Spatial Characterization Of Two-Photon States - GAP-Optique

Spatial Characterization Of Two-Photon States - GAP-Optique Spatial Characterization Of Two-Photon States - GAP-Optique
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1. General description of two-photon states virtual state pump ground state signal idler Figure 1.1: In spontaneous parametric down conversion the interaction of a molecule with the pump results in the annihilation of the pump photon and the creation of two new photons. 1.1 Spontaneous parametric down-conversion Spontaneous parametric down-conversion is one of the possible resulting processes of the interaction of a pump photon and a molecule, in the presence of the vacuum field. In spdc, the pump-molecule interaction leads to the generation of a single physical system composed of two photons: signal and idler, as figure 1.1 shows. The name of the process reveals some of its characteristics. spdc is a parametric process since the incident energy totally transfers to the generated photons, and not to the molecule. And, it is a down-conversion process since each of the generated photons has a lower energy than the incident photon. The conservation of energy and momentum establish the relations between the frequencies (ωp,s,i) and wave vectors (kp,s,i) of the photons, ωp = ωs + ωi kp = ks + ki. (1.1) where the subscripts p, s, i stand for pump, signal and idler. Macroscopically, spdc results from the interaction of a field with a nonlinear medium. Commonly used mediums include uniaxial birefringent crystals. The conditions in equation 1.1 can be achieved for this kind of crystals, since their refractive index changes with the frequency and the polarization of an incident field [34, 35]. This thesis considers type-i configurations in uniaxial birefringent crystals. In such configuration the pump beam polarization is extraordinary since it is contained in the principal plane, defined by the crystal axis and the wave vector of the incident field. The polarization of the generated photons is ordinary, which means that it is orthogonal to the principal plane. For a given material, the conditions imposed by equation 1.1 determine the characteristics of the generated pair. The second line in equation 1.1 defines the spdc geometrical configuration, and it is known as a phase matching condition. The generated photons are emitted in two cones coaxial to the pump, as shown in figure 1.2 (b). The apertures of the cone are given by the emission angles ϕs,i associated to the frequencies ωs,i. Once a single frequency or emission angle is selected, only one of all possible cones is considered. In degenerate spdc, both photons are emitted at the same angle ϕs = ϕi and the cones overlap, as in figure 1.2 (c). There are two kinds of degenerate spdc processes: noncollinear 2

y y x z z pump s i (a) signal idler (c) 1.2. Two-photon state Figure 1.2: (a) Phase matching conditions impose certain propagation directions for the emitted photons at frequencies ωs and ωi. (b-c) This directions define two cones, that collapse into one in the degenerate case. (d) In the collinear configuration, the aperture of the cones tends to zero as the direction of emission is parallel to the pump propagation direction. in which the signal and idler are not parallel to the pump, and collinear in which the aperture of the cones tends to zero as the photons propagate almost parallel to the pump, as shown in figure 1.2 (d). Even though the phase matching condition defines the main characteristics of the generated two-photon state, other important factors influence the measured state of the photons, for example the detection system. The next section describes the two-photon state mathematically, taking into account all these factors. 1.2 Two-photon state When an electromagnetic wave propagates inside a medium, the electric field acts over each particle (electrons, atoms, or molecules) displacing the positive charges in the direction of the field and the negative charges in the opposite direction. The resulting separation between positive and negative charges of the material generates a global dipolar moment in each unit volume known as polarization, and defined as (b) (d) P = ɛ0(χ (1) E + χ (2) EE + χ (3) EEE + · · · ) (1.2) where ɛ0 is the vacuum electric permittivity, and χ (n) are the electric susceptibility tensors of order n [34, 35]. For small field amplitudes, as in linear optics, the polarization is approximately linear, P ≈ ɛ0χ (1) E. (1.3) 3

1. General description of two-photon states<br />

virtual state<br />

pump<br />

ground state<br />

signal<br />

idler<br />

Figure 1.1: In spontaneous parametric down conversion the interaction of a molecule<br />

with the pump results in the annihilation of the pump photon and the creation of<br />

two new photons.<br />

1.1 Spontaneous parametric down-conversion<br />

Spontaneous parametric down-conversion is one of the possible resulting processes<br />

of the interaction of a pump photon and a molecule, in the presence of<br />

the vacuum field. In spdc, the pump-molecule interaction leads to the generation<br />

of a single physical system composed of two photons: signal and idler, as<br />

figure 1.1 shows.<br />

The name of the process reveals some of its characteristics. spdc is a<br />

parametric process since the incident energy totally transfers to the generated<br />

photons, and not to the molecule. And, it is a down-conversion process since<br />

each of the generated photons has a lower energy than the incident photon.<br />

The conservation of energy and momentum establish the relations between the<br />

frequencies (ωp,s,i) and wave vectors (kp,s,i) of the photons,<br />

ωp = ωs + ωi<br />

kp = ks + ki. (1.1)<br />

where the subscripts p, s, i stand for pump, signal and idler. Macroscopically,<br />

spdc results from the interaction of a field with a nonlinear medium. Commonly<br />

used mediums include uniaxial birefringent crystals. The conditions in<br />

equation 1.1 can be achieved for this kind of crystals, since their refractive index<br />

changes with the frequency and the polarization of an incident field [34, 35].<br />

This thesis considers type-i configurations in uniaxial birefringent crystals.<br />

In such configuration the pump beam polarization is extraordinary since it is<br />

contained in the principal plane, defined by the crystal axis and the wave vector<br />

of the incident field. The polarization of the generated photons is ordinary,<br />

which means that it is orthogonal to the principal plane.<br />

For a given material, the conditions imposed by equation 1.1 determine the<br />

characteristics of the generated pair. The second line in equation 1.1 defines the<br />

spdc geometrical configuration, and it is known as a phase matching condition.<br />

The generated photons are emitted in two cones coaxial to the pump, as shown<br />

in figure 1.2 (b). The apertures of the cone are given by the emission angles ϕs,i<br />

associated to the frequencies ωs,i. Once a single frequency or emission angle is<br />

selected, only one of all possible cones is considered. In degenerate spdc, both<br />

photons are emitted at the same angle ϕs = ϕi and the cones overlap, as in<br />

figure 1.2 (c). There are two kinds of degenerate spdc processes: noncollinear<br />


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