secondary cells with lithium anodes and immobilized fused_salt

secondary cells with lithium anodes and immobilized fused_salt secondary cells with lithium anodes and immobilized fused_salt


aa . - The rrost difficult rctionele is the formation of the AsF6 in the reaction. Admittedly a multiplicity of diverse reertion seqaences could be proposed rost of which k'oul? be difficlllt to experimentally verify. 3ne possible path offerd involves the dissoci?tion of C10 AsF C1 into its cocponents with :he suSsesuent reactions noted: 2 5 C102AsF5C1 __$ FC102 + AsFdC1 (6) 3AsF4C1- -> AaF?C12 + AsF 5 AsF + PC102 -* C102AsF6 5 .b?,Cl + Cl20 _j AsF,O + 2C1 , 2 2 (9) ' It is rer.dily seen tnst the suc of eluztiong d through 9, suitably veishted, .qivez equ?:io? 1. The ide:itity of ASOF, w.97 t!ot estPSlished as n product since it is ti non-volatile1° X-rs.v'nmor=hous s3lid. In addition. we did ~ o wish t to further eo-nlicete nrtters by studying the renction of AsF C1 with Cl 0 QS a test ox" sTyftion 8 inasmuch as AsF,Cl "Foes ionic" 2nd 1s ?ornulate$ as + - . Ve did feel, howeve$, ghat a suitrble test of equation 8 Ad14 AsF F. woull be 'he re?ction of PF3C12 2nd C1 0. Indeed, the mpid conversion of PF CI to KF : i r ~ ~1 ila in e;!urtion ?o: 3 7 3 2 : ?F,C12 + Cl20 ?OF + 2C12 (10) 3 stron&:ly suceestn t!wt "covRlent" AF' C1 would react sinilerly. The 3 2 re;:ction conditiohs "e s:ich th?t the reory:!nizstion of AsF C1, postulated -9 rin interr.ediere in e.:uation 6, would Tive initially the 8ovzlent strwture. The initinl resort on the prep?r-tions of "C rerc:ion of NO -9 P proof of the rrlical ?resent 7 ClOAsF + 2LC2 ::C),i.sF + C11i07 (11) 5 L 5 T?,e Ftvistence of "0 As" h?s r.lresdy been ?uestioned Periously and apparently disarovedt2: 'Fur?her. the formntion of soze ClNO? should be expected f'r(;c ..i- ~~..,,-. :.--> , c. ..,- i NO in.-s-uc!: 2s thc r?oc:icn of C:07 2nd NO rives ~t 2 i? ~ uite likely thnt the reaction oSaerve3. by Scgmeisser &. ciiio, - - * - . (7) ia) ---- ---- -----

I I I 1 i ' was the initi.1 displacenent of C102 from C102AsF6 by NO, followed by - a reection of C10, with NO2, the overall reaction being: 89. - C102AsF6 + 2N02 ___t NG2AsF6 + CINOg + 1/2 O2 (12) Except for the formation of the oxygen, the reaction in equation 12 has the s?me stoichiometry of KO2 to "solid" RS that reported in equation 11. Thus, the proof of "C10AsF5" through its reactions or its synthesis is not ccnclusive. ,

I I<br />

I<br />

1<br />

i '<br />

was the initi.1 displacenent of C102 from C102AsF6 by NO, followed by -<br />

a<br />

reection of C10, <strong>with</strong> NO2, the overall reaction being:<br />

89.<br />

-<br />

C102AsF6 + 2N02 ___t NG2AsF6 + CINOg + 1/2 O2 (12)<br />

Except for the formation of the oxygen, the reaction in equation 12 has<br />

the s?me stoichiometry of KO2 to "solid" RS that reported in equation 11.<br />

Thus, the proof of "C10AsF5" through its reactions or its synthesis is<br />

not ccnclusive.<br />


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