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READING 3<br />

Beatrice Forbes Manz, “Tamerlane’s Career and Its Uses,” Journal of World<br />

History 13, no. 1 (2002), 1–25.<br />

Abstract: Tamerlane has remained an important figure in world history, both<br />

because of the impact of his career on the world of his time and because he<br />

remains fascinating and useful to many people. This paper explores the facts<br />

of Temür’s career and the uses made of his image following his death,<br />

showing how his actions together with the stories circulated during his<br />

lifetime served to create a charisma that survives into our time. Tamerlane<br />

belonged to two worlds, the Islamic and the Turco-Mongolian, but was not<br />

eligible to hold the highest office in either one. To compensate for his low<br />

formal position, he deliberately created a persona which bordered on the<br />

supernatural. The dynasty he founded reworked earlier traditions to create<br />

the figure of a dynastic founder within both the Islamic and the Turkic<br />

traditions. Subsequent dynasties in the Middle East and Central and South<br />

Asia used Tamerlane to bolster their legitimacy, while European writers and<br />

historians found fascination in the contradictions of his personality and the<br />

monumentality of his ambitions. Many of the myths recounted later have<br />

their origins in stories apparently deliberately circulated by Tamerlane and<br />

his entourage. There is a striking continuity in the portrayal of Tamerlane and<br />

the use to which he has been put, from medieval Iran and India through the<br />

European Renaissance and Enlightenment to Russian, Soviet, and finally<br />

Uzbek formulations of history.<br />

The Turco-Mongolian conqueror Tamerlane, or Temür, who ruled from 1370<br />

to 1405, had a significant impact on the world of his time. He founded a state<br />

covering the present Iran and Central Asia, crushed the army of the Ottoman<br />

sultan Yildirim Beyezit, and destroyed the power of the Mongol Golden<br />

Horde. To the Europeans and Byzantines, Temür’s destruction of the<br />

Ottoman menace was a reprieve from danger, and for the emerging<br />

Muscovite state, the weakening of the Golden Horde proved a useful<br />

opportunity. Within the Middle East Temür reestablished the frontier<br />

between the steppe and the agricultural regions, and founded a dynasty<br />

famous for its cultural brilliance. After his death, Temür continued to be<br />

useful and fascinating, both in the East and in the West, and it is not too<br />

surprising to find him appearing at the end of the millennium as the<br />

founding father of a new Uzbek nation.<br />

Temür continues to be actively remembered both because of the fascination<br />

for his image and because of his usefulness in the creation of dynastic<br />

legitimacy. Later dynasties thought of Temür the dynastic founder, both a<br />

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Muslim and a follower of the Mongol heritage, as a convenient starting point<br />

for their own dynastic claims. Historians, writers, ambitious rulers, and folk<br />

memory have fed on the drama of his taste and talent for the contradictory<br />

and the colossal. The history of his exploits and the rich store of tales and<br />

myths surrounding his figure assigned to Temür a stature larger than life and<br />

a charisma bordering on the supernatural. In this paper I will follow his two<br />

careers—during and after his life—and explore the connections between<br />

them. While Temür’s conquests were certainly sufficiently spectacular to<br />

furnish material for later use, they were not quite sufficient enough to secure<br />

[End Page 1] the legitimacy of his rule during his lifetime, and we find from<br />

the beginning of his rule a concern with the creation of an exceptional<br />

personal image. A surprising number of the tales later elaborated in Europe<br />

and Asia began during Temür’s lifetime or during the rule of his descendants.<br />

Temür’s Career and the Creation of an Image<br />

Two aspects of Temür’s lifetime achievement set him apart from most men<br />

and put him into the ranks of legendary commanders: his success in<br />

acquiring wealth and territory, and the theatrical nature of his exploits. One<br />

other trait lends a lasting fascination to his figure: the apparent contradictions<br />

of his career. There is a striking contrast between his lowly beginnings and<br />

the extraordinary power he achieved, his modest formal claims and his<br />

extravagant symbolic ones, his illiteracy and his scholarly understanding, his<br />

penchant for building and for destruction. These traits were not a matter of<br />

chance. Temür’s theatricality and the paradoxes of his career were in large<br />

part a response to the difficulties he faced in adhering to the divergent<br />

traditions of his subjects and asserting legitimate sovereignty.<br />

Temür came to power in Transoxiana, on the border between the nomad<br />

steppes and the agricultural Middle East. As a Muslim and a descendant of<br />

Mongols, bilingual in Turkic and Persian, he belonged to both worlds. His<br />

native region had been part of the Chaghadayid Khanate, which was one of<br />

the less powerful and organized sections of the Mongol Empire, controlled by<br />

the descendants of Chinggis Khan’s second son Chaghadai. Temür himself,<br />

although he was a member of the tribal aristocracy, was not a descendant of<br />

Chinggis Khan, nor chief of his own tribe. Nonetheless, through ceaseless<br />

political and military activity, he came to dominate first Transoxiana and then<br />

much of Iran. This was not sufficient for him; he aimed to recreate the<br />

Mongol Empire—at least symbolically—under his suzerainty, and to achieve<br />

recognized primacy over the Islamic world as well.<br />

In the military and political sphere Temür achieved his ambition through an<br />

interesting combination of restraint and extravagance. He claimed<br />

preeminence over essentially the whole of the Mongol Empire, but<br />

constructed an administration in only a small portion of it, in Iran and Central<br />

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Asia. Almost the whole of his long life was spent on campaign. Starting as a<br />

member of the Barlas tribe in Transoxiana, he won his way to power over the<br />

region in 1370. By 1380 he had achieved supremacy as far as Kashghar in the<br />

east and Khorezm in the west, and [End Page 2] he then began to lay claim to<br />

the Iranian region. From this time on, Temür set out to assert his symbolic<br />

power over the Islamic and Mongol worlds. By helping the Chinggisid<br />

pretender Tokhtamysh take the throne of the Blue or White Horde north of<br />

the Jaxartes, he positioned himself as protector of a member of the senior<br />

Chinggisid line, that of Chinggis Khan’s eldest son, Jochi. His conquest of<br />

northern Iran in the winter of 1384 -85 allowed him to invoke the heritage of<br />

the Mongol Ilkhans who had centered their rule in that area.<br />

After this time, Temür set out to bring down any ruler who could rival him in<br />

power or glory. Tokhtamysh, who restored the Golden Horde and eventually<br />

became the supreme ruler of the Jochid house, challenging Temür’s<br />

supremacy within the Mongol world, suffered a final and crushing defeat in<br />

April 1395. The Mamluk Sultans of Egypt and Syria, who controlled a<br />

shadow caliphate and publicly belittled Temür’s religious standing, were<br />

repaid by invasion, defeat, and pillage in the winter of 1400–1401. The<br />

Ottoman Sultan Yildirim Beyezit, who combined spectacular military<br />

successes with indisputable service to the expansion of Islam, met his end<br />

after the battle at Ankara in July 1402.<br />

Temür’s victories abroad were achieved at considerable cost to his armies,<br />

and if he had tried to assert full control over the lands of his defeated rivals—<br />

a region stretching from the Russian steppes to Delhi, from Anatolia to the<br />

Issyk Kul—he would have seriously strained even his rich resources. What he<br />

did instead was to establish a government over a much smaller area—Iran,<br />

Iraq, and Central Asia. These territories he could administer successfully, and<br />

they provided him with a rich tax base and a reserve of manpower which<br />

made possible the showy campaigns that established his fame throughout<br />

almost the whole of Eurasia.<br />

Even though Temür led the largest and most successful army of his time and<br />

dominated both of the political worlds he belonged to—the Islamic and the<br />

Mongol—he was not eligible for supreme office within either of the imperial<br />

traditions he honored. Since he was not directly descended from Chinggis<br />

Khan, he could not claim the title of khan, the mark of sovereignty within the<br />

world of the steppe nomads. He could likewise not call himself caliph, the<br />

supreme title of the Islamic world, since that office was limited to the<br />

Quraysh, the tribe of the Prophet Muhammad. Temür reacted to these<br />

limitations on the one hand through formal strategies of official modesty,<br />

such as the use of a Chinggisid puppet khan and public respect for men of<br />

religion, and on the other by crafting for himself an image of supreme, almost<br />

supernatural personal power. [End Page 3]<br />

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Temür took care to underwrite both Islamic and Turco-Mongolian traditions<br />

and ideas of legality. Since he was not himself eligible for supreme office, he<br />

allowed to his puppet khan the major titles of both worlds, padshah-i Islam,<br />

sultan, khan, which were associated with earlier Chinggisid rulers in the<br />

Middle East, while contenting himself with the modest title amir, or<br />

commander. The nominal precedence given to the legal holders of power was<br />

balanced by statements of extraordinary personal achievement. Temür’s<br />

chroniclers did not exalt the official position he held, but rather his person.<br />

