariug, Jloriferce. Producing flowers only. Daphne florida, Populus. Slixed, mixla, foliiflorifercB. Producing both leaves and flowers. Sjrringa. PI. 3, fig. 5. ^ Sessile, sessiles. Growing upon the stem without any footstalk. Pedicelled, pedicellafce. Growing upon a small excrescence or support. Alnus communis. Perule. Ferula, The cover of a bud. Simple, Ferula Integrn. Formed of one piece, and therefore torn when the bud shoots. Persicaria and other polygon eae. Scaly, squamosa. Daphne, Syringa, Malus. Petiolane, petiolanea. Formed of enlarged and abortive leaf-stalks. Juglans, Stipulane, stipulanea. Formed of stipules. Persicaria, Carpinus, Ficus. Vernation. Vernutio, Disposition of the leaves, 8cc. in the bud. Revolute, Vernatio revoluta, revolutiva. The two edges of the leaves rolled to the outside. Persicaria maculosa, Carduus, Tussilago. PL 3, fig. 10 and 20.

iNTROtJUCTlON TO BOTANY. ^SY Involute, involute, involutiva. The two edges rolled to the inside. Periclymenum perfoliatum, Viola, Pyrus, Populus. PI. 3, fig. 9, 18 and 19. Convolute, convoluta, convolutiva. The leaves rolled on one only of their edges. Aster, Solidago, Berberis. PI. 3, fig. 8 and 16. Bent, curvativa. The leaves being very large the rolling up is but slight. Circinate, circ'maia, circinalia. Rolled up on their main rib from the tip to the base. The ferns. Conduplicate, condupl'icata, condiipUcativa. Rolled up lengthways, and placed side by side. Tilia, Rosa, Cerasus, Corylus, Quercus. PI. 3, fig. 11. Riding over one another, equitaritia, equitatiua, amplexa. One leaf folded lengthways receives into its folding another leaf folded in the same manner. Carex, Poa, Hem^rocallis. Iris. PI. 3, fig, 12, 17, and 21. Mutually riding, se invicem equitaniia, semi-amplexa, ol- voluta. One leaf folded lengthways receives into the fold only the half of a leaf folded in the same manner. Salvia, Marrubium, Saponaria, Lychnis. PI, 3, fig. 14. Opposite, Two leaves se invicem spectantia, imhricativa, imhricata. opposite to each other, and slightly folded lengthways touch one another's edges. Syringa, Ligustrum. PI. 3, fig. 13. Folded, plicata, pUcativa. Folded in small folds lengthways like a fan that is shut up. Opulus palustris, Acer, Vitis, Althaea, Crataegus, Alnus glutinosa. PI. 3, fig. 15. Inflected, inflexa, replicaliva, reclinata. Folded from tip to base. Cyclamen, Aconitum, Anemone Hepatica, Pul- satilla vulgaris. Applied together, adpressa. Faces of the leaves flat, and close to each other. Amaryllis. > ' GLANDS. Gland ulse. Organs of secretion. Miliary, Glanclulce miliares. Visible by the microscope. Leaves of the grasses, larix, pinus, and almost all the parts of plants which are exposed to the air. Bladdery, vesiculares. Leaves, calices, corollae, pistils, fruits, cotyledons of most aurantiaceae. Globular, globulares. Anthers of cardiaca. Utricular, utriculares, Mesembryanthemura crystaliinum.


Involute, involute, involutiva. The two edges rolled to<br />

the inside. Periclymenum perfoliatum, Viola, Pyrus,<br />

Populus. PI. 3, fig. 9, 18 and 19.<br />

Convolute, convoluta, convolutiva. The leaves rolled on<br />

one only of their edges. Aster, Solidago, Berberis. PI. 3,<br />

fig. 8 and 16.<br />

Bent, curvativa. The leaves being very large the rolling<br />

up is but slight.<br />

Circinate, circ'maia, circinalia. Rolled up on their main<br />

rib from the tip to the base. The ferns.<br />

Conduplicate, condupl'icata, condiipUcativa. Rolled up<br />

lengthways, and placed side by side. Tilia, Rosa, Cerasus,<br />

Corylus, Quercus. PI. 3, fig. 11.<br />

Riding over one another, equitaritia, equitatiua, amplexa.<br />

One leaf folded lengthways receives into its folding another<br />

leaf folded in the same manner. Carex, Poa, Hem^rocallis.<br />

Iris. PI. 3, fig, 12, 17, and 21.<br />

Mutually riding, se invicem equitaniia, semi-amplexa, ol-<br />

voluta. One leaf folded lengthways receives into the fold<br />

only the half of a leaf folded in the same manner. Salvia,<br />

Marrubium, Saponaria, Lychnis. PI, 3, fig. 14.<br />

Opposite,<br />

Two leaves<br />

se invicem spectantia, imhricativa, imhricata.<br />

opposite to each other, and slightly folded<br />

lengthways touch one another's edges. Syringa, Ligustrum.<br />

PI. 3, fig. 13.<br />

Folded, plicata, pUcativa. Folded in small folds lengthways<br />

like a fan that is shut up. Opulus palustris, Acer,<br />

Vitis, Althaea, Crataegus, Alnus glutinosa. PI. 3, fig. 15.<br />

Inflected, inflexa, replicaliva, reclinata. Folded from tip<br />

to base. Cyclamen, Aconitum, Anemone Hepatica, Pul-<br />

satilla vulgaris.<br />

Applied together, adpressa. Faces of the leaves flat, and<br />

close to each other. Amaryllis. ><br />

' GLANDS.<br />

Gland ulse. Organs of secretion.<br />

Miliary, Glanclulce miliares. Visible by the microscope.<br />

Leaves of the grasses, larix, pinus, and almost all the parts<br />

of plants which are exposed to the air.<br />

Bladdery, vesiculares. Leaves, calices, corollae, pistils,<br />

fruits, cotyledons of most aurantiaceae.<br />

Globular, globulares. Anthers of cardiaca.<br />

Utricular, utriculares, Mesembryanthemura crystaliinum.

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