Sheep - AgRIS

Sheep - AgRIS Sheep - AgRIS


staple length and the fiber length of a fleece. Fiber length is measured by stretching sufficiently to remove the crimp. Crimp may account for as much as one-third of the total length. Much study of the size and shape of wool fibers has been made by means of various types of projection apparatus at both low and high magnifications. For some kinds of physical studies, this apparatus is well suited. Other apparatus has been developed for the study of length, strength, pliability, and so on. Wool fibers are seldom circular in cross-section. Most of them are irregular-shaped when viewed under a microscope or when projected onto a screen after being cross-sectioned. In studies of many wool samples at various wool laboratories, the general variations in the shape of the fibers and in their size have been universally noted. Fleeces sometimes show extreme differences in these respects, and none have been found that are completely uniform, even though the fibers are from a ver,y rvricted area of the skin. According to many, the wool fiber is hollow, and it is through this channel that the fiber is nourished by various "juices." There appears to be no basis for such statements, for once the fiber has been elaborated it is not further changed by any activity of the body. The yolk does serve to keep it in good condition, but this is in no sense a nourishing of the fiber. The fibers have no nerves or blood supply in them. There is also a common belief that dyes enter the wool fibers through the channel which is supposed to pass from end to end. This is not the case, as fibers are readily dyed in the center without immersing either end into the dye. The chemical composition of wool is complex, and it is possible that there is considerable variation, depending upon the type of wool. The physical properties of wool are undoubtedly related to its chemical structure. Pure wool is composed of keratin, which is also the chiefoonstituent of hair, feathers, horns, and hooves. Keratin is closely related in composition to some of the proteins, but it is not identical with them, as the keratin of wool is not, at least, readily digestible in gastric juices as many proteins are. It is probable that much of the material of which the wool fiber is composed is derived from the proteins in the feeds, but these are changed in the elaboration of the fibers. Studies hf e shown that sheep on a ration of alfalfa have deposited 6.8 kg protein daily in the production of the fleece for each 454 kg live weight. While wool is represented as composed chiefly of keratin, cystine is represented as the main constituent of keratin. It is in cystine that sulphur is present in wool. The sulphur content of clean wool is about 3.4 per cent. Cystine occurs to a greater or lesser extent in most protein foodstuffs and is an essential in body growth This has ed to the investigation of the significance of sulphur in the diet, and its relation to wool quality and to wool growth. If sulphur is essential to wool production, then a deficiency would lead to a reduced weight of fleece if the percentage of sulphur was maintained, or it would lead to an abnormal fleece if the weight of fleece was maintained. Since keratin has a constant percentage of sulphur, investigators expected no change in chemical composition of wool as a result of feeding increased amounts of cystine. Slight increases in weight and slight though noticeable differences in some features of wool (glossiness) have been reported as a result of such feeding. The content of cystine in wool is exceptionally high. studies have shown that the cystine content of the proteins of plants is less than the cystine content of wool (13.1 per cent of the dry wool fiber). Since it is unlikely that animals can manufacture cystine, their only source is that contained in their feed. To produce 450 g of wool protein, a sheep must eat at least 3.2 kg of vegetable protein. It seems probable that, from a practical standpoint, cystine may be in the same category as many other substances: namely, a certain liberal allowance is needed for normal production; a deficiency reduces production; an excess does not stimulate production to such an extent as to cover the increased cost of such feeding. Since sulphur is found in wool, there have been recommendations that sulphur, even though not in the form of cystine, may be the limiting factor in wool growth. The feeding of inorganic sulphur has, however, not been found to have any tendency to influence wool growth. Certain of the other minerals are also found in the ash of wool after it is burned. These are present in very minute amounts, and it is possible that rations that are adequate for the general nourishment of sheep are also adequate for maximum wool growth. While there may be a measurable difference through the use of delicate laboratory apparatus in the amount of wool 371

produced on rations which contain increased amounts of some minerals, the increase is below the added cost of such feeding at the present time. Properties of wool as elasticity, pliability, and softness may be influenced by environment, breed and nutrition, and individual in heritance. Studies have been made to determine how these features of the wool fiber are related to the external and internal structure of fibers. Further, it is possible that differences in the readiness with which various wools are dyed may be related to structural differences or to chemical differences. In general, wool may be described as showing considerable variation in many of its properties. Many difficulties are encountered in research work on wool fibers because of the interrelationships one factor may have to a host of other factors. Thus, the sulphur content of wool may have a relationship to its elasticity, but other items may have equally important influences on elasticity or on some other characteristic. Wool absorbs and holds moisture so that it is released slowly. The absorption of moisture causes some changes in the fiber, especially in diameter. The swelling of wool from an air-dry to a saturated condition may amountto almost 15 per cent. From a condition of complete dryness, the swelling would be considerably greater. Most work reported on wool fibers has been done without completely controlled conditions, and this has caused difliculty in comparing reports of variou4s investigators. In the absorption of water, wool evolves heat. A 45 gm thoroughly dry wool, in changing to a thoroughly wet condition, is reported as evolving 43 British Thermal Units. This is an unusual fiber quality. Wool releases its moisture slowly. Electricity and heat transfer through wool is slow. Undoubtedly, part of the low conductivity of heat is due to the numerous air cells which fabrics made of wool may contain. However, the conductivity of the fibers is also low. Wool is not quickly inflammable, but it will burn and gives off a very disagreeable odor. It is very different from cotton, which burns readily. When wool is burnt, a charred bead remains where the burning has stopped. These differences serve; as one easy means of distinguishing between wool and some other materials. If the material in question contains a mixture of several fibers, the so called burning test is of no value, and more accurate chemical or microscopic means are needed. Because wool is subject to severe damage when exposed to caustics, strong acids, and high temperatures, either moist or dry, care must be used to preserve its original qualities during the scouring and other manufacturing processes and also after it has been completely fabricated. These are the reasons why carbonizing of burry wool, for example, is a rather slow and costly process. Washing of woolen materials must be done with neutral soap—that which contains no free alkali—and the temperature of the bath must be in the neighborhood of 120 degrees F. Vlolent agitation of the bath is apt to cause shrinkage of a fabric or a felting tendency of unmanufactured wool. Because of its elasticity, the best quality wool gives to fabrics a striking ability to recover from crushing or compression or from temporary stretching. When the pressure used in baling wool is released, this resiliency causes the wool to increase gradually in bulkiness. It is this property too which causes wool to "drape" becomingly on the human form and to retain the "shape" into which it is pressed when moist and is dried during the process of pressing. 5.6 Inheritance of Quantitative traits In quantitative inheritance, many pairs of genes are involved, and there is no sharp distinction between the different phenotypes, the differences being ones of degree only. Many traits in farm animals which are of the greatest economic importance are good examples of this kind of inheritance, including fertility, rate of gain, efficiency of gain, milk production, and carcass quality. The expression of these traits is affected by many pairs of genes as well as by environment. Since, in quantitative inheritance, the phenotypes are no distinct and separate but exhibit a series of varations between the extremes, mathematical methods have been devised for measuring and describing populations. Some of these methods are given below: 372

