Biological field and laboratory methods for measuring the quality of ...

Biological field and laboratory methods for measuring the quality of ...

Biological field and laboratory methods for measuring the quality of ...


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Brooks, J. 1. 1957. The systematics <strong>of</strong> North America Daphnia. Yale Univ. Press, New Haven.<br />

Culver, D. A., <strong>and</strong> G. J. Brunskill. 1969. Fayetteville Green Lake, New York. V. Studies <strong>of</strong> primary production <strong>and</strong> zooplankton in a<br />

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Curl, H., Jr. 1962. Analysis <strong>of</strong> carbon in marine plankton organisms. J. Mar. Res. 20(3): 181-188.<br />

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7.2 Sample preparation <strong>and</strong> analysis<br />

7.2.1 Sample analysis - phytoplankton<br />

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