Flight Instructors Training Procedures _revised AIC_x

Flight Instructors Training Procedures _revised AIC_x

Flight Instructors Training Procedures _revised AIC_x


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10.<br />

ii.<br />

i.<br />

Engine Failure after airborne.<br />



Downwind Leg.<br />

*<br />

action.<br />

c. Apply firm braking action compatible<br />

with available distance remaining.<br />

i. At a safe height, and at or above safety speed<br />

or Vyse. (whichever is higher), close one<br />

throttle to simulate engine failure.<br />

ii. Immediate Actions:<br />

a. Maximum power/thrust on the live<br />

engine. Throttle and RPM lever fully<br />

forward. Check mixture control in<br />

correct position.<br />

b. Attitude to maintain a safe airspeed.<br />

c. Select landing gear up.<br />

d. Flaps retracted (if used on flap speed<br />

schedule).<br />

e. Maintain directional control with rudder<br />

and aileron.<br />

f. Use not more than 5° of bank towards<br />

the operating engine.<br />

g. Identify failed engine whilst adopting<br />

Vyse.<br />

h. Confirm which engine has hailed by<br />

slowly closing the throttle of the<br />

identified engine.<br />

i. Simulate the feathering procedure by<br />

using “touch drill” and selecting “zero<br />

thrust” on the idling engine.<br />

j. Complete engine shutdown checklist<br />

(simulated).<br />

iii. Continue the climb on one engine to the<br />

desired circuit altitude.<br />

Note: At least one single engine climb to the<br />

downwind position must be made.<br />

Thereafter and in the interests of engine<br />

handling, the single engine climb may be<br />

discontinued after the student has clearly<br />

established full control and a positive rate of<br />

climb.<br />

A different engine should be throttled back for<br />

each practice.<br />

i. ATC liaison<br />

ii. At an early stage on the downwind leg, close<br />

one throttle and simulate engine failure.<br />

iii. Accomplish engine failure procedure.<br />

iv. Maintain a constant heading, altitude and a<br />

safe airspeed, increasing the power/thrust on<br />

the operating engine as necessary.<br />

v. Simulate feathering procedure using “Touch<br />

Drill” and select “zero thrust” on the idling<br />

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