He projected himself as an almost superhuman figure, and used the title<br />

Sahib Qiran, “lord of the fortunate conjunction.” Only some of Temür’s<br />

claims fit well enough with the Persian tradition to be recorded formally in<br />

the Persian court histories; others circulated apparently by word of mouth.<br />

We find them preserved in sources such as accounts left by envoys or<br />

travelers. These sources contain the story of Temür’s spectacular rise from a<br />

low position through personal valor—and brigandage—and his claims to<br />

supernatural powers of perception and to ascending to heaven on a ladder—<br />

all more consonant with the Turco-Mongolian milieu of his army and court<br />

than with the more conservative Perso-Islamic concepts of legitimacy. Stories<br />

of this type are also preserved in the histories of inimical writers like the Arab<br />

historian Ibn ‘Arabshah, for years a captive at Temür’s court, who did not<br />

fear discrediting Temür by reporting the extent of his claims. Despite their<br />

omission from formal sources, these tales clearly survived, as we find them<br />

repeated centuries later. 1<br />

Temür asserted his supreme power likewise through his actions and his<br />

patronage. He showed a talent for grandiosity and theater and a consistent<br />

taste for size. The enormous buildings of the Yasawi shrine and the Bibi<br />

Khanum mosque, the oversize kettle and candlesticks made at his bidding, his<br />

final great convocation witnessed by the Spanish ambassador Clavijo, and the<br />

massacres of city populations designed to rival those of Chinggis Khan—all<br />

objects and events associated with him were created on a scale intended to<br />

dwarf competitors past, present, and perhaps future. 2 The massacres for which<br />

Temür is famous [End Page 4] were not frequent. They were reserved for cities<br />

that rebelled, and they were organized for impressiveness, echoing in scale and<br />

method those of the Mongol invasion. 3 They were theatrical demonstrations of<br />

power, used as a tool to inspire not only fear, but also respect. Temür’s<br />

deliberate imitation of Chinggis Khan served as a form of legitimation; it put<br />

him into the ranks of world conquerors whose successes were so spectacular<br />

that they had to represent the will of God. The question of good and evil seems<br />

to be secondary in the histories of his exploits. Whether he was the scourge of<br />

God or a warrior for the faith was less important than the scale of his<br />

undertaking. In this context it is telling that the historian Sharaf al-Din ‘Ali<br />

Yazdi, writing for the Timurid court, estimated the number of Indian captives<br />

that Temür’s army put to the sword on the Delhi campaign at 100,000, while a<br />

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hostile account by the Indian historian Yahya Sirhindi in the Tarikh-i<br />

Mubarakshahi gave Temür credit for only 50,000 victims. 4<br />

Temür accompanied his greatest shows of destructive force with displays of<br />

learning, piety, and care for the arts. Craftsmen he spared and deported, as<br />

Chinggis Khan had done. He further invited out the learned classes—the<br />

ulama—and debated with them; the masters of chess he challenged and<br />

defeated. His ability to hold his own in learned conversation was attested by<br />

the famous historian Ibn Khaldun, with whom he talked outside Damascus. 5<br />

Temür was well known for his patronage of religious figures. In his<br />

campaigns he demonstrated both respect for them and his ability to compete<br />

with them successfully. At his court in Samarqand he collected some of the<br />

greatest religious and scholarly talents of the age, whose works remained<br />

central to the madrasa curriculum for centuries after his death.<br />

Temür met the contradictory demands of his position by confronting and<br />

surpassing them. He was at once the practical administrator and the<br />

extravagant conqueror, the scourge of God and the protector of religion, the<br />

modest advisor to khans and the sovereign with near-supernatural powers.<br />

All of these images were in place by the time of his death, and did much to<br />

preserve his memory. [End Page 5]<br />

Temür’s Image Under His Successors<br />

While Temür was alive, the successes of his armies, the strength of his<br />

personality, and the symbolic claims he asserted through his actions could<br />

counteract the inferiority of his strictly legal claims to power. It was possible<br />

therefore to maintain official modesty in titulature. For his descendants, a<br />

different system had to be worked out; what was required now was a<br />

dynastic rather than a personal legitimation. Temür bequeathed to his<br />

successors three useful bases for continued legitimacy. Two were formal and<br />

conventional. First, he had established his position as a promoter of Islam<br />

through patronage of scholars, construction of religious buildings, and<br />

campaigns for the spread of the faith. Second, he had connected himself with<br />

Chinggis Khan through marriage and the maintenance of a figurehead khan.<br />

Third, and in the long run most importantly, he had established himself as a<br />

person of extraordinary stature, whose figure could be used in its own right<br />

to lend stature to his descendants. From the moment of his death, Temür’s<br />

deeds, personality, and will became important elements in the legitimacy of<br />

his dynasty.<br />

Temür’s death ushered in a protracted succession struggle, during which all<br />

pretenders to power invoked his testament to back their individual claims. 6<br />

The history of his reign, written at his orders during his lifetime, was<br />

elaborated both in the capital and at provincial centers under ambitious<br />

rulers. The most popular history, the Zafarnama of Sharaf al-Din ‘Ali Yazdi,<br />

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was reproduced in numerous copies, some richly illustrated, and remained<br />

for many centuries an exceptionally popular work. 7 Yazdi and other<br />

historians glorified Temür’s ancestry and his genealogical connections to the<br />

line of Chinggis Khan. 8 The great historian of Shahrukh’s court in Herat,<br />

Hafiz-i Abru, further made it clear that Temür’s successes were due to<br />

heavenly favor, and that he had outdone even Chinggis Khan. 9 [End Page 6]<br />

Now that Temür had become a source of legitimacy in his own right, the<br />

modesty of his formal titles became less acceptable. Historians have noted<br />

that Temür’s son and successor Shahrukh ceased to maintain a puppet khan,<br />

and that references to Temür’s khans were omitted from Yazdi’s histories.<br />

This could be seen as evidence of Shahrukh’s abandonment of Turco-<br />

Mongolian tradition, but as I suggest elsewhere, it may also have been done<br />

to allow Temür’s successors to apply to themselves the titles khaghan, padshahi<br />

Islam, and sultan, formerly reserved for the puppet khans. Indeed, where<br />

Temür had used Chinggisid khans as sources of legitimation, his successors<br />

in Samarqand sometimes used Temür’s name. Temür’s grandson, Ulugh Beg,<br />

who controlled Temür’s original capital of Samarqand and claimed<br />

sovereignty over the Timurid state in 1447–49, put Temür’s own name on his<br />

coinage where Temür had put that of his puppet khan. 10 By the end of the<br />

Timurid period Temür was the sovereign to whose testament territorial and<br />

dynastic claims were referred and had to some extent even supplanted<br />

Chinggis Khan as the standard of might to be emulated or surpassed. 11<br />

Along with the emphasis on Temür as dynastic founder in his own right<br />

came a tendency to exalt his personality. Shahrukh’s court historian Hafiz-i<br />

Abru included in his history a long section on Temür’s qualities as a<br />

patriarch—his concern for his family and the personal care he gave to the<br />

education of his offspring. 12 The author of the Zafarnama, Yazdi, emphasized<br />

Temür’s person by including in his history some verses describing Temür’s<br />

childhood prowess and his preeminence among his playmates, a story which<br />

probably originated from the oral traditions of Temür’s lifetime. 13 While<br />

Temür’s successors were elaborating Temür’s personality for their own<br />

purposes, among their subjects he became a symbolic figure in literary and<br />

popular culture. The poet Sakkaki, writing shortly after Temür’s death,<br />

included in his mystical verse poem a story about Temür who, seeing the<br />

struggles of a crippled ant, learned to persevere despite his own damaged leg<br />

and [End Page 7] arm. 14 A popular invented anecdote linking Temür to the<br />

famous Persian poet Hafiz also found its beginning in the early Timurid<br />

period; it is related by the poet Shuja’-i Shirazi in his work, Anis al-Nas,<br />

written in 830 /1426–27, and was then taken up by the influential<br />

Dawlatshah-i Samarqandi. Temür, when he took over Shiraz in 795 /1393,<br />

sent for Hafiz, and, perhaps humorously, reproached him for his oftenquoted<br />

lines stating that he would give Samarqand and Bukhara for the mole<br />

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on the cheek of his beloved. Hafiz kissed the ground and replied that it was<br />

just such extravagance which had reduced him to his sorry state. 15<br />

Temür also entered into the hagiographical tadhkira literature, as a figure<br />

within legitimizing anecdotes about Sufi shaykhs. Some shaykhs showed<br />

their greater spiritual strength by besting Temür in an encounter, while<br />

others demonstrated their perspicuity by recognizing his greatness. 16 In a<br />

grave visitation manual for Samarqand, we find stories connecting Temür to<br />

the miraculous nature of several graves, including the revered shrine of<br />

Qutham b. ‘Abbas in the Shah-i Zinda complex. 17 By the end of the Timurid<br />

period then, Temür’s successors and their subjects had adapted his persona to<br />

further new purposes. The modesty of Temür’s formal position in relation to<br />

the Chinggisid line and the emphasis on his rise from a lowly position did not<br />

fit new dynastic needs, and were downplayed, while the scale of his exploits,<br />

the fear he inspired, and above all his exceptional character demonstrated<br />

from early youth, were memorialized and elaborated.<br />

The Timurid Legacy<br />

Princes, authors, and miniaturists of the Timurid period contributed to<br />

Temür’s fame in a less direct way as well—by creating a brilliant cultural<br />

milieu which made the Timurid period a model of intellectual and [End Page<br />

8] artistic achievement. Timurid courts became centers for the creation of<br />

buildings, literature, and manuscripts of beauty and refinement. Shahrukh’s<br />

son, Ulugh Beg, a gifted mathematician and astronomer, gathered a scientific<br />

circle in Samarqand which created star tables used for centuries in the Middle<br />

