secondary cells with lithium anodes and immobilized fused_salt

secondary cells with lithium anodes and immobilized fused_salt secondary cells with lithium anodes and immobilized fused_salt


64. RECENT CHEMISTRY OF THE OXYGEN FLUORIDES I. J. Solomon, A. J. Kacmarek, J. K. Raney, J. N. Keith IIT Research Institute, Chicago, Illinois Some of the recent chemistry of the oxygen fluorides will be,discussed. The reaction of OF, a?$ SO, has been studied by using 0 labeled starting materials and 0 NMR spectroscopy, and evidence for an OF transfer mechanism is presented. Similar experiments with 0" labeled SO, and O,F, have shown that the reactions of O,F, can be explained in terms of an OOF transfer. The generality of this reaction is shown in that CF,CF(OOF)CF, and CF,CF,CF,OOF are formed by the reaction of O,F, and CF,CF=CF,.

I 65. GAS GEHEPAT'OR PROPELTANTS E. S. Sutton, C. F:. Vriesen, and E. J. Pacano~?slrj I Thiokol Chenical Corporation Elkton Division Elkton, Xaryland I The properties of ammonium perchlorate have made it the oxidizer of choice for composite sclid propellants for the past 20 years. Its ability to produce propellant comFositions with high flane tenperatures and densities has made it extremely useal to the missile propulsion industry. Recently, it has become possible to convert this versatile oxidizer to another nissilc S;JS~UJ application, that of wdm gcs Generator propellats. I Werm gas Cenerztor propellants are required for driviw turbine-alternator I systems for electrical power generation, for actuating jet-controlled attitude control system, and for propellin(; torpedo propulsion units. Despite the advantages or' m.ioniun perchlorate, it has been difficult to utilize it in these applications, because of the inherently high flame temperature (b500° to 55OOOF) of propellants 'Jased on it. Because of the materials of construction used in warn gas cenerator systems, the flame temperatures of these propellants are limited to values in the region of 2200' to 2300OF. In propellant technology, rechction of flame temperature is most conveniently obtained by rcducix the oxidizer to el (G//F) ratio to a verj 1011 value, so that the conposition is extremely fie1 rich. In Figure 1 a plot is shown of flame temperature versus the weight percent of llH4Cl04 for a mixture of ammonium perchlorate ani 2 Q-pical low oxygen content, high fuel content polymeric hydrocarbon binder. Although aluminum powder is normally used as a fuel component in solid propellants, it has been omitted for two reasons: it increases flame temperature to still hi&er (and undesirzble) values, while producing solid A1203 particles as ul eyhaust component. For most gas generator systems, the presence of solid perticles in the coalrustion products is extremely undesirable because of the resultvlt clogging and erosion of the metallic portions of the system. I Emuination of Figure 1 shows that the gradual reduction of the IIHqClOq 1, content from 9q: to 7% reduces the flame temperature from 5000'F down to the , desired level of 22009, simply by greatly reducing the oxidation ratio of the ! system. Tne oxidation ratio decreases from 4.33 down to 1.15 for these two 9 compositions, vhere oxidation ratio is defined as: A) Oxidation Ratio = co Atoms CC Atoms + 3 Df Atoms Unfortunately, this reduction .results in undesirably hi& levels of solid carbon in the coxxistion products vhen. these are exhausted to the ztmosphere. %is can be seen in Table 1, where the level for the hi& fuel content binder is 6.455 solid crr2cn by weight. iJo carbon is found in the combustion chamber at 1000 psia, but eqmion of the gases to 14.7 psia results in copious quantities of >lack snolre . wo methods are'applicable to the solution of this problem. The first of these involves substitution o$ much higher-oir.gen content binders for the polymeric fuel. In Figure 1 and Table I the results of substituting highly oxygenated polyester .

64.<br />


I. J. Solomon, A. J. Kacmarek, J. K. Raney, J. N. Keith<br />

IIT Research Institute, Chicago, Illinois<br />

Some of the recent chemistry of the oxygen fluorides will<br />

be,discussed. The reaction of OF, a?$ SO, has been studied by using<br />

0 labeled starting materials <strong>and</strong> 0 NMR spectroscopy, <strong>and</strong> evidence<br />

for an OF transfer mechanism is presented. Similar experiments <strong>with</strong><br />

0" labeled SO, <strong>and</strong> O,F, have shown that the reactions of O,F, can be<br />

explained in terms of an OOF transfer. The generality of this reaction<br />

is shown in that CF,CF(OOF)CF, <strong>and</strong> CF,CF,CF,OOF are formed by the<br />

reaction of O,F, <strong>and</strong> CF,CF=CF,.

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