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Dagger-pointed, mucronata. Finishing in a narrow<br />

point. Seinpervivum tectorum, Amaranthus minor.<br />

Hooked, unciiiata. Ending in a crooked point or hook,<br />

Mesembryanthemum uncinatum.<br />

Obtuse, ohtusa. Rounded at top. Berberis vulgaris,<br />

Corrigiola littoralis.<br />

Bluntly notched, retusa. Ending in a'blunt notch. Vitis-<br />

Idaea punctifolia, Amaz*anthus lividus.<br />

Notched, nicked, emarginata. Ending in a sharp notch.<br />

Asarum Europaeum, Buxus sempervirens. PL 5, fig. ] 5.<br />

Truncated, truncata. Ending abruptly by a transverse<br />

line. Aloe retusa.<br />

Bitten, prcsmorsa. Ending as if bittfen by the teeth.<br />

Caryota ui'ens.<br />

Three-toothed, tridentata. Ending in three teeth. Saxifraga<br />

tridentata. Genista tridentata.<br />

Five-toothed, quinquedentata. Hydrocotyle tridentata,<br />

Saxifraga ascendens.<br />

Reverse-heartshape, olcordata^ ohcordiformia. Oblong<br />

and parted at the end into two rounded lobes. Leaflets of<br />

Oxalis vulgaris.<br />

% Circinated, circinata^ apice cirrosa. Lengthened out at<br />

the end into a long point rolled upon itself. Gloriosa<br />

superba.<br />

Ascidiated, ascidiata. Ending in a hollow vase, ascidium,<br />

covered with a moveable cover. Nepenthes distillatoria,<br />

N. phyllamphora.<br />

12. Contour,<br />

Not in the least notched. Folia integerrima. The edge<br />

being without the least incision whatever. Lysimachia repens,<br />

Periclymenum vulgare, Androsaemum vulgare.<br />

Crenate, crenaia. The edge cut into small rounded<br />

parts. Chamsedrys palustris, Betonica officinalis, Marru-^<br />

bium vulgare, Glechoma hederacea, Caltha palustris, Populus<br />

tremula.<br />

Doubly crenate, duplicato-crenata. The crenules of the<br />

edge crenulated also. Chrysosplenium alternifolium.<br />

Reversely crenate, obcrenata. The edge cut into sharp<br />

points, separated by rounded sinuses. Theophrastus Ame-<br />

ricana.<br />

Serrate, serrata. The edge cut into teeth, serratur

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