Elementary Sumerian Glossary

Elementary Sumerian Glossary

Elementary Sumerian Glossary


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du11(g) (dug4) to do, use (aux. verb); to act or serve as.<br />

Forms include: du11 perf. sg.; e perf. pl. & imperf.; di<br />

present participle & infinitive (later, rarely, finite<br />

imperf.)<br />

du11(g) to say, speak (elliptical for inim - du11)<br />

du12 (short form of → tuku, seen especially when<br />

reduplicated)<br />

du14 quarrel (with /d/ or /dr/ Auslaut, see Attinger,<br />

Eléments p. 466f. )<br />

du14 - mú to incite a quarrel<br />

dub tablet, document<br />

dub to heap up, pour in piles<br />

dub-ba-an, gi-dub-ba-an(-na) reed fence-post, fence<br />

of bundled reeds (Alster, Dumuzi's Dream p. 95-96)<br />

dub-dab5 - za to thud, batter (an onomatopoetic<br />

construction, see Civil, JCS 20, 117ff.; Black, AV<br />

Wilcke 35ff.)<br />

dub-lá gatehouse, gateway(?); foundation platform,<br />

terrace; canal locks(?)<br />

dub-saĝ first (mahrû)<br />

dub-sar scribe<br />

dub-šen (treasure) chest (as part of temple<br />

furnishings); foundation box<br />

dúb to tremble, shake, quake; to flutter, flail, flap<br />

(hands or wings)<br />

dubsig(ÍL) (or dupsik) work basket, corvée basket<br />

(often with a wood or reed determinative; previously<br />

read dusu) (tupšikku)<br />

dug pot, jar, vessel<br />

kuš dùg-gan bag (tukkannu)<br />

dugud v. & adj. (to be) heavy, huge, weighty,<br />

important<br />

duh, dudda(?) bran, chaff<br />

dul, dùl, dul5(TÚG) to cover; to envelop, wrap<br />

dum-dam - za to complain (nazāmu); to howl, roar,<br />

cry out; to rejoice (Sjöberg, AV Limet 126f.)<br />

dumu child, son, daughter; citizen (of a particular<br />

city); (member of a class, group, craft) Emesal du5mu<br />

dumu-gi7(-ra) free or "conditionally free" person (cf.<br />

ASJ 11, 217), freeborn citizen; noble, princely child;<br />

aristocrat (Cooper, Curse of Agade p. 240)<br />

dumu-KA (descendent or the like) (Sjöberg, AV<br />

Falkenstein 209-212)<br />

dumu-munus daughter (some read dumu-mí; reading<br />

dumu-sal is obsolete) (logogram is an Akkadian<br />

innovation, not attested before Ur III; see Steinkeller,<br />

Or ns 51, 358)<br />

dumu-nita(h) male child (see also ibila(DUMU.<br />

NITA) (male) heir)<br />

dun to dig<br />

dun to weave<br />

dun(-a) v. and adj. (to be) under the authority of,<br />

subordinate to (see du9(n))<br />

dun5 → du9(n)<br />

dungu(IM.DIRI) cloud<br />

dur cable, cord (Waetzoldt, BSA 6, 132); umbilicus;<br />

bond, link<br />

dur-an-ki(-k) Bond of Heaven and Earth (poetic term<br />

for Enlil's temple complex in Nippur)<br />

dúr, dúr-ru(n), durunx → tuš<br />

dúr base; bottom (the body part, cf. MSL 9, 65:92<br />

Ugu-mu Susa); seat, residence (išdu, šaplu)<br />

giš dúr seat (of a chair); bottom board, wooden bottom<br />

dúr-bi-šè, dúr-ra-ni-šè at the bottom or back, in last<br />

place (physically or in a scale of values) (Civil, JNES<br />

43, 285f.; AuOr 7, 147)<br />


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