Elementary Sumerian Glossary

Elementary Sumerian Glossary Elementary Sumerian Glossary

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tu-di-da, tu-di-tum toggle pin, fibula (see Klein, ZA 73, 255-284; Sjöberg, ZA 86, 224f.) tu-lu to loosen, slacken, relax giš tu-lu-bu-um plane tree or wood im tu-ru-na → im durun-na tu6 incantation tu7 soup (Heimpel, CUSAS 5, 104f.) (written with the same sign as útul tureen) tu9 → túg tu10(b), tu11(b) to smite, strike, defeat (this meaning has also been associated with the values hub, húb but PSD keeps them separate) tu11(b) (var. of dub to heap up ?) túd to whip túg, tu9(g/b) (woolen) garment túg-A.SU → túg aktum túg-ba clothing ration (lú) túg-du8 felt maker, fuller (a craftsman making a special type of woven cloth, Sjöberg, AV Limet 128) túg-du8-a felt (Steinkeller, OrAnt 19, 85-93) túg-mu-dur7(BU)-ra dirty clothing, rags, mourning garments túg-nì-bàra blanket túg-šu-gur turban tuk, tuku (reduplicated du12-du12) to acquire, obtain; to have, possess; to marry; to play a musical instrument tuk4, tuku4 to tremble, quake, shiver (Foster, RA 75, 189); to buffet giš tukul mace, weapon, arms (Civl, AV Biggs 33) tukum-bi, tukumbi if túkur(KAxŠE) to chew, gnaw (kasāsu) túl (public) fountain, well túm, tùm to bring in, deliver; to take away (see Thomsen, Sumerian Language p. 133) Forms include: de6(DU) perf. sg.; túm(DU), tùm imperf. sg.; lah4(DU over DU) or lah5(DU.DU) perf. & imperf. pl. Problems remain, however. In OB there are indications that the sg. forms are túm or tùm perf. and túm-mu imperf. There may be a link between this sign and ku4(r) in OS and Ur III (see Krecher, ZA 77, 7- 21); cf. the Ur III accounting phrase šà mu-TUM2-rata "out of income." The Emesal equivalent of túm is ir. See Sallaberger, AV Schretter 557-576 for the following new description: a) bring I = mit sich führen, geleiten. Used only with living persons or animals that can move by themselves. Forms are túm(DU) perf.sg., tùm imperf. sg., and plural lah4 or lah5 both perf. & imperf.; b) bring II = liefern "to deliver." Forms are de6 perf. sg., tùm imperf. sg. túm (to be) worthy of, fitting for, suited to (-a/šè/ra) (ana ... šūluku) (Sallaberger, AV Schretter 573f.; Sjöberg, AV Wilcke 263 + n. 29) túm-ma (field) produce tum9(IM), tumu(IM) wind tum9-mar-dú west wind; west tum9-mir north wind; north tum9-sa12-ti-um east wind; east tum9-ùlu south wind; south tùn (pouch or receptacle); (an ax, often with a wood or copper determinative, probably to be read àga) tùn - bar (or read agà?) to split with an ax tur to be small, young; to diminish, reduce, deduct Cf. the reduplicated substantive di4-di4-lá (or du13-du13-lá) youngsters, little ones, children. tur small, young; brief (cf. bànda) TUR.ŠÈ → kun5 tùr cattle pen, byre 56

tuš to sit, take a seat; to settle, establish residence; to dwell, reside, stay, abide The standard grammars state that forms include: tuš perf. sg.; dúr-ru-u(n) perf. pl., imperf. sg. and pl. or durunx(DÚR.DÚR) in Presargonic Lagash texts (Thomsen, Sumerian Language p. 135; Edzard, Sumerian Grammar p. 78; Steinkeller, Or 48 [1979] 55f. n. 6). But it seems more likely that the distinction is actually tuš sg. vs. dúr(un) pl. irregardless of aspect. The infinitive, for example, is (tuš-)tuš-ù-dè. tuš - ĝar → dúr - ĝar U u ten (Edzard, AV Klein 103); "many times" (in adverbial expressions like u-ta, u-še3, u-am3, see Civil, Farmer's Instructions p. 70) U.KID (read šita4 in → á-šita4) U.UD.KID → ni9-ĝar ú plant, grass; food; grass-fed, free-range (animal) ú-a food and drink, sustenance; provider (of a temple or land, a common royal epithet) (zāninu) ĝiš ú-bíl-la charcoal (> upillû) ú-du(l) supervisor of herds, chief shepherd ú-du11(g) → udug ú-gu/gù - dé to become lost, disappear; to flee, escape ú-ma-am animals ú-rum property (of someone) ú-sal (riverine) meadow ú-sal-la - nú to rest contentedly, live in peace, "lie down in green pastures" ú-si4-an(-na) dusk, twilight ú-sig → uzug5 ú - sù(g) to be served food, dine ú-šim sweet-smelling grasses ù high ground(?), island(?) (Civil, Farmer's Instructions p. 132f.) ù and, also, furthermore, moreover; (as correlative ù ... ù either...or, neither...nor ) (loan from Akkadian u ) ù sleep ù(-a), ù-u8-a, u8(-a) Woe! Alas!; lullaby ù-di → u6-di, ù-sá ù-gul supplication, plea ù-gul - ĝar to address a plea, pray ù - ku(4) to fall asleep, put to sleep (cf. ù-nu-ku sleeplessness) (Veldhuis, JCS 60, 30) ù-luh offshoot, (tree) branch; scepter (fig.) (Civil, Farmer's Instructions p. 105 n. 90 ) ù-luh(-ha) - sù to send out offshoots, branches (Civil, Farmer's Instructions p. 88f. + p. 105 n. 90 ) ù-ma victory, triumph ù-mu-un → umun ù-na ready for battle ù-na-(a-)du11 letter ù-nu-ku sleeplessness (Civil, AV Hallo 74) ù-sá(g) (deep) sleep ù-sakar/sar → u4-sar giš ù-suh5 (a species of pine) (ašūhu) (Powell, BSA 6, 116f.) ù-sún → sún giš ù-šub, giš NI-šub brickmould (see Steinkeller, AuOr 2, 139 for the reading of the variant) ù-tu(d) → tu(d) 57

