Elementary Sumerian Glossary

Elementary Sumerian Glossary

Elementary Sumerian Glossary


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ulug chisel; needle, pin; seal-pin (Civil Oriental<br />

Institute website corrections to PSD B); latch-pin(?);<br />

border-marker(?); axis<br />

bulug-KIN-gur4 (surgical) lancet<br />

bùluĝ to grow up, rear children or young, make grow,<br />

ripen; to be great, to elevate<br />

bùluĝ, bulùĝ-ĝá foster-child<br />

bunga(NITA(2).GA) child<br />

bur (stone) bowl, vessel (Yuhong, AV Klein 391)<br />

bur-gi4-a (a kind of offering)<br />

bur-gul stonecutter, engraver<br />

bur-saĝ (a servant); (a building used for storage of<br />

offerings, see Heimpel, JCS 33, 106)<br />

bur-šu-ma old woman, matron, matriarch<br />

bur-zi (a kind of bowl)<br />

ú búr (a kind of grass)<br />

búr to free, loosen, release; to reveal, explain, interpret<br />

(dreams); to undo, nullify (curse, sin, anger); to spread<br />

widely, spread out over, cover (cf. á - búr, ki-búr,<br />

múš - búr)<br />

búr, bu, bu7 to glow, shine<br />

búr-ra(-ah) (an architectural term)<br />

búr-ra-bé openly, publicly<br />

i7 buranun(-na) Euphrates<br />

bùru (bùr) (area measure = 18 iku = 1800 sar = ca.<br />

63,510 sq. meters) (Yuhong, AV Klein 391)<br />

bùru(d) (bùr) n. hole, pit, depths; depth; v. to make a<br />

hole, pierce, break into, burgle; to be deep, deepen; to<br />

penetrate, understand; adj. deep<br />

buru4 mušen (a bird of prey or a vulture, OS); raven (Ur<br />

III onward) (Veldhuis, Education 226-228)<br />

buru5 mušen (bur5) (a small bird that lives in flocks,<br />

possibly a sparrow); locust (OB and later) (Veldhuis,<br />

Education 229-231)<br />

buru5-habrud(-da) mušen partridge(?) (işşur hurri)<br />

(Veldhuis, Education 231-233)<br />

buru14 harvest, crop; harvest time<br />

D<br />

da, da(g) side; near (cf. Krecher, ASJ 9, 88 n. 39)<br />

DA → á<br />

da-ga-an, da-ga-na, daggan(KI.GIŠGAL) bedroom,<br />

private room (Krecher, ASJ 9, 88 n. 39; Civil, AV<br />

Biggs 18) (dakkannu)<br />

da-gi4-a, dag-gi4-a district, ward, city quarter (bābtu);<br />

cf. ùsar da-gi4-a neighbor (Steinkeller, Sales<br />

Documents 242f.)<br />

da-ri, da-rí lasting, eternal (cf. Akk. dārû)<br />

da-ri/rí-šè forever<br />

da - ri to lead at one's side (so Selz, ASJ 17, 251ff.,<br />

who reads the verbal root as /dri/; cf. maš-da-ri-a)<br />

dab5, dab, dab6/da5(b) to fasten onto (-a), hold onto,<br />

detain; to seize, take (with -e/a); to be attached to,<br />

employed at (-da) (often elliptical for šu - dab5)<br />

dabin(ZÌ.ŠE) barley meal or flour<br />

dadag v. and adj. (to be) (cultically) pure, (legally)<br />

exonerated<br />

dag to move, run about, roam<br />

dag-gi4-a → da-gi4-a<br />

daĝal v. & adj. (to be) wide, broad, vast, far-reaching,<br />

widespread; n. breadth<br />

daĝal-bé broadly<br />

daĝal - tag to spread wide<br />


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