East and in Europe. The last Timurid ruler of Khorasan, Sultan Husayn-i<br />

Bayqara, presided over a court that became a model for succeeding dynasties.<br />

The Timurids gained their lasting reputation not only through the refinement<br />

of the works they produced, but also because the dynasty fell at the height of<br />

its cultural brilliance, leaving behind scholars and artists in need of new<br />

patrons. These men became valued prizes for the dynasties succeeding the<br />

Timurids: Uzbeks, Mughals, Safavids, and even Ottomans. 18 Scholars and<br />

artists trained by Timurid masters helped to set the standards of taste in the<br />

courts of their new masters. In fields as diverse as horsemanship and<br />

agriculture, miniature painting, literary fellowship, and jurisprudence, they<br />

presented the Timurid experience as a model. 19 Several historians began their<br />

careers under the Timurids and ended them elsewhere. Probably the most<br />

influential was Khwandamir, whose monumental and popular work, the<br />

Habib al-siyar, written in 1524 and dedicated to the Safavid Shah Ismail, gave<br />

Temür and the Timurids a prominent place in the history of the Mongol and<br />

Islamic worlds.<br />

The dynasties which followed the Timurids shared many traits with them,<br />

including a mixed nomad and sedentary population and a respect for Islamic,<br />

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Iranian, and Turkic or Turco-Mongolian traditions. The figure of Temür and<br />

the Timurid heritage were attractive to several of them. What made the<br />

package useful was not only the glamour of the material, but also its variety;<br />

the tensions with which Temür and his successors had to cope produced a set<br />

of images and myths which could appeal to a broad spectrum of people.<br />

Inheritors of the Timurid legacy drew on different parts of the Timurid<br />

corpus according to their needs.<br />

The dynasty which relied most directly on Timurid legitimacy was [End<br />

Page 9] the Mughal dynasty of India, founded by Temür’s descendant Babur,<br />

who, unable to overcome the invading Uzbeks, left Transoxiana and in<br />

932/1526 established himself in India. The early Mughal rulers emphasized<br />

both their descent from Temür and their Chinggisid lineage through Babur’s<br />

mother; they were known equally as the Mughals and the Later Timurids. They<br />

traced their ancestors through Temür back to the legendary Mongol ancestress<br />

Alan Go’a, repeating the genealogy recorded for Temür by his descendants.<br />

Timurid manuscripts of the Shahnama and the Zafarnama held an honored place<br />

in the libraries of the rulers. 20 At the same time, while Temür provided<br />

legitimacy, Babur had founded a dynasty, if not new at any rate a new shoot off<br />

the old one. Just as Temür’s descendants claimed that Temür had outdone<br />

Chinggis Khan, so Babur and his descendants recorded those aspects of Babur’s<br />

career which had surpassed the achievements of Temür. 21<br />

At the beginning of the sixteenth century the central Timurid lands fell to two<br />

dynasties: the Safavids and the Uzbeks. For both of these it was the cultural<br />

legacy of the Timurids which held the greatest appeal. The Uzbek khans, who<br />

took over Transoxiana, were directly descended from Chinggis Khan through<br />

his son Jochi and advertised their rule as a restoration of the true Chinggisid<br />

tradition. They thus exalted their khans over the Timurid rulers, whose line<br />

was inferior by Mongol standards. On the other hand, coming from outside<br />

the central Islamic lands, the Uzbeks were not adept in Perso-Islamic cultural<br />

traditions and thus depended heavily on former Timurid personnel for the<br />

establishment of a courtly milieu. Courtiers and literati from the court of<br />

Sultan Husayn-i Bayqara served as tutors in the art of legitimation through<br />

artistic and cultural patronage. 22 The great Timurid Chaghatay poet Mir ‘Ali<br />

Shir, close to Sultan Husayn, became the touchstone of literary merit.<br />

The Safavids, who came to power under a charismatic Shi’ite leader and<br />

conquered the central Iranian lands, were more independent of [End Page 10]<br />

the Timurid heritage. They did, however, take over Herat and they inherited<br />

several famous Timurid historians and miniaturists. From the beginning,<br />

Husayn-i Bayqara and his court at Herat were revered as a standard of<br />

excellence. Temür himself was not prominent in early Safavid historiography,<br />

but in the middle of the sixteenth century, historians began to incorporate<br />

him into accounts of the earlier Safavid Sufi order from which the shahs<br />

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descended, using a story reminiscent of those found in the histories of other<br />

Sufis. Temür, they claimed, had visited the head of the order on his campaign<br />

to Anatolia, and had shown him honor. 23<br />

Temür and the Power of the Individual<br />

For powerful individuals as well as for dynasties, Temür’s figure held appeal.<br />

His interest in international trade and his defeat of the Ottoman Sultan<br />

Beyezit brought him to the attention of Europe, where his fame lasted and<br />

grew through the Renaissance. He became for the Europeans a symbol of the<br />

power of will. 24 The interest he aroused was more literary than scholarly;<br />

Tamerlane was prominent in literature as the conqueror of extraordinary<br />

might, who drove a chariot drawn by defeated kings and dragged the<br />

Ottoman Sultan Beyezit around in a cage.<br />

The Renaissance history of Temür differed considerably from the accounts of<br />

the Persian histories, and stories such as those mentioned above seem to be<br />

Western fabrication, but some anecdotes originated during Temür’s lifetime<br />

and came from the informal sources close to Temür. There was interest in<br />

Temür’s youth and personality, and in his rise from a low position—the same<br />

stories promoted by Temür and his entourage to fit his career into the Turco-<br />

Mongolian tradition. Temür’s sense of destiny, his claim to supernatural<br />

powers and communication with angels also found appeal. The tale of<br />

Temür’s preeminence among his early playmates, found in Yazdi’s Zafarnama<br />

and the contemporary Arab historian Ibn ‘Arabshah, later became part of the<br />

standard Renaissance [End Page 11] story. 25 It is not entirely clear how this<br />

information traveled west. One conduit certainly was the account of the<br />

Dominican Jean of Sultaniyya, who carried a missive from Temür to France in<br />

1403, where he dictated a description of Temür’s personality and career<br />

which contains accounts of his claims to extraordinary powers and his ascent<br />

into the skies on a ladder. 26 However, neither this work nor Ruy Gonzales de<br />

Clavijo’s detailed account of the Spanish embassy to Temür’s court in 1404<br />

were widely circulated before the seventeenth century. As European<br />

emissaries traveled to the court of Temür and Temür’s to the courts of<br />

Europe, stories may well have spread by word of mouth.<br />

Temür held particular appeal for rulers aspiring to personal power, and it is<br />

not surprising that his figure enjoyed a spurt of popularity in Europe and<br />

Asia from the end of the sixteenth century to about the middle of the<br />

seventeenth, a period associated with the reigns of exceptionally powerful<br />

monarchs. In Europe this was the period of Elizabeth 1 (1558–1603 ). Further<br />

east, Shah ‘Abbas (1588–1629 ) in Iran and Akbar (1556–1605 ) in India both<br />

brought their realms to a new level of centralized power focused around their<br />

own persons. In a period of heightened trade and diplomacy, these monarchs<br />

were well aware of each other. In England the lost play Temür Cham and<br />

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Marlowe’s hugely successful Tamburlaine the Great appeared in the last<br />

decades of the sixteenth century. Scholarly interest in Temür also revived,<br />

and we find Clavijo’s embassy account published in 1582, along with an<br />

earlier sketch of Temür’s life by P. Mexia. In the early seventeenth century<br />

came the first translations of Islamic sources on Tamerlane, beginning with<br />

the biography of Ibn ‘Arabshah, written in Arabic shortly after Temür’s<br />

death. As I have written above, this text contained several of the stories about<br />

Temür’s youth and personality which had become popular in Europe. 27<br />

In Asia, Akbar and Shah ‘Abbas began their careers under difficult<br />

circumstances and struggled—successfully—to centralize their realms [End<br />

Page 12] about their own person. Both then used the figure of Tamerlane to<br />

enhance their prestige. Shah ‘Abbas first of all elaborated the existing story of<br />