tuš to sit, take a seat; to settle, establish residence; to<br />

dwell, reside, stay, abide The standard grammars state<br />

that forms include: tuš perf. sg.; dúr-ru-u(n) perf. pl.,<br />

imperf. sg. and pl. or durunx(DÚR.DÚR) in<br />

Presargonic Lagash texts (Thomsen, <strong>Sumerian</strong><br />

Language p. 135; Edzard, <strong>Sumerian</strong> Grammar p. 78;<br />

Steinkeller, Or 48 [1979] 55f. n. 6). But it seems more<br />

likely that the distinction is actually tuš sg. vs. dúr(un)<br />

pl. irregardless of aspect. The infinitive, for example,<br />

is (tuš-)tuš-ù-dè.<br />

tuš - ĝar → dúr - ĝar<br />

U<br />

u ten (Edzard, AV Klein 103); "many times" (in<br />

adverbial expressions like u-ta, u-še3, u-am3, see Civil,<br />

Farmer's Instructions p. 70)<br />

U.KID (read šita4 in → á-šita4)<br />

U.UD.KID → ni9-ĝar<br />

ú plant, grass; food; grass-fed, free-range (animal)<br />

ú-a food and drink, sustenance; provider (of a temple<br />

or land, a common royal epithet) (zāninu)<br />

ĝiš ú-bíl-la charcoal (> upillû)<br />

ú-du(l) supervisor of herds, chief shepherd<br />

ú-du11(g) → udug<br />

ú-gu/gù - dé to become lost, disappear; to flee, escape<br />

ú-ma-am animals<br />

ú-rum property (of someone)<br />

ú-sal (riverine) meadow<br />

ú-sal-la - nú to rest contentedly, live in peace, "lie<br />

down in green pastures"<br />

ú-si4-an(-na) dusk, twilight<br />

ú-sig → uzug5<br />

ú - sù(g) to be served food, dine<br />

ú-šim sweet-smelling grasses<br />

ù high ground(?), island(?) (Civil, Farmer's Instructions<br />

p. 132f.)<br />

ù and, also, furthermore, moreover; (as correlative ù ...<br />

ù either...or, neither...nor ) (loan from Akkadian u )<br />

ù sleep<br />

ù(-a), ù-u8-a, u8(-a) Woe! Alas!; lullaby<br />

ù-di → u6-di, ù-sá<br />

ù-gul supplication, plea<br />

ù-gul - ĝar to address a plea, pray<br />

ù - ku(4) to fall asleep, put to sleep (cf. ù-nu-ku<br />

sleeplessness) (Veldhuis, JCS 60, 30)<br />

ù-luh offshoot, (tree) branch; scepter (fig.) (Civil,<br />

Farmer's Instructions p. 105 n. 90 )<br />

ù-luh(-ha) - sù to send out offshoots, branches (Civil,<br />

Farmer's Instructions p. 88f. + p. 105 n. 90 )<br />

ù-ma victory, triumph<br />

ù-mu-un → umun<br />

ù-na ready for battle<br />

ù-na-(a-)du11 letter<br />

ù-nu-ku sleeplessness (Civil, AV Hallo 74)<br />

ù-sá(g) (deep) sleep<br />

ù-sakar/sar → u4-sar<br />

giš<br />

ù-suh5 (a species of pine) (ašūhu) (Powell, BSA 6,<br />

116f.)<br />

ù-sún → sún<br />

giš ù-šub, giš NI-šub brickmould (see Steinkeller, AuOr<br />

2, 139 for the reading of the variant)<br />

ù-tu(d) → tu(d)<br />


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