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80 INTRODUCTION TO BOTANY. Three-forked, tricholomus. Divided and subdivided into secondarj', &c. leafstalks by being split eacii time into three. Epimedium alpinum. PI. 6, fig. 1 *[ Tendril-bearing, cirriferus. Bearing tendrils. Smilax horrida. PL 8, fig. 2. Tendril-like, cirriformis. Twining like a tendril. Fumaria capreolata. Clematis orientalis. PI. 6, fig. 14. Stipuled, stipidifenis. Leafstalk, or the primary leaf- stalk, if compound, furnished at the bottom with stipules. Rosa, Ononis, Mespilus Germanica, Oxalis corniculata. Stipellated, slipellaii. Secondary, &c. leafstalks furnished at their base with small stipules. Gland-bearing, glanduliferus. Furnished with glands. Opulus palustris, Prunus. Margined, winged, marginatus, alatus. Furnished with expansions on the sides. Pisum Ochrus, Citrus Aurantium. Sheathing, vaginans. Forming a sheath round the stem or scape. Gramineae, Cyperacese, Umbelliferee. PI. 4, fig. 1. Convolute, convolulus. Resembling a lamina rolled round the stalk. Gramineae. Tubular, iuhulatus. Forming a tube sheathing the stem. Cyperaceae. Inflated, inflatus. Hollow and swelling. Trapa natans. Locular, loculosus. Hollow and divided by partitions. Eryngiura corniculatum. Thorned, spinescens. Ending in a thorn. Robinia Halodendron. Beside these characters, it is necessary to attend to the form of the leafstalk, whether cylindrical, clubshape, grooved, compressed, depressed ; to its length compared with that of the leaf; and to its length in respect to our common measures. LIGULE. Ligula, Collare. A memhranous appendage surmounting the sheathing petiole, at the junction between the sheath and the blade of the leaf. Uncut, Ligula integra. Poa pratensis. CXehf fissa. Phleum crinitum. Torn, lacera. Milium lentigerum. Fringed, ciliata. Holcus lanatus. Truncated, truncata. Avena fatua. Acuminated, acuminata. Phalaris paradoxa. Scalelike, squamiformis. Poa arenosa. PI. 4, fig. 1. .

INTRODUCTION TO BOTANY. 81 STIPULE. Stipula. A leqflike appendage accompanying the proper leaves of the plant. 1 . Attachment to the plant. Cauline, Stip^dce caulinares. Attached to the stem rather than to the leaves, Rubiacea?, Malvaceee, Lathyrus aphyllus, Alnus glutinosa. Araplexicaul, a?nplexicaules. Embracing the stem. Cardamine impatiens, Morus, Ficus. Sheathing, vaginantes, tubuloscc. Forming a tube round the stem. Polygoneas, Alchemilla vulgaris. Hypocrateritbrm, hypocraleriformes. Forming a tube round the stem, terminating at top by an enlarged flat Polygonum orientale, Platanus. rim. Int'eraxillary, inferaxillares. Attached to the stem below the leaves. Berberis, Ribes spinosum. Intermediate, intermedice. Growing upon the stem between opposite leaves. CofFea. In the rubiaceae they unite with the leaves in forming a whirl, really abortive leaves. and appear to be Lateral, laterales. Placed on the stem on each side of the base of the leafstalk. glutinosa. Tilia, many leguminosae, Alnus Ambiguous, amhiguce. Attached nearly equally to the stem and to the leaves. Polygonese, Lotus siliquosus. ^ Petiolar, petiolares. Mespilus, Ononis. Attached on the leafstalk. Rosa, Marginal, marginales, adnatcp. Attached along the sides of the leafstalk. Rosa canina. Piper nigrum, Nymphaea. Detached, base only. solutce. Attached to the leafstalk by their Anterior, anferiores, intrafoliacecB. Joined at their base only to the anterior part of the leafstalk, free at their upper part, and so forming a lamina placed between the stem and the leafstalk. Melianthus, Trifolium pratense, Illecebrum verticillatum, Arenaria rubra. Petiolular, petiolulares. Growing at the base of the leaflets of a compound leaf, upon the petiolules. Dolichos. P1.5, fig. 13. 2. JSlumber. Single, Stipulce solitarice. A single stipule to each leaf. Berberis. In ruscus the solitar}^ stipule appears to be an TOL. I. G

80<br />


Three-forked, tricholomus. Divided and subdivided into<br />

secondarj', &c. leafstalks by being split eacii time into<br />

three. Epimedium alpinum. PI. 6, fig. 1<br />

*[ Tendril-bearing, cirriferus. Bearing tendrils. Smilax<br />

horrida. PL 8, fig. 2.<br />

Tendril-like, cirriformis. Twining like a tendril. Fumaria<br />

capreolata. Clematis orientalis. PI. 6, fig. 14.<br />

Stipuled, stipidifenis. Leafstalk, or the primary leaf-<br />

stalk, if compound, furnished at the bottom with stipules.<br />

Rosa, Ononis, Mespilus Germanica, Oxalis corniculata.<br />

Stipellated, slipellaii. Secondary, &c. leafstalks furnished<br />

at their base with small stipules.<br />

Gland-bearing, glanduliferus. Furnished with glands.<br />

Opulus palustris, Prunus.<br />

Margined, winged, marginatus, alatus. Furnished with<br />

expansions on the sides. Pisum Ochrus, Citrus Aurantium.<br />

Sheathing, vaginans. Forming a sheath round the<br />

stem or scape. Gramineae, Cyperacese, Umbelliferee. PI. 4,<br />

fig. 1.<br />

Convolute, convolulus. Resembling a lamina rolled<br />

round the stalk. Gramineae.<br />

Tubular, iuhulatus. Forming a tube sheathing the stem.<br />

Cyperaceae.<br />

Inflated, inflatus. Hollow and swelling. Trapa natans.<br />

Locular, loculosus. Hollow and divided by partitions.<br />

Eryngiura corniculatum.<br />

Thorned, spinescens. Ending in a thorn. Robinia<br />

Halodendron.<br />

Beside these characters, it is necessary to attend to the<br />

form of the leafstalk, whether cylindrical, clubshape,<br />

grooved, compressed, depressed ; to its length compared<br />

with that of the leaf; and to its length in respect to our<br />

common measures.<br />

LIGULE.<br />

Ligula, Collare. A memhranous appendage surmounting<br />

the sheathing petiole, at the junction between the sheath<br />

and the blade of the leaf.<br />

Uncut, Ligula integra. Poa pratensis.<br />

CXehf fissa. Phleum crinitum.<br />

Torn, lacera. Milium lentigerum.<br />

Fringed, ciliata. Holcus lanatus.<br />

Truncated, truncata. Avena fatua.<br />

Acuminated, acuminata. Phalaris paradoxa.<br />

Scalelike, squamiformis. Poa arenosa. PI. 4, fig. 1.<br />


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