Temür’s encounter with the Safavid shaykhs at Ardabil. His panegyrists<br />

reported prophecies that Temür foresaw the rise of the Safavids, and<br />

attempted to show that Shah ‘Abbas might deserve Temür’s title of sahib<br />

qiran, Lord of the Fortunate Conjunction. Under later shahs the cult of Temür<br />

continued, though less conspicuously. According to some histories, Shah<br />

‘Abbas’s successor, Shah Safi (1629 - 42 ), received as a present from the<br />

governor of Bahrayn a sword identified as Temür’s. 28<br />

In India it was Akbar who initiated a resurgence of interest in the figure of<br />

Temür. Neither of his predecessors, Babur and Humayun, had fully secured<br />

power over India; this was the achievement of Akbar himself. Along with his<br />

successful military and administrative campaigns, Akbar undertook an<br />

ambitious program of historical writing, which included a lavishly illustrated<br />

history of the Timurid dynasty, Tarikh-i khanadan-i timuriyya, tracing the<br />

history of the Timurid line to his own time. This history contained the story of<br />

Temür as a child playing king among his comrades, brought up by Yazdi<br />

only in verse, but now emphasized by being made the subject of an<br />

illustration. 29 The Akbarnama, recalling the earlier Baburnama, carefully noted<br />

the ways that Akbar equaled or surpassed his ancestor Temür. 30 In the<br />

Mughal realm Temür retained his importance as forebear and example.<br />

Akbar’s grandson Shah Jahan (1628–57 ), who attempted to reconquer<br />

Khorasan and Central Asia, formally assumed the title Sahib Qiran-i Thani (the<br />

second Lord of the Fortunate Conjunction). 31 It was during his reign that the<br />

Memoirs and Institutes (Malfuzat and Tuzukat) of Temür first appeared in<br />

Persian. These two works were supposed to have been dictated originally by<br />

Temür himself. The Memoirs are a retelling of Temür’s life, differing from the<br />

standard earlier histories in a few factual details, and most importantly,<br />

strengthening the emphasis on Temür’s personality and youth. The Institutes<br />

are a mirror for princes and present Temür’s policies of rule as models. 32<br />

They were presented to Shah Jahan in 1637 by Abu Talib Husayni, who<br />

claimed that he had [End Page 13] discovered and translated the original<br />

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Chaghatay Turkic version. Shah Jahan received them with great enthusiasm,<br />

and accorded them a prominent place in court historiography. 33 Both the<br />

Memoirs and the Institutes remained popular in India, Central Asia, and the<br />

Middle East into the nineteenth century.<br />

From this time on Temür’s place within the pantheon of great rulers of<br />

popular and court culture was established, both in Europe and in Asia. In<br />

Europe he provided subject matter for the French philosophes and for<br />

composers Handel and Scarlatti in the eighteenth century, as well as for the<br />

American writer Poe in the nineteenth. 34 In the central Islamic lands he was<br />

firmly embedded in folk culture, used as the embodiment of royal rule and a<br />

foil for the popular folk figure, Nasr al-Din Khwaja, 35 while in the nomad<br />

steppes, he was a popular figure in folk epics. 36 Because of his enduring<br />

fame, Temür remained a source of legitimacy for rulers in Iran and Central<br />

Asia, and was recalled by several dynasties of the eighteenth and nineteenth<br />

centuries. The Turkmen conqueror Nadir Shah Afshar (1736–47 ), who<br />

pursued a bloody career of conquest through Iran, India, and Central Asia,<br />

claimed blood relationship to Temür and consciously patterned his career on<br />

Temür’s. According to Nadir Shah’s court historian Muhammad Kazim,<br />

Nadir, while out hunting, discovered Temür’s buried treasure and an<br />

inscription prophesying that its discoverer would achieve glory. 37 A late<br />

tradition about the tribal Qajar dynasty of Iran (1797–1924 ) claimed that the<br />

dynasty was descended from Temür’s ancestor Qajar Noyan (in earlier<br />

literature, less conveniently named Qarachar). 38 In Central Asia, when the<br />

Uzbek Ming tribe founded the khanate of Kokand in the Ferghana Valley<br />

about 1800, its leaders found it expedient to claim descent from Temür via<br />

Babur, who, according to their dynastic history, had left [End Page 14] an<br />

infant son behind when he fled the area. This infant had been brought up by<br />

the Ming tribe, and for this reason they could now claim sovereignty over the<br />

region. 39<br />

For five hundred years after his death Temür remained important in political<br />

and intellectual life both because of the dramatic appeal of his deeds, his<br />

personality, and the myths surrounding him, and because he belonged<br />

equally to two worlds—the Perso-Islamic and the Turco-Mongolian. To the<br />

Europeans the combination of rude shepherd warrior and intellectual patron<br />

was odd and piquant. Within the vast section of Asia that Temür’s two<br />

worlds overlapped—the Middle East, North India, and Central Asia—the<br />

combination of warrior and cultural patron was more accepted, and for that<br />

reason useful. Within the steppe itself, the figure of Chinggis Khan remained<br />

powerful, but in sedentary and border areas the memory of his ravages and<br />

the fact that he had not been Muslim made him problematical as a figure for<br />

dynastic legitimacy. Temür’s persona was less ambivalent; fully Muslim, and<br />

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emembered for his artistic and intellectual patronage as well as his military<br />

prowess, he could be used where Chinggis could not.<br />

Temür Under the Soviets and After<br />

The two sides of Temür—his appeal as a powerful personality and his<br />

usefulness in state legitimation—maintained for him a prominent place in<br />

history and made it certain that he would figure in any new interpretation of<br />

the history of Central Asia and its place in the world. It is not surprising to<br />

find among the works of the Russian Orientalist painter Vereshchagin several<br />

paintings referring to Temür and his dynasty. The great buildings of the<br />

Timurids, still among the most prominent monuments of Central Asia, served<br />

as a backdrop for several pictures. One of Vereshchagin’s most famous<br />

paintings was an historical recreation of Temür’s rule, showing medieval<br />

Central Asian soldiers guarding the doors of his palace. 40 V. V. Bartol’d, the<br />

enormously productive and authoritative historian of the Middle East and<br />

Central Asia who wrote in the early twentieth century, devoted several<br />

monographs and numerous articles to Timurid history.<br />

When the Soviet state reconstituted the Russian Empire, the history [End<br />

Page 15] of Central Asia and thus of Temür became a state concern and the<br />

subject of repeated revisions. Nonetheless, while Soviet historiography<br />

introduced a new tone, its central concerns were traditional ones: the need to<br />

create a basis for government legitimacy and to determine the role of the<br />

individual in shaping the history of the collective. Temür was now judged<br />

differently, but when we examine Soviet writing we find that the old<br />

formulations were adapted rather than discarded. In recent years the<br />

interpretations of Soviet historians, despite their frequently critical tone, have<br />

in their turn provided the formulations used in the justification for<br />

contemporary Uzbek historians and politicians to claim the figure of Temür<br />

as father of the nation. 41<br />

The first Soviet reinterpretation which helped to move Temür into the<br />

position of an Uzbek hero was the conflation of the Uzbeks with the Timurid<br />

dynasty they had defeated and displaced. In the twentieth century the<br />

concern with purely dynastic legitimacy has given way to the creation of<br />

nations and peoples, even to some extent within the Soviet state. Nationhood<br />

and ethnogenesis became important issues in Soviet historiography. The<br />

Soviet view of nationality, laid out in its classical form by Stalin in “Marxism<br />

and the Nationality Question,” linked territory, language, and history as the<br />

basis of nationality. 42 Such a formulation requires some readjustment of the<br />

historical record for any region, and particularly for Uzbekistan, since the<br />

Uzbek tribes came into the territory of modern Uzbekistan only in the<br />

sixteenth century, and their entry is well documented. Furthermore the<br />

Uzbeks were nomadic, and nomads hold an inglorious place in the Marxist<br />

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scheme of development. To make it worse, they were descendants of the<br />

Mongols, led by a khan directly descended from Chinggis Khan, consistently<br />

reviled in Soviet historiography. The solution was to emphasize the<br />

importance of the Turkic people earlier inhabiting Transoxiana, including the<br />

Timurids, and to downplay the number of new people brought in by the<br />

Uzbek invasion. 43<br />

In the construction of national histories for the Soviet republics, state policy<br />

was to promote cultural achievements over military ones, [End Page 16] as less<br />

threatening to the past of the Russian empire and the future of the Soviet state.<br />

The Soviet republics formed from Islamic regions had to divide up the shining<br />

intellectual lights of past ages, many of whom had traveled widely and had<br />

produced work in more than one language, for rulers of an ethnic group<br />

different from their own. In the competition among Soviet republics for the<br />

glories of the past, name recognition was a crucial issue. Here again, the<br />

Timurid period was more useful than the Uzbek; although Uzbek cultural<br />

achievements were certainly far from negligible, they did not command the<br />

wide recognition that the Timurids had achieved. We find, for instance, that the<br />

early Soviet period brought a surge of publications on the Timurid poet Mir<br />

