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66 INTRODUCTION TO BOTANY. Linear, linearia. Long, not above one twelfth of an inch broad; with the sides parallel, from bottom to top. Lolium perenne, Taxus baccata, Juncus bufonius, Poa annua. Ribband, fascialia^ graminea. Like linear leaves, but much larger. Typha latifolia. Awlshape, suhuluta. Linear at the bottom, but becoming narrower by degrees, and ending in a point. Ulex Europseus, Juniperus communis. Hairlike, capillaria. Very fine, and very flexible, resembling hairs. Asparagus tenuifolius. Needlelike, acerosa, acicularia, selacea. Long, fine, stiff, and sharp, resembling bristles or needles. Asparagus aculifolius, Juniperus communis. ^y Dissimilar, dissimilia. Of different figures on the same plant. Quercus nigra, Broussenetia papyrifera, Dorstenia arifolia, Boehmeria, Ludia heterophylla. 9. Form or Substance. Cylindrical, Folia cylindrica, teretia. Long, and like a rod. Sedum album, Cepa tenuifolia. Half-cylindrical, hemicylindricu, liemicylindraceu^ semicyl'mdrica. Long, one face being flat, the other convex. Isoetes, Pinus sylvestris, Typha angustifolia. V\peY\ke,Jistulosa. Cylindrical and hollow. Cepa esculenta, Allium oleraceum. Compressed, compressa. Flattened sideways, so that they are much thicker than broad. Mesembryanthemum dolabriforme. Very much compressed, compressissima. So much flattened sideways, that the sides appear like faces. Iris, many lycopodia. Swordshape, ensiformia, gladiata. Rather thick in the middle, sharp-edged, and narrower from their bottom to their point. Iris, and many irideae. Sabreshape, acinaciformia. Fleshy, and flattened so as to have two edges, one thick and blunt, the other sharp, bent backwards. Mesembryanthemum acinaciforme. Adzeshape, dolabrij'ormia. I*'leshy, nearly cylindric at bottom, flat at top with two edges, the one straight and thick, the other circular, broad, and cutting. Mesembryanthemum dolabriforme. Tongue-shape, Unguiformia. Fleshy, long, convex below, blunt at top. Sempervivum tectorum.

INTRODUCTION TO BOTANY. '67 Gibbous, oihhosa. Fleshy and raised up in a hunch upon both surfaces. Crassula Cotyledon, Sedum dasyphyllum, S. Anglicum. Deltoid, deltoidea. Short, narrow at the two ends, having three faces. Mesembryanthemum deltoides. Three- sided, triqueira, irigona. Long, prismatic, having three faces. Butomus umbellatus, Asphodelus luteus. Four-sided, tetragona. Long, prismatic with four faces. Gladiolus tristis. 10. Bottom. Heartshape, Folia cordiformio, cordata. Longer than broad, parted at bottom into two lobes. Tamnus communis. Erysimum cordifolium, Tilia Europaea, Nymphaea. Oblique heartshape, ohliqua cordata. Heartshaped, with the point on one side. Begonia obliqua. Kidneyshape, reniformia, renaria. Rounded and divided into two broad obtuse lobes. Asarum Europseum, Glechoma hederacea. Halfmoonshape, semilunata, licnata. Rounded and divided into two narrow lobes. Hydrocotyle lunata. Arrowshape, sagittata. Bottom lengthened into two sharp-pointed lobes, not or but little spread out. Sagittaria sagittifolia, Fagopyrum esculentum. Halbert-shape, hastata. Bottom prolonged into two lobes spread out wide apart. Arum maculatum, Elatine hastata. If Unequal at bottom, hasi incegualia. Bottom lengthened more on one side than the other. Stramonium foetidum, Ulmus campestris. Narrowed at bottom, basi attenuata. Becoming narrow at bottom. Polygonum aviculare, Hieracium sylvaticum, Chenopodium. n. Point. Sharp, Folia acuta. The two edges forming an acHtG angle. Epilobium angustifolium, E. hirsutum, Scrophularia nodosa. Pointed, acuminata. The two edges change their direction when they approach each other, and are prolonged beyond the place where they would otherwise meet. Cornus mascula, Corylus sylvestris, Cerasus racemosa. Cuspidated, cuspidata. Long, narrowing by degrees, ending in a sharp hard point resembling awlshape leaves, but much larger. Bromelia Ananas. r 2


Linear, linearia. Long, not above one twelfth of an<br />

inch broad; with the sides parallel, from bottom to top.<br />

Lolium perenne, Taxus baccata, Juncus bufonius, Poa annua.<br />

Ribband, fascialia^ graminea. Like linear leaves, but<br />

much larger. Typha latifolia.<br />

Awlshape, suhuluta. Linear at the bottom, but becoming<br />

narrower by degrees, and ending in a point. Ulex Europseus,<br />

Juniperus communis.<br />

Hairlike, capillaria. Very fine, and very flexible, resembling<br />

hairs. Asparagus tenuifolius.<br />

Needlelike, acerosa, acicularia, selacea. Long, fine, stiff,<br />

and sharp, resembling bristles or needles. Asparagus<br />

aculifolius, Juniperus communis.<br />

^y Dissimilar, dissimilia. Of different figures on the same<br />

plant. Quercus nigra, Broussenetia papyrifera, Dorstenia<br />

arifolia, Boehmeria, Ludia heterophylla.<br />

9. Form or Substance.<br />

Cylindrical, Folia cylindrica, teretia. Long, and like a<br />

rod. Sedum album, Cepa tenuifolia.<br />

Half-cylindrical, hemicylindricu, liemicylindraceu^ semicyl'mdrica.<br />

Long, one face being flat, the other convex.<br />

Isoetes, Pinus sylvestris, Typha angustifolia.<br />

V\peY\ke,Jistulosa. Cylindrical and hollow. Cepa esculenta,<br />

Allium oleraceum.<br />

Compressed, compressa. Flattened sideways, so that they<br />

are much thicker than broad. Mesembryanthemum dolabriforme.<br />

Very much compressed, compressissima. So much flattened<br />

sideways, that the sides appear like faces. Iris, many<br />

lycopodia.<br />

Swordshape, ensiformia, gladiata. Rather thick in the<br />

middle, sharp-edged, and narrower from their bottom to<br />

their point. Iris, and many irideae.<br />

Sabreshape, acinaciformia. Fleshy, and flattened so as<br />

to have two edges, one thick and blunt, the other sharp,<br />

bent backwards. Mesembryanthemum acinaciforme.<br />

Adzeshape, dolabrij'ormia. I*'leshy, nearly cylindric at<br />

bottom, flat at top with two edges, the one straight and<br />

thick, the other circular, broad, and cutting. Mesembryanthemum<br />

dolabriforme.<br />

Tongue-shape, Unguiformia. Fleshy, long, convex below,<br />

blunt at top. Sempervivum tectorum.

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