Flight Instructors Training Procedures _revised AIC_x

Flight Instructors Training Procedures _revised AIC_x

Flight Instructors Training Procedures _revised AIC_x


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3.<br />

d. Suitable open terrain.<br />

e. Signs of habitation for after landing<br />

assistance.<br />

ii. Field in sight<br />

a. Slow safe cruise configuration ±100ft<br />

beneath cloud base.<br />

b. Complete field approach checks.<br />

c. Plan bad weather race course pattern<br />

circuit procedure according to conditions<br />

and select landmarks for orientation<br />

purposes.<br />

d. Join overhead field or onto downwind leg<br />

as conditions dictate, beneath cloud base<br />

e.g. ± 400 ft agl.<br />

i.<br />

ii.<br />


Inspect proposed landing path from safe altitude<br />

using slow safe cruise configuration as per<br />

aircraft manual.<br />

Check approaches and overshoot area are clear<br />

of obstacles from ‘circuit’ joining position –<br />

overhead or downwind.<br />

)+*<br />

obstructions.<br />

iii. Assess weather situation continuously.<br />

i. Low safe altitude ± 400 ft agl.<br />

ii. From “circuit” joining position, confirm<br />

direction of best landing path.<br />

iii. Select landmarks for circuit orientation.<br />

iv. Fly over the field in direction of proposed<br />

landing path for the high level inspection<br />

(±400ft agl. In this case).<br />

v. Align D.I. with magnetic compass heading<br />

and note ‘runway’ heading.<br />

vi. Fly a race course pattern crosswind leg<br />

using rate one turns onto reciprocal<br />

heading – downwind.<br />

vii. Normal downwind leg at ± 400 ft agl. –<br />

allow for possible drift and keep landing<br />

path in sight at all times – very important.<br />

Note ground markers to assist with<br />

orientation.<br />

viii. Abeam threshold of proposed landing path,<br />

commence rate one turn onto race course<br />

pattern base leg to position for the low level<br />

inspection.<br />

ix. When approximately half way on the base<br />

leg commence a normal descending turn<br />

with power onto final approach, positioning<br />

to one side of the proposed landing path<br />

for better observation of approaches,<br />

surface and overshoot area (normally the<br />

right hand side allowing the pilot sitting on<br />

the left hand side of a side by side seating<br />

aircraft, a better unobstructed view).<br />

x. At a safe low attitude (e.g. ± 100 ft), apply<br />

power for level flight in the slow safe cruise<br />

configuration.<br />

xi. Observe and note;<br />

a. Direction of landing path (heading) –<br />

recheck D.I. with magnetic compass.<br />

b. Surface condition of landing path.<br />

c. Length of landing path.<br />

d. Drift correction.<br />

e. Undershoot and overshoot area for<br />

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