‘Ali Shir Nava’i, whose name was widely known and respected throughout the<br />

Turkic world. Despite initial criticism of his aristocratic style, over time Nava’i<br />

achieved a secure status as the founder of Uzbek literature. 44 Another popular<br />

Timurid figure for Soviet historiography was Temür’s grandson, the<br />

astronomer prince Ulugh Beg, whose star tables were well known in<br />

Renaissance Europe, thus granting him status as a figure in world culture. For<br />

the Soviet Uzbeks, as for the Uzbek khanates of the sixteenth century, it was the<br />

cultural heritage of the Timurids which was most useful.<br />

The figure of Temür himself gained prominence with the change in Soviet<br />

historiography during the Second World War. The need to encourage<br />

patriotism and to allow glory to military leaders brought the rehabilitation of<br />

previously controversial Russian figures like Peter I and Ivan the Terrible. 45<br />

Non-Russian military heroes on the other hand remained a problem since<br />

many had won their spurs fighting against the Russians. 46 Temür, however,<br />

was not among the most threatening; he was medieval, and unconcerned<br />

with the Russians. In addition, he had done much to destroy the Mongol<br />

Golden Horde, through his duel with his rival Tokhtamish. It seems likely,<br />

furthermore, that Temür, as a man of will, of supreme talent, of personal<br />

power, had usefulness for Stalin’s USSR just as he had had for the<br />

centralizing rulers of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.<br />

In the 1940 s we find a resurgence of Russian scholarly interest in [End Page 17]<br />

Temür. He was one of the leaders whose skeletons were exhumed and used to<br />

create historical portrait busts by the sculptor M. M. Gerasimov. 47 In 1946 the<br />

influential scholar A. Iakubovskii published an assessment of Temür in<br />

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Voprosy Istorii, entitled “Timur (Opyt kratkoi kharakteristiki).” While the<br />

article contains considerable criticism of Temür’s actions, it also shows a<br />

fascination with his personality—his will, character, and ambition. Iakubovskii<br />

emphasized Temür’s youthful manifestations of leadership and consistently<br />

exaggerated his early power in relation to that of his ally and rival, Amir<br />

Husayn Qara’unas. In discussing the first part of Temür’s career, Iakubovskii<br />

placed himself inside Temür’s mind and validated his judgment. Temür<br />

“perfectly understood” that his most important task was to overcome<br />

centrifugal feudal powers and create a strong central government.<br />

Furthermore, the population of Transoxiana approved his policies. 48 The scale<br />

of Temür’s enterprise remained central to his fascination and to his importance<br />

in world history. Temür had done considerable service to the Russians and the<br />

Europeans by destroying the Golden Horde, and by delaying the Turkish<br />

conquest of Constantinople. 49 What Iakubovskii considered reprehensible<br />

were Temür’s purely predatory wars in Iran and Syria, with the bloodshed<br />

which accompanied them. Summing up his argument, Iakubovskii put Temür’s<br />

personality at the center. He was a man of contradictions: of strong will, of<br />

outstanding administrative and military talent, and personal bravery, but also<br />

of cruelty. This was not far from the man who had fascinated Temür’s<br />

contemporaries and Renaissance Europe. Iakubovskii’s article was reproduced<br />

in the Istoriia Narodov Uzbekistana, vol. 1, published in 1950, and became the<br />

standard short account of Temür’s life.<br />

In 1968 the well-known Uzbek scholar lbragim Muminov published an essay<br />

entitled “Rol’ i mesto Amira Timura v istorii Srednei Azii,” presented for the<br />

2500th anniversary of Samarqand. Muminov devoted several pages to the<br />

evaluation of Temür by Uzbek, Russian, and western European scholars, thus<br />

emphasizing his stature in world history. Like Iakubovskii, Muminov praised<br />

Temür’s organizational abilities and his centralization of power. Though he<br />

admitted Temür’s cruelty, he emphasized his cultural activities, echoing the<br />

concerns of the occasion and of a new period of Soviet historiography.<br />

Muminov [End Page 18] gave Temür’s rule a relatively positive assessment<br />

overall, and differed from Bartol’d and Iakubovskii in his willingness to<br />

accept Temür’s Memoirs and Institutes as genuine; he used lengthy quotes<br />

from these works to illustrate Temür’s character. 50 Like the Indian Timurids<br />

in the seventeenth century, the modern Uzbeks found a use for a legendary<br />

Temür as law-giving patriarch and dynastic founder.<br />

By this time the appeal of outstanding personalities was waning in Soviet<br />

historiography, and Muminov’s characterization brought harsh criticism in<br />

articles published in central journals in 1973. Two issues particularly engaged<br />

the critics: first Muminov’s positive assessment of Temür’s personality, and<br />

second, the historical weight given to a single person. The longer article, by<br />

the scholar A. P. Novosel’tsev, published in the highly visible journal Voprosy<br />

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Istorii, criticized not only Muminov’s interpretation, but also those of Bartol’d<br />

and Iakubovskii. Novosel’tsev attacked Temür’s legitimacy as a Central Asian<br />

ruler by firmly attaching him to Mongol traditions, underlining his similarity<br />

to Chinggis Khan and the parallels between his state and the Golden<br />

Horde. 51 Temür’s campaigns and organizational activities were undertaken<br />

not for the benefit of the population, but to further the interest of the nomad<br />

aristocracy who made up his following. 52 In Novosel’tsev’s analysis, the<br />

history of Temür and the Timurids, despite the brief upsurge of culture in the<br />

fifteenth century, should be seen as part of the steady decline of Transoxiana<br />

associated with the continued influx and influence of nomads. The arrival of<br />

the Uzbeks themselves at the end of the Timurid period was another step<br />

along this path. 53<br />

Novosel’tsev’s grim picture of Central Asian history had more usefulness for<br />

Russian than for Uzbek historiography. It is not surprising that the Uzbek<br />

scholar M. A. Abduraimov offered a more limited correction. His article,<br />

published in Istoriia SSSR, also a central journal, was a review of recent<br />

literature on the Timurids. Abduraimov prudently limited his direct<br />

corrections to Central Asian scholars. He criticized two scholars for their<br />

idealization of Temür’s great-grandson Babur as ruler, rather than simply as<br />

author, and then proceeded to a discussion of Muminov’s work. Like<br />

Novosel’tsev, he stressed Temür’s cruelty, downplayed his achievement in<br />

centralization, and connected him both to the nomad aristocracy and to the<br />

Mongols. Abduraimov, [End Page 19] however, differed from Novosel’tsev in<br />

his positive assessment of Timurid cultural achievements. Cultural figures<br />

could safely be celebrated, so long as the role of the masses was stressed over<br />

that of the ruler. 54<br />

While these two articles made it clear that praise of Temür was not allowed,<br />

they did nothing to promote a vision of Uzbek history which could omit him.<br />

Indeed, Temür’s importance was underlined by the heat of the attack and the<br />

prominence of the journals used. In Uzbekistan, therefore, the Timurid<br />

period, with its conspicuous buildings, poets, and scholar princes, continued<br />

as the period of classic cultural achievement. Although Temür himself could<br />

not be exalted, he could also not be omitted without threatening the position<br />

of cherished cultural icons, since he was the figure that connected various<br />

members of the dynasty, and allowed Uzbeks to claim cultural figures from<br />

different parts of Temür’s realm beyond their twentieth-century borders. Mir<br />

‘Ali Shir Nava’i, now secure as the founder of Uzbek literature, and his<br />

patron the poet-prince Husayn-i Bayqara, had lived and written in the later<br />

Timurid capital of Herat, in Afghanistan. If these men were to be claimed as<br />

central figures in the history of Uzbekistan, and connected with the attractive<br />

astronomer-prince Ulugh Beg of Samarqand, Temür and the realm he created<br />

could not be left out of the picture.<br />

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Temür in Independent Uzbekistan<br />

When it became possible to begin the rewriting of Uzbek history during the<br />

period of perestroika in the late 1980s, Temür was well positioned to become<br />

a beneficiary. National republics were eager to break loose from earlier Soviet<br />

strictures and to promote a more local and independent view of history.<br />

Soviet Russian historians had given Temür secure status as an important<br />

figure in world history and had criticized him sufficiently to allow an Uzbek<br />

revision and rehabilitation. Several of Temür’s descendants were central<br />

cultural icons, along with the writers and artists they had patronized. If the<br />

