VITAMIN A FORTIFIed PEANUT BUTTER - The Official Website of ...

VITAMIN A FORTIFIed PEANUT BUTTER - The Official Website of ... VITAMIN A FORTIFIed PEANUT BUTTER - The Official Website of ...



Process Flow for the Vitamin A Fortification of Peanut Butter 1. Prepare the peanut butter for receiving the fortificant according to the procedure described in Steps 1 to 3 of the process flow for the stabilization of a flowing-type peanut butter shown in Appendix A. 2. Weigh the following amounts of peanut butter matrix, stabilizer and vitamin A fortificant in separate containers: 6 Kg peanut butter in a mixing bowl, 120 g Myverol 18-04 in a plastic container and 0.4790 g microencapsulated vitamin A in a wide mouthed opaque container with cover. (Note: An analytical balance is recommended for use in the weighing of the fortificant. Weighing of the fortificant should be made as fast as possible to prevent the exposure of the fortificant to light and atmospheric oxygen. A wide mouth opaque container preferably of aluminum material is recommended for containing the vitamin A fortificant. Calibration of weighing scales/balances and temperature measuring devices are likewise recommended at least once a year to ensure the accurate measurement of weights and temperature.) 3. Measure the temperature of the peanut butter and check if product temperature falls between 43 o C < 70 o C. If temperature of peanut butter is greater than 70 o C, cool the product by manual mixing. If temperature of peanut butter is less than 43 o C, allow the peanut butter to pass through the grinder to increase product temperature. 4. Add the vitamin A fortificant to the stabilizer and mix in circular strokes using a small rubber spatula for about 10 seconds. 5. Slowly pour the mixture of fortificant and stabilizer into the peanut butter matrix while the peanut butter is being mixed manually. Continue mixing the product for two (2) minutes using circular strokes using a big stainless steel ladle or a plastic spatula. . 6. When the required mixing time is reached, immediately fill the stabilized product in glass jars. Slowly tap the filled bottles to remove any entrapped air during the filling step then cover the bottle. (Note: The fortified stabilized product should be filled as fast as possible as the product will start to set causing difficulty in filling the product in the glass jars). 7. Immediately place the filled bottles in an ice water bath maintained at 10 o C leaving it undisturbed for two (2) hours. Check the temperature of the ice water bath from time to time to ensure that the required temperature of 10 o C is maintained during the entire cooling period. (Note: During the cooling step, it is recommended that ice packs in plastic bags instead of ice cubes are used for the ice water bath. Unnecessary movements of the filled bottles in the ice water bath should be avoided so as not to disrupt the formation of crystals. Additional ice may be added to the water bath when temperature increases however care should be taken to prevent unnecessary movements to the filled bottles). 8. After the required cooling time, the product is transferred to a cold storage area and stored in upright position, for conditioning/tempering 140



OF <strong>PEANUT</strong> <strong>BUTTER</strong><br />


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