staple length and the fiber length of a fleece. Fiber length is measured by stretching sufficiently<br />

to remove the crimp. Crimp may account for as much as one-third of the total length.<br />

Much study of the size and shape of wool fibers has been made by means of various types<br />

of projection apparatus at both low and high magnifications. For some kinds of physical<br />

studies, this apparatus is well suited. Other apparatus has been developed for the study of<br />

length, strength, pliability, and so on.<br />

Wool fibers are seldom circular in cross-section. Most of them are irregular-shaped when<br />

viewed under a microscope or when projected onto a screen after being cross-sectioned. In<br />

studies of many wool samples at various wool laboratories, the general variations in the shape<br />

of the fibers and in their size have been universally noted. Fleeces sometimes show extreme<br />

differences in these respects, and none have been found that are completely uniform, even<br />

though the fibers are from a ver,y rvricted area of the skin.<br />

According to many, the wool fiber is hollow, and it is through this channel that the fiber is<br />

nourished by various "juices." There appears to be no basis for such statements, for once the<br />

fiber has been elaborated it is not further changed by any activity of the body. The yolk does<br />

serve to keep it in good condition, but this is in no sense a nourishing of the fiber. The fibers<br />

have no nerves or blood supply in them. There is also a common belief that dyes enter the wool<br />

fibers through the channel which is supposed to pass from end to end. This is not the case, as<br />

fibers are readily dyed in the center without immersing either end into the dye.<br />

The chemical composition of wool is complex, and it is possible that there is considerable<br />

variation, depending upon the type of wool. The physical properties of wool are undoubtedly<br />

related to its chemical structure. Pure wool is composed of keratin, which is also the<br />

chiefoonstituent of hair, feathers, horns, and hooves. Keratin is closely related in composition<br />

to some of the proteins, but it is not identical with them, as the keratin of wool is not, at least,<br />

readily digestible in gastric juices as many proteins are. It is probable that much of the material<br />

of which the wool fiber is composed is derived from the proteins in the feeds, but these are<br />

changed in the elaboration of the fibers. Studies hf e shown that sheep on a ration of alfalfa<br />

have deposited 6.8 kg protein daily in the production of the fleece for each 454 kg live weight.<br />

While wool is represented as composed chiefly of keratin, cystine is represented as the<br />

main constituent of keratin. It is in cystine that sulphur is present in wool. The sulphur content<br />

of clean wool is about 3.4 per cent. Cystine occurs to a greater or lesser extent in most protein<br />

foodstuffs and is an essential in body growth This has ed to the investigation of the significance<br />

of sulphur in the diet, and its relation to wool quality and to wool growth. If sulphur is essential<br />

to wool production, then a deficiency would lead to a reduced weight of fleece if the percentage<br />

of sulphur was maintained, or it would lead to an abnormal fleece if the weight of fleece was<br />

maintained. Since keratin has a constant percentage of sulphur, investigators expected no<br />

change in chemical composition of wool as a result of feeding increased amounts of cystine.<br />

Slight increases in weight and slight though noticeable differences in some features of wool<br />

(glossiness) have been reported as a result of such feeding.<br />

The content of cystine in wool is exceptionally high. studies have shown that the cystine<br />

content of the proteins of plants is less than the cystine content of wool (13.1 per cent of the dry<br />

wool fiber). Since it is unlikely that animals can manufacture cystine, their only source is that<br />

contained in their feed. To produce 450 g of wool protein, a sheep must eat at least 3.2 kg of<br />

vegetable protein. It seems probable that, from a practical standpoint, cystine may be in the<br />

same category as many other substances: namely, a certain liberal allowance is needed for<br />

normal production; a deficiency reduces production; an excess does not stimulate production to<br />

such an extent as to cover the increased cost of such feeding.<br />

Since sulphur is found in wool, there have been recommendations that sulphur, even<br />

though not in the form of cystine, may be the limiting factor in wool growth. The feeding of<br />

inorganic sulphur has, however, not been found to have any tendency to influence wool growth.<br />

Certain of the other minerals are also found in the ash of wool after it is burned. These are<br />

present in very minute amounts, and it is possible that rations that are adequate for the general<br />

nourishment of sheep are also adequate for maximum wool growth. While there may be a<br />

measurable difference through the use of delicate laboratory apparatus in the amount of wool<br />


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