Uzbeks were to abandon these figures, they would fall badly behind the<br />

Tajiks, whose possession of the Persian heritage allowed them to claim a<br />

brilliant array of writers.<br />

It is clear that attempts to rehabilitate Temür began at the very dawn of<br />

liberalization, since this was one of the historical tendencies denounced at the<br />

plenum of the Uzbek Party Central Committee in [End Page 20] October<br />

1986. 55 After the achievement of independence, the Uzbek educational<br />

establishment decided to give greater weight both to Central Asian history<br />

and to the more distant past, earlier slighted in favor of the Soviet period. Not<br />

surprisingly, the new formulation elevated Temür. The shift was one in tone<br />

and judgment, rather than content, and while Temür switched from villain to<br />

hero, little else changed. The 1992 school textbook, Istoriia Narodov<br />

Uzbekistana, prepared for the new school curriculum, shows us how little<br />

fundamental reinterpretation was needed in the new formulation of Temür’s<br />

life. The section on his career is largely an abridgment of Iakubovskii’s article,<br />

differing primarily in its omission of critical passages and in downplaying<br />

Temür’s western and southern campaigns. The text rehabilitates Muminov’s<br />

article and his acceptance of Temür’s Institutes as genuine. 56<br />

Temür has not only been rehabilitated; he has been given the stature of father<br />

of the Uzbek nation. There are several reasons for this choice. First of all,<br />

there are few other suitable candidates. There is no major figure of national<br />

resistance from either the Russian or the Soviet period; Uzbekistan did not<br />

win its independence from Russia; rather, it had independence come to it. 57<br />

There are likewise few useful figures from earlier periods. In the pre-modem<br />

history of the region, there are two dynasties which might have challenged<br />

the Timurids as founding fathers, but both present problems within the<br />

formulation of Uzbek history developed under the Soviets, problems still<br />

largely in place. The first essentially independent Muslim dynasty of this area<br />

was the Samanid dynasty of the ninth century, which initiated a period of<br />

great cultural florescence. However, since the Samanids were of Iranian<br />

descent and promoted Persian culture, they cannot serve as progenitors of a<br />

Turkic nation. The states which gave Uzbekistan its name and approximate<br />

borders were the Uzbek dynasties founded by Muhammad Shibani Khan in<br />

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the sixteenth century, but two issues militate against the choice of<br />

Muhammad Shibani and his descendants. First of all, when [End Page 21]<br />

they took over Transoxiana, the Uzbeks were a largely nomadic group, and as<br />

such cannot count among the progressive forces in world history. The<br />

accepted interpretation of Uzbek ethnogenesis strongly downplays the<br />

importance of the Uzbek invasion in the formation of the Uzbek nation.<br />

Secondly, the Shibanids were descendants of Chinggis Khan and promoted a<br />

Chinggisid restoration in Transoxiana. The independent Uzbeks have<br />

continued the negative Soviet attitude towards the Mongols, using them<br />

sometimes as unspoken commentary on Russian domination. 58 A selfproclaimed<br />

restorer of Mongol tradition therefore will not serve as hero<br />

within the narrative currently being presented.<br />

Most importantly, neither the Samanids nor the Uzbeks achieved quite the<br />

worldwide prestige and recognition that Temür and his descendants enjoy. It<br />

is probably this aspect of Timurid history, more than anything else, which<br />

makes Temür suitable for the role he now plays in Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan<br />

did not have to fight for its independence, but it does have to struggle for<br />

recognition as a power in its own right, now that it is no longer part of the<br />

Soviet Union. In the Soviet period, whatever the drawbacks of Uzbekistan’s<br />

position, it was part of a superpower; the history taught in its textbooks and<br />

the monuments gracing its squares testified to that fact. Now that the USSR is<br />

dissolved, it is necessary to find another source of prestige. It is in this effort<br />

that Temür can be useful. The breadth of Temür’s conquests and his<br />

reputation are major assets, both because they boost the prestige of<br />

Uzbekistan within Central Asia, and because they give it an independent<br />

place in world history. 59 It is worth noting that the statue of Amir Temür in<br />

the central square of Tashkent has replaced a bust of Karl Marx, an equally<br />

international figure. 60<br />

The literature surrounding the Jubilee of 1996 on Temür’s supposed 660th<br />

anniversary shows the importance given Temür’s world stature. The year<br />

was marked by two conferences cosponsored by UNESCO and the Uzbek<br />

government. The Paris conference and accompanying book were entitled<br />

“Amir Temür in World History”; the Tashkent conference, “Temür and His<br />

Role in World History.” At both conferences President Karimov presented<br />

speeches describing Temür’s importance. The widespread knowledge of<br />

Temür and interest in him outside of Central Asia was a central subject, as<br />

was the deliberate denigration of his achievements during the period of<br />

Soviet colonial rule. Temür and [End Page 22] his descendants served not<br />

only their homeland of Central Asia, but also Europe, both by turning back<br />

the wild Ottoman hordes and by producing works that made up part of the<br />

European Renaissance—a reference to Ulugh Beg’s star tables. 61 President<br />

Karimov bestowed the order of Amir Temür on the French author Lucien<br />

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Kehren, who has written a popular biography of Temür and has done much<br />

to publicize Uzbekistan and Timurid culture in France. It is noteworthy that<br />

Kehren’s book presents Temür as a man of destiny, of extraordinary will and<br />

personal power, and at the same time, describes in some detail the cruelty<br />

which accompanied his campaigns. 62 In the twentieth century, as in the<br />

fifteenth, what matters more than moral judgment is the recognition of Temür<br />

as an outstanding figure in world history.<br />

In his Tashkent speech, Karimov listed numerous reasons for the importance<br />

of Amir Temür in the history of Uzbekistan. First of all Karimov emphasized<br />

Temür’s creation of a centralized government, then his recognition of the<br />

importance of trade and international ties, his building activities, his<br />

religiosity, and his promotion of scholarly activity, all models of behavior for<br />

modern Uzbekistan. Temür, Karimov suggested, was a man of destiny, sent<br />

to liberate and uplift his homeland at a difficult time—that of Mongol<br />

domination. It was not pure chance, however, that such a man should arise in<br />

Uzbekistan, nor was it by chance that other men of genius, including Temür’s<br />

scholarly descendants, should exist here. This region had been for thousands<br />

of years a seat of high culture. 63 The image presented was that of a region<br />

central to world history, which in recent years had been artificially denied<br />

recognition due to Soviet domination. Now that Russian control has ended,<br />

Uzbekistan can take its proper place, not only as an independent nation, but<br />

as the recognized heir to powerful and creative states.<br />

There is not only one version of Temür’s career current in contemporary<br />

Uzbekistan; this remains a story which can be tailored to different needs. Both<br />

the variety of imagery originally presented by Temür himself and his heirs,<br />

and the vagaries of Soviet historiography present a wide and useful set of<br />

choices to Uzbek historians. In particular, Temür’s distinction between<br />

campaigns for glory and conquests of permanent [End Page 23] territory<br />

allow different narratives for internal and external consumption. Iakubovskii<br />

had emphasized Temür’s centralization and his campaigns against<br />

Tokhtamish, chronicling his other campaigns more critically and less fully.<br />

The 1992 Istoriia Narodov Uzbekistana follows Iakubovskii closely in his<br />

account of Temür’s northern campaigns against Tokhtamish, but gives only a<br />

few sentences to his other outside campaigns, creating the impression that his<br />

domains were strongly centered in Transoxiana, and were essentially<br />

coterminous with present-day Uzbekistan. 64 The massacres are quietly<br />

omitted. In the account of Temür’s career in the Paris UNESCO volume, also<br />

written by an Uzbek historian but aimed at in international audience, we find<br />

the opposite approach. Here the breadth of military activity is fully<br />

portrayed, and in the map of Temür’s realm, even Delhi, where Temür set up<br />

no administration, is included among the lands controlled by Temür. Temür<br />

intended to reunite the lands of the Mongol Empire, an ambition apparently<br />

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quite justified; his campaigns against Iran, Syria, and the Ottomans were<br />

attempts to preserve international order and protect trade routes. 65<br />

The activities surrounding the jubilee revived Temür as a magnet for popular<br />

stories. While walking around Samarqand in the summer of 1996, I heard<br />

several new accounts of his sayings and deeds. A storekeeper informed me on<br />

Temür’s authority that one Tajik of Samarqand was worth several from<br />

Bukhara. A cook at a kabob stand told me that he had heard from reliable<br />

sources that the one surviving map showing the location of Temür’s lost<br />

treasure was now in the United States.<br />

Conclusion<br />

During his lifetime Temür and his followers showed themselves well aware of<br />

the importance of presentation, and formulated an image and a legitimation<br />

designed to appeal to a spectrum of people with varying traditions. In<br />

formulating his persona Temür echoed actions of past rulers, copying both the<br />

grandiose campaign and massacre style of Chinggis Khan and the patronage of<br />

learning and high culture approved within the Perso-Islamic tradition. In<br />

histories and documents from the Timurid period, we see legitimation using<br />

Turco-Mongolian traditions, more or less filtered through Iranian custom<br />

according [End Page 24] to genre and occasion. Temür’s descendants further<br />

developed his figure as founding father in his own right, adding stories about<br />

his childhood prowess and his activities as patriarch. To this formulation they<br />

then contributed their own cultural achievements, and passed on to succeeding<br />

dynasties a package which has shown enduring appeal.<br />

It is striking how constant the image and use of Temür has remained through<br />

the centuries, and how much of his continuing attraction came from<br />

formulations already in place shortly after his death. Despite the changes in<br />

state legitimation, society, and culture in the centuries since Temür lived, the<br />

ideal of the powerful ruler, ruthless and charismatic, seems to have remained<br />

disconcertingly constant. The image of a man of will and destiny rising from<br />

low station to rule the world, which Temür and his entourage encouraged<br />

orally during his lifetime, appealed strongly to the writers of the European<br />

