A review of dipterocarps - Center for International Forestry Research

A review of dipterocarps - Center for International Forestry Research

A review of dipterocarps - Center for International Forestry Research


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General Index<br />

endangered species, identification <strong>of</strong>, 52<br />

endemicity, 14, 21-2<br />

engkabang, 193<br />

enrichment planting, 141, 161, 164<br />

establishment <strong>of</strong> canopy tree species, 92<br />

establishment <strong>of</strong> seedlings, 90-4, 135<br />

establishment <strong>of</strong> stands, 155-64<br />

on degraded land, 170<br />

Ethiopia, 17<br />

ethylene, and storage life, 81<br />

eucalyptus, 104<br />

Europe, 16, 17, 19, 23<br />

evergreen associations, 11<br />

evergreen trees/<strong>for</strong>ests, 11-12, 23, 24, 133-6<br />

flowering and fruiting, 73, 74-5, 135<br />

everwet areas, 12<br />

evolutionary systematics, 5-44<br />

exploitation damage, 141-2<br />

F<br />

falls, 92<br />

families, 5-7, 30-3<br />

felling, 141-2<br />

age, with incidence <strong>of</strong> heart-rot, 123<br />

thinning, 165-8, 172<br />

treatment be<strong>for</strong>e, 169<br />

fenpropathrim, 119<br />

fenvalerate, 119<br />

feral pigs, destruction by, 116, 117<br />

fertilisers and fertilisation, 93, 105-6, 107, 163<br />

effect on growth and mycorrhizal infection, 154-5<br />

mycorrhizas, 103<br />

nursery planting stock, 158<br />

fertility <strong>of</strong> soil, 93, 170<br />

fire, 92, 121, 123<br />

be<strong>for</strong>e re<strong>for</strong>estation/af<strong>for</strong>estation on degraded<br />

land, 170<br />

be<strong>for</strong>e seed-fall, 135<br />

be<strong>for</strong>e sowing, 161<br />

fire-climax woodlands, 23<br />

fire wood, 194<br />

‘fishing line’ collection method, 76<br />

flooding, 92<br />

flowering, 23, 73, 74-5, 135<br />

age, 168<br />

artificial induction, 68<br />

growth during, 172<br />

flowers, 7, 9, 11, 23-4, 28<br />

destruction, 122<br />

fossils, 16<br />

sal trees, 194<br />

<strong>for</strong>est floor seedling storage, 82<br />

<strong>for</strong>est fragmentation, 51, 52-3<br />

<strong>for</strong>est management, 1-4<br />

natural <strong>for</strong>ests, 133-49<br />

non-timber <strong>for</strong>est products, 195-6<br />

pests and diseases, 123-4<br />

plantations, 171-2<br />

regeneration, 90<br />

<strong>for</strong>est products, 118-19, 122-3, 187-97<br />

see also timber<br />

fossils, 6, 15, 16-17<br />

France, 23<br />

free climbing collection method, 76-7<br />

freshwater swamps, 12<br />

frost, 121, 122, 123<br />

fruiting, 74-5, 135<br />

age, 168<br />

canopy tree species, 92<br />

dry evergreen <strong>for</strong>ests, 134<br />

fruits, 7, 11, 24, 27<br />

butter fat, 193<br />

dessication rates, 61<br />

dispersal and colonisation by, 20<br />

fossils, 16<br />

life span, 73<br />

pests, 116<br />

supraspecific taxa, 27, 28<br />

winged, 20, 21, 24-5, 29<br />

see also seeds; sepals<br />

fuelwood production, 166, 194<br />

funding, 110<br />

fungi, 93, 99-114, 154-5, 158<br />

causing diseases, 119-20, 121-3<br />

fungicides, 81, 82, 120<br />

G<br />

Gabon, 11<br />

galls, 116, 121<br />

gammexane, 119<br />

gaps in <strong>for</strong>ests, 92, 93, 171<br />

gaseous environments <strong>for</strong> storage, 80-1<br />

gene dispersal, 50<br />

gene flow, 52-3<br />


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