A review of dipterocarps - Center for International Forestry Research

A review of dipterocarps - Center for International Forestry Research

A review of dipterocarps - Center for International Forestry Research


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Conservation <strong>of</strong> Genetic Resources in the dipterocarpaceae 50<br />

Genetic Diversity Within and Among Populations<br />

The existence <strong>of</strong> self-incompatibility and high<br />

outcrossing rates suggest that populations <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>dipterocarps</strong> should harbour high levels <strong>of</strong> genetic<br />

variation. Indeed, recent studies, based on analysis <strong>of</strong><br />

variation at isozyme loci, have revealed considerable<br />

genetic variation in natural populations. A high level <strong>of</strong><br />

enzymatic polymorphism in natural populations <strong>of</strong><br />

Shorea leprosula was first detected by Gan et al. (1977).<br />

More recently, genetic diversity within and among<br />

populations <strong>of</strong> several species <strong>of</strong> Hopea (Wickneswari<br />

et al. 1994), Shorea (Harada et al. 1994),<br />

Stemonoporus (Murawski and Bawa 1994, Dayanandan<br />

and Bawa, unpublished data) has been quantified. Genetic<br />

diversity in many Malaysian species <strong>of</strong> Hopea and<br />

Shorea were studied using Random Amplified<br />

Polymorphic DNAs (RAPD). Considerable variation was<br />

found both within and among populations. The level <strong>of</strong><br />

diversity in species <strong>of</strong> Hopea (Wickneswari et al. 1996)<br />

was less than in species <strong>of</strong> Shorea (Harada et al. 1994).<br />

In these studies, methods to characterise genetic<br />

diversity depended upon several assumptions about the<br />

segregation and homology <strong>of</strong> bands. Moreover, results<br />

from most RAPD surveys cannot be compared with those<br />

obtained from isozyme surveys because dominance at<br />

RAPD ‘loci’ makes it impossible to distinguish<br />

heterozygotes from homozygotes. Thus, genetic diversity<br />

cannot be characterised in conventional terms. Bawa and<br />

his associates have used isozymes to estimate genetic<br />

diversity in species <strong>of</strong> Stemonoporus and Shorea. In<br />

Stemonoporus oblongifolius, the percent <strong>of</strong><br />

polymorphic loci range from 89% to 100%, the average<br />

number <strong>of</strong> alleles per polymorphic locus is 3.1 and mean<br />

genetic diversity <strong>for</strong> the species is 0.297. The number<br />

<strong>of</strong> loci sampled was 9 and was the same sampled <strong>for</strong> other<br />

<strong>dipterocarps</strong> and tropical trees. The estimates <strong>of</strong> genetic<br />

diversity are among the highest reported <strong>for</strong> plant species<br />

(Murawski and Bawa 1994). The values <strong>for</strong> the above<br />

parameters are lower <strong>for</strong> Shorea trapezifolia, but remain<br />

toward the higher end <strong>of</strong> the value reported <strong>for</strong> tropical<br />

trees. Similarly, a high level <strong>of</strong> genetic variation has been<br />

observed in Shorea megistophylla (Murawski et al.<br />

1994b) and several other species <strong>of</strong> Stemonoporus<br />

(Murawski and Bawa, unpublished). Wickneswari et al.<br />

(1994) also report high levels <strong>of</strong> variation in Hopea<br />

odorata on the basis <strong>of</strong> isozyme studies.<br />

Inter-population differentiation on the basis <strong>of</strong><br />

isozyme surveys has been studied in only three species:<br />

Stemonoporus oblongifolius (Murawski and Bawa<br />

1994), Shorea trapezifolia (Dayanandan and Bawa, in<br />

preparation) and Hopea odorata (Wickneswari et al.<br />

1994). In all cases, there is a high level <strong>of</strong> variation among<br />

populations. In Stemonoporus oblongifolius, the mean Gst<br />

value, which is a measure <strong>of</strong> population differentiation,<br />

is 0.16. In other words, 16% <strong>of</strong> total genetic diversity is<br />

due to differences among populations. Interestingly, the<br />

distance among sampled populations ranged from 1.3 to<br />

9.7 km. Thus, populations seem to differ over a relatively<br />

small spatial scale. In Shorea trapezifolia too the Gst value<br />

was high (0.11); in this case the most distant were<br />

separated by 43.5 km. The mean genetic distance between<br />

populations in Hopea odorata was 0.10 (Wickneswari et<br />

al. 1994).<br />

The high level <strong>of</strong> genetic differentiation could be due<br />

to either restricted gene flow or local selection. Direct<br />

observations <strong>of</strong> gene flow in <strong>dipterocarps</strong> are lacking.<br />

Seed dispersal in Stemonoporus oblongifolius seems to<br />

be passive; the one seeded, heavy, resinous fruit drop<br />

under the maternal tree and the seed germinates without<br />

being removed by any disperser (Murawski and Bawa<br />

1994). In Shorea trapezifolia, the seeds are dispersed by<br />

gyration, assisted by wind with most seeds falling within<br />

the vicinity <strong>of</strong> the parent. Gyration <strong>of</strong> fruits, referred to<br />

earlier, may have evolved as an adaptation to restrict<br />

dispersal to the sites in which the parents are found. Thus,<br />

gene dispersal via seeds in both species does not generally<br />

occur over large distances.<br />

The degree <strong>of</strong> gene dispersal via pollen would depend<br />

upon the pollinators. Medium sized to large bees should<br />

be able to bring about long-distance dispersal more<br />

frequently than small bees or thrips. Both Stemonoporus<br />

oblongifolius and Shorea trapezifolia are pollinated by<br />

medium-sized bees (Apis spp.).<br />

Gene dispersal has been indirectly measured in<br />

Shorea trapezifolia (more than one migrant per<br />

generation). Nm estimates the degree <strong>of</strong> migration<br />

between populations, and a value <strong>of</strong> Nm>1 is enough to<br />

prevent population differentiation due to drift <strong>for</strong> neutral<br />

loci (Wright 1931, Maruyama 1970, Slatkin and<br />

Maruyama 1975). In S. trapezifolia, the value <strong>of</strong> Nm is<br />

1.62. This high value indicates that differentiation in S.<br />

trapezifolia is not due to restricted gene flow.<br />

Ashton (1982, 1988) has shown that congeneric<br />

species in the family <strong>of</strong>ten occupy different edaphic zones.<br />

Moreover, within the same habitat related species may<br />

be differentiated along environmental gradients that

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