Renaissance, to wartime Soviet writers, and now to the rulers of independent<br />

Uzbekistan. The dynastic patriarch, great centralizer and promoter of order,<br />

the field commander who honors and even outshines the scholars of his day,<br />

has also had an enduring attraction for numerous ambitious rulers since,<br />

from Akbar to Karimov.<br />

Notes<br />

1. B.A.F. Manz, “Tamerlane and the Symbolism of Sovereignty,” Iranian<br />

Studies, vol. XXI, no. 1–2 (1988): pp. 107–11, 114–18.<br />

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2. For Temür’s taste for the monumental, see Thomas Lentz and Glenn D.<br />

Lowry, Timur and the Princely Vision: Persian Art and Culture in the Fifteenth<br />

Century, Los Angeles, 1989, pp. 17–49; Lisa Golombek, “Tamerlane,<br />

Scourge of God,” Asian Art, vol. 11, no. 2 (1989): pp. 31–61. The kettle<br />

commissioned for the shrine of Ahmad Yasawi, still extant, is the largest<br />

preserved piece of Islamic metalwork, and measures two and a half<br />

meters in diameter. See Linda Kamaroff, “The Timurid Phase in Iranian<br />

Metalwork: Formulation and Realization of a Style” (unpublished Ph.D.<br />

dissertation, New York University, 1984), pp. 174–265.<br />

3. See, for example, H. R. Roemer, “Timur in Iran,” in Cambridge History of<br />

Iran, Cambridge, 1986, pp. 55–56; Lentz and Lowry, pp. 26–27; Jean Aubin,<br />

“Comment Tamerlan prenait les villes,” Studia Islamica, vol. XIX (1963):<br />

pp. 121–22.<br />

4. Irfan Habib, “Timur in the Political Tradition and Historiography of<br />

Moghul India,” in L’Héritage timouride, Iran-Asie Centrale-Inde, XVe-XVIIIe<br />

siècles, Cahiers d’ Asie Centrale, no. 3–4 (1997): pp. 296–97. Yazdi’s<br />

discussion of Temür’s destruction is reminiscent of Juwayni’s detailed<br />

account of Mongol atrocities, which was written for a Mongol patron.<br />

5. Walter J. Fischel, Ibn Khaldun and Tamerlane. Their historic meeting in<br />

Damascus, 1401 A.D. (803 A.H.), Berkeley, 1952.<br />

6. Even though Temür’s successor was successfully challenged, this was not<br />

done lightly. See Beatrice F. Manz, “Temür and the Problem of a<br />

Conqueror’s Legacy,” Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Series 3, vol. 8,<br />

pt. 1 (1998): pp. 34–35; Priscilla P. Soucek, “Eskandar b. ‘Omar Sayx b.<br />

Timur: A Biography,” in Michele Bernardini, ed., La civiltà timuride come<br />

fenomeno internazionale, Oriente Moderno, Nuova serie, Anno XV (LXXVI),<br />

1996, p. 76.<br />

7. John W. Woods, “The Rise of Timurid Historiography,” Journal of Near<br />

Eastern Studies, vol. 46 (1987): pp. 81–106; Lentz and Lowry, pp. 103, 262.<br />

8. See John E. Woods, “Timur’s Genealogy,” in M. M. Mazzaoui and V. B.<br />

Moreen, eds., Intellectual Studies on Islam, Salt Lake City, 1990, pp. 85–86.<br />

9. H.afiz.-i Abru, Majmu’a al-tawarikh, ms. Istanbul, Damad Ibrahim Pasha,<br />

919, 925b–27a.<br />

10. When Temür’s grandson Khalil Sultan took over Samarqand shortly after<br />

Temür’s death, he raised his own khan to the throne: the son of Temür’s<br />

original heir designate, Muhammad Sultan. See Manz, “Temür and the<br />

Problem of a Conqueror’s Legacy,” pp. 34, 36–37.<br />

11. See, for instance, The Babur-Nama in English, trans. Annette Beveridge,<br />

London, 1922, pp. 14, 520.<br />

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12. Hāfiz-i Abrū, Majma’ al-tawārīkh, ms. Istanbul, Fatih 4371/1, ff. 3a-10b.<br />

13. Sharaf al-Din ‘Ali Yazdi, Zafarnama, ed. Muhammad ‘Abbasi, Tehran,<br />

1336/1957, vol. 1, pp. 11–12. Less flattering versions of this story are found<br />

in Ibn ‘Arabshah. See Ibn ‘Arabshah, Tamerlane or Timur the Great Amir,<br />

trans. J. H. Sanders, London, 1936, pp. 2–5.<br />

14. J. Eckmann, “Die tschaghataische Literatur”, Philologiae Turcicae<br />

Fundamenta, vol. II, Wiesbaden, 1964, p. 318.<br />

15. Wheeler Thackston, ed. and trans., A Century of Princes. Sources on Timurid<br />

History and Art, Cambridge, Mass., 1988, p. 13; A. Schimmel, “H.afiz. and<br />

his Contemporaries,” in Cambridge History of Iran, vol. 6, p. 935.<br />

16. Jürgen Paul, “Scheiche und Herrscher im Khanat Cagatay,” Der Islam, vol.<br />

67, no. 2 (1990): pp. 297–313; Jean Aubin, Matériaux pour la biographie de<br />

Shah Ni’matullah Wali Kermani, Tehran and Paris, 1956, pp. 42–44, 165.<br />

17. Iraj Afshar, ed., Qandiyya wa Samariyya: du risala dar tarikh-i mazarat wa<br />

jughrafiya-i Samarqand, Tehran, 1367/1988–89 pp. 64–76, 117–23. As this<br />

work contains material from different periods, the exact date of these<br />

stories remains uncertain.<br />

18. Hanna Sohrweide, “Dichter und Gelehrte aus dem Ostem im osmanischen<br />

Reich (1453–1600): Ein Beitrag zur türkisch-persischen Kulturgeschichte,”<br />

Der Islam, vol. 46, no. 3 (1970): pp. 263, 273–6; Michael Rogers,<br />

“Centralization and Timurid Creativity,” in La civiltà timuride, vol. II, pp.<br />

536–7, 539–40.<br />

19. Maria E. Subtelny, “The Timurid Legacy: a Reaffirmation and a<br />

Reassessment,” in L’Héritage timouride, pp. 9–14; Maria Szuppe,<br />

“L’Évolution de l’image de Timour et des Timourides dans<br />

l’historiographie safavide, XVIe-XVIIIe siècles,” in idem, pp. 316–17. See<br />

also Rogers, above.<br />

20. Irfan Habib, “Timur in the Political Tradition and Hagiography of Mughal<br />

India,” pp. 299–301; Michael Brand and Glenn D. Lowry, Akbar’s India: Art<br />

from the Mughal City of Victory, New York, 1985, pp. 14–17, 88–93. Temür’s<br />

descendants, who were major patrons of book production, had continued<br />

the Ilkhanid tradition of creating royal manuscripts of the Shahnama, along<br />

with illustrated copies of the Zafarnama, as mentioned above.<br />

21. Babur-Nama, pp. 382, 520; Geoff Watson, “Tradition, Transplantation,<br />

Transformation: Central Asia in the Making of the Mughal Empire”<br />

(unpublished M.A. thesis, University of Canterbury, 1992), pp. 119–20; H.<br />

Beveridge, trans., The Akbarnama of Abu-l-Fazl, Calcutta, 1897, repr. Delhi,<br />

1977, vol. I, pp. 244–45.<br />

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22. See Maria Subtelny, “Art and Politics in Early 16th-Century Central Asia,”<br />

Central Asiatic Journal, vol. 27, no. 1–2 (1983): pp. 121–48.<br />

23. Maria Szuppe, “Timour et les Timourides dans l’historiographie<br />

safavide,” pp. 318–19; Sholeh Quinn, “Historical Writing during the Reign<br />

of Shah Abbas I” (unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago,<br />

1993), pp. 104–109.<br />

24. Hallett Smith, “Tamburlaine and the Renaissance,” Elizabethan Studies and<br />

other Essays in Honor of George F. Reynolds, University of Colorado Studies,<br />

