Here - The Alfred Russel Wallace Website

Here - The Alfred Russel Wallace Website

Here - The Alfred Russel Wallace Website


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IN the present volume I have attempted to summarise and<br />

complete my half- century of thought and work on the<br />

Darwinian theory of evolution. In several directions I<br />

have extended the scope and application of the theory, and<br />

have shown that it is capable of explaining many of the<br />

phenomena of living things hitherto thought to be beyond<br />

its range.<br />

Among these are the detailed distribution of plants and<br />

animals, which I have discussed at some length. It occupies<br />

about one-fourth of the volume (Chapters II. to VI.), and<br />

brings out certain facts and conclusions which I believe will<br />

be of interest to all plant-lovers, and also be not without a<br />

certain value to botanists.<br />

Next in importance are three chapters (X., XI., and XII.)<br />

devoted to a general review of the Geological Record and a<br />

discussion of the various problems arising out of it. Some<br />

of the conclusions to which this examination leads us are, I<br />

believe, both important and of much general interest.<br />

In Chapter VIII. I have endeavoured to show natural<br />

selection actually at work in continually perfecting that<br />

wonderful co-adaptation of the most diverse forms of life<br />

which pervades all nature. Some little-known aspects of<br />

bird-migration are here discussed, and proof is given of the<br />

enormous importance of mosquitoes for the very existence<br />

of a considerable proportion of our birds, including most of<br />

our most favoured pets and songsters. This chapter will, I<br />

think, have a special interest for every bird-lover.<br />


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