secondary cells with lithium anodes and immobilized fused_salt

secondary cells with lithium anodes and immobilized fused_salt secondary cells with lithium anodes and immobilized fused_salt


' .4 b s tract 28.

I 29. (1965), studJed , tlw infl,uer!ce of ;trmpera'tur~., pressure, hydrogen-. 011 'ratio,, diluents,,. arid catalysts on the hydrncracking of low temperature t'ars and reported minimum coke 4 ie'lds using tetralin and cyclohexane as diluents. Katsnbbshv 111 and E;lbert (1906) reported .a yield of 83.8% saleable. products when a tar distiyllate boiling from.230° to 360oc was hydrocracked iri a continuous fixed bed reactor at ,SO@.o to 550OC and 50 atmospheres under recycle conditions. The. ec:onomIc feasibi 11 ty of pr-od.ucing gasoline' from coal by the H-.coal prncass, wherein the heavy oil produced in the .first stage was hydr'.ocrat kcd in a sllbsequent stage ~ was demonstrated ,by the results pub.1ishe.d by Xlprrt, FS a:l ('1?66), Zielke, et a1 (1966). 1nvest.igated the. suitability cf z inci hallide catalysts for hydrocracking c:oa'l c--xtracts fnr the production of gasoline. The res~lts indicat.Ed that 0 maximuni yic.ld of 68% of gascrline. could be obtained at 427°K. 4200 psi pressure and 60 minutes reaction time. In the pre.,cent .communication, the results of hydrocracking of a,low temperature coal tar in a batch autoclave over a catalyst containing.,sulphides of nickel and tungsten, supported on si.licaalumina, are descr ibtd The influence of temperature and pressure on product, di.strib-ltion and kinetic; evi>Ludtitin of the data are presented. - Experimental . . . . - Materials. Low temperature. tar from a 'high volatile bituminous coal from I:tah was prepared by carbonization at 55OoC in a laboratory oven. The light oil. boiling up to 200°C was se.parated frnm tar by dis.-. tillation (Table. 1 1 . The catalyst (commercial) contained 6% ,nickel and 19% -tungsten, bctti as su1phides; supported on si lica-.alumina and had a surface area of 212 sq. meters per gram and size of -200 mesh,. 5-A sieves were of ctir.omatograpli.ic grade. Equipment, A 1-litre high pressure aautoclave with a magnetic drive stirrer, pressure arld temperature control devices, liquid and gas sampling lines, and water qlienching system (Figure 1) and hydrogen cylinders with maximum pressure of 2300 psi were used. - Procedure for hydror Lack ing experiments In eacli expcrirnerit 100 c IC of tar and 10 grams of the catalyst were used Ttie equipment was evacuated to remove most of the air, filled with hydrogeri arid heated to the desired temperature. The temperature I-os- to 3OOoC in 21 minutes and 500°C in 28 minutes. The reactlon timf wds taken from the start of heating the equipment. khen the reaction tc rnperature was reached, the pressure was adjusted to the experimental value and maintained constant throughout except in experiments c.ontlucted at pressures higher than 2000 psi where there was a reduct~o~l 111 prtssure of about 200 to 300 psi during ,

' .4 b s tract<br />


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