Series B, Boulder, Colo., 1945, pp. 126–31; Tilman Nagel, “Tamerlan im<br />

Verständnis der Renaissance,” La civiltà timuride, vol. I, pp. 203–12;<br />

Vincent Fourniau, “Quelque aspects du thème timouride dans la culture<br />

française du XVe au XIXe siècle,” La civiltà timuride, vol. I, pp. 283–304.<br />

25. Nagel, p. 207; H. Smith, p. 127.<br />

26. Jean of Sultaniyya’s account was included in the Chronographia regum<br />

Francorum and also attached to the French translation of the Armenian<br />

history of King Hetum, entitled Fleurs des histoires d’Orient, printed in<br />

France in 1501. In the printed version, this account, with additions, is<br />

attributed to Hetum. In this guise, it may have been one source for<br />

Marlowe’s Tamburlaine. See H. Moranvillé, ed., Jean of Sultaniyya,<br />

“Mémoire sur Tamerlan et sa cour en 1403,” Bibliotèque de l’École des<br />

Chartes, vol. 55, Paris, 1894, pp. 434–36; Ethel Seaton, “Fresh Sources for<br />

Marlowe,” The Review of English Studies, Oct. 1929, pp. 399–400; U. M. Ellis-<br />

Fermor, ed., Christopher Marlowe, Tamburlaine the Great, New York, 1930,<br />

Introduction, pp. 27–28.<br />

27. B. F. Manz and Margaret L. Dunaway, “Clavíjo, Ruy Gonzales de,”<br />

Encyclopaedia Iranica; Fourniau, “Quelques aspects du thème timouride,”<br />

p. 291, “Ibn ‘Arabshah,” Encyclopaedia of Islam, NE.<br />

28. Szuppe, “Timour et les Timourides,” pp. 321–25; Sholeh Quinn,<br />

“Historical Writing during the Reign of Shah Abbas I,” pp. 131, 139–41.<br />

29. Brand and Lowry, pp. 71–72.<br />

30. Watson, “Tradition, Transplantation,” pp. 119–21; Akbar Nama, vol. I, pp.<br />

47, 79; vol. II, p. 69.<br />

31. Habib, “Timur in the Political Tradition,” pp. 300, 303–304.<br />

32. For English translations see Major Davy, Institutes, Political and Military,<br />

written originally in the Mongol Language, by the great Timour, Oxford, 1783;<br />

Charles Stewart, The Malfuzat Timury, or Autobiographical Memoirs of the<br />

Moghul Emperor Timur, London, 1830.<br />

33. Most twentieth-century scholars have judged these works to be<br />

seventeenth-century productions designed for use in the Mughal court,<br />

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although Irfan Habib has recently suggested that they might indeed have<br />

originated in Chaghatay during the Timurid period. See Habib, “Timur in<br />

the Political Tradition,” pp. 305–309.<br />

34. David Bevington, “Timur and the Ambivalent Vision,” Asian Art, vol. II,<br />

no. 2 (1989): p. 9.<br />

35. Ulrich Marzolph, “Timur’s Humorous Antagonist, Nasreddin Hoca,” La<br />

civiltà timuride, vol. II, pp. 485–98; S. A. Tokarev, Dvadtsat’ chetyre<br />

Nasreddinna, Moscow, 1986, pp. 347–415.<br />

36. Devin DeWeese, Islamization and Native Religion in the Golden Horde,<br />

University Park, Penn., 1994, pp. 340, 511.<br />

37. Peter Avery, “Nadir Shah and the Afsharid Legacy,” Cambridge History of<br />

Iran, vol. 7, Cambridge, 1991, pp. 10, 39.<br />

38. Gavin Hambly, “Agha Muh.ammad Khan and the Establishment of the<br />

Qajar Dynasty,” in Cambridge History of Iran, vol. 7, p. 104.<br />

39. Mulla Niyaz Muhammad b. Mulla ‘Ashur Muh.ammad Khawqandi,<br />

Tarikh-i Shahrukhi, ed. N. N. Pantusov, Kazan’, 1885, p. 16.<br />

40. A. K. Lebedev, Vasilii Vasilevich Vereshchagin, zhizn’ i torchestvo, Moscow,<br />

1958, pp. 77, 94–95, 104–106, 108, 124–25.<br />

41. See, for example, Cassandra Cavanaugh, “Historiography in Independent<br />

Uzbekistan: The Search for National Identity,” Central Asia Monitor, 1994,<br />

no. 1, p. 30; Stephen Hegarty, “The Rehabilitation of Temur:<br />

Reconstructing National History in Contemporary Uzbekistan,” Central<br />

Asia Monitor, 1995 no. 1, pp. 28–29.<br />

42. J. Stalin, Marxism and the National and Colonial Question, London, 1936, p. 8.<br />

43. See Maria Subtelny, “The Symbiosis of Turk and Tajik,” in B. F. Manz,<br />

Central Asia in Historical Perspective, Boulder, 1994, pp. 52–54; and Sean<br />

Pollock, “The Trials and Tribulations of the Soviet Timur” (unpublished<br />

M.A. thesis, Harvard University, May, 1996), pp. 38–45.<br />

44. Prof. Allworth suggests that the fear of pan-Turkic sentiment and distaste<br />

for refinement and religious imagery lay behind the attack on Mir ‘Ali<br />

Shir in the 1920s. There was at that time also resistance to using a Timurid<br />

poet as a model for Uzbek literature, an objection which disappeared with<br />

the new formulation of Uzbek ethnogenesis. See E. Allworth, The Modern<br />

Uzbeks, Stanford, 1990, pp. 225–27.<br />

45. See Lowell Tillett, The Great Friendship, Chapel Hill, 1969, pp. 50–70.<br />

46. Ibid., pp. 58–83.<br />

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47. M. M. Gerasimov, “Portret Tamerlana,” Kratkie soobshcheniia instituta istorii<br />

material’noi kul’tury, XVII (1947), pp. 14–21.<br />

48. A. Iakubovskii, “Timur (Opyt kratkoi kharakeristiki),” Voprosy Istorii,<br />

1946, no. 8–9, pp. 53–62.<br />

49. Ibid., pp. 64–66, 70–73.<br />

50. Ibragim Muminov, Rol’ i mestnost’ Amira Timura v istorii Srednei Azii,<br />

Tashkent, 1968.<br />

51. A. P. Novosel’tsev, “Ob istoricheskoi otsenke Timura,” Voprosy Istorii,<br />

1973, no. 2, pp. 3, 10–12, 14, 20.<br />

52. Ibid., pp. 5, 11–14.<br />

53. Ibid., p. 14.<br />

54. M. A. Abduraimov, “Obzor literatury, posviashchennoi Timuru i<br />

Timuridam, izdannoi v Uzvbekistane v 60–kh godakh,” Istoriia SSSR,<br />

Sept.–Oct., 1973, pp. 85–90.<br />

55. James Critchlow, Nationalism in Uzbekistan, Boulder, Colorado, 1991, p.<br />

120; Susanna Nettleton, “Uzbek Independence and Educational Change,”<br />

Central Asia Monitor, 1992, no. 3, p. 19.<br />

56. A. Askarov, ed., Istoriia Narodov Uzbekistana, Tashkent, 1992.<br />

57. The significance of this fact for Uzbek historiography was discussed by<br />

Nazif Shahrani in his article, “The Lessons and Uses of History,” Central<br />

Asia Monitor, 1993, no. 1, p. 25. The most famous resistance movement<br />

was the Andijan rebellion of 1898, which has received considerable<br />

attention since independence. It was headed by a Naqshbandi shaykh,<br />

Madali or Dukchi Ishan, who led his followers, armed with cudgels and<br />

magic toothpicks, against the Russian barracks. They killed twenty-two<br />

sleeping soldiers before being caught and executed. See Beatrice F. Manz,<br />

“Central Asian Uprisings in the Nineteenth Century: Ferghana under the<br />

Russians,” Russian Review, vol. 46 (1987): pp. 276–77.<br />

58. John Hay has remarked on this parallelism in his article, “A New Hero for<br />

Uzbekistan,” South Magazine, December 1996, p. 52.<br />

59. Hegarty, “The Rehabilitation of Temur,” pp. 29–31.<br />

60. Tashkent Radio Mashal, 28 February 1996, trans. World News Connection.<br />

61. Speech of Islam Karimov, in Amir Temur in World History, UNESCO,<br />

Tashkent, 1996, pp. 4–5.<br />

62. Lucien Kehren, Tamerlan, l’Empire du seigneur de fer, Neuchatel, 1978, pp.<br />

25–51, 167–77.<br />

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63. “Amir Temur—nasha gordost’. Doklad Prezidenta Islama Karimova,”<br />

Tashkentskaia Pravda, October 26 1996, pp. 1–2.<br />

64. Istoriia Narodov Uzbekistana, pp. 149–57.<br />

65. Amir Timur in World History, pp. 36–50, 68, 178.<br />

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