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Page<br />

Murfreesboro, anticline in eastern part of_ 36<br />

municipal ground-water supply of ___ 183<br />

Murfreesboro limestone, character of____ 29,56<br />

ground water from, chemical character of 181-183<br />

occurrence of ____ 57<br />

water-bearing properties of...,_____ 28<br />

N<br />

Nashville Basin, general features of........ 18<br />

rocks reached by drilling in, general features<br />

Of- . ...___ 58-61<br />

underground drainage in ...____ 24<br />

Nashville Basin cycle, general features of_ 20-21<br />

high-terrace stage of ________ 21<br />

peneplain stage of .._________ 21-22<br />

Nashville Basin peneplain, correlation of__ 22<br />

subsurface drainage channel on_____ pi. 5<br />

Nashville dome, general features of _____ 62-63<br />

New Providence shale, character and waterbearing<br />

properties of.________ 26,37-38<br />

fossils of ________________ 38<br />

occurrence of ______________ 37<br />

Nitrate, concentration of, in ground water . 10g<br />

O<br />

Ordovician rocks, general features of.. 45-4.<br />

Orlinda, municipal ground-water supply of.. 17°<br />

Osgood limestone, character of_______ 2<br />

Pegram limestone, character and water­<br />

bearing properties of._ 27,41-43<br />

occurrence of..______________ 41<br />

type section of ...._ 42<br />

Physiographic districts of central Tennessee,<br />

general features of..______ 15-16<br />

map showing .......________ pi. l<br />

Physiographic history, outline of ______ 18-23<br />

Pierce limestone, character of ______ 29,55-56<br />

occurrence of- ____________ 56<br />

water-bearing properties of _______ 28<br />

Pohl, E. B., quoted______________ 42-43<br />

Porosity of limestone, character of..____ 69-70<br />

Portland, municipal ground-water supply of. 203<br />

Potassium, dissolved, relation of, to use of<br />

ground water_________ 101-102<br />

Purpose of investigation__________ 1<br />

Quaternary deposits, character and water­<br />

bearing properties of. ....... 26,30<br />

E<br />

Bainfall, records of._____________ 9-15<br />

Becent cycle, events of____________ 22-23<br />

Bidgetop shale, character and water-bearing<br />

properties of. . _ 27,38-39<br />

fossils of__________________ 39<br />

occurrence of. . ....______ 38<br />

Ridley limestone, character of ______ 29,54-55<br />

occurrence of . ...________ 55<br />

orifice of tubular spring in_______ pi. 9<br />

static altitude of water in________ 96<br />

water-bearing properties of ... 28<br />

Bobertson County, analyses of ground waters<br />

from.. .....__._...__ 110-111<br />

general features of . 170<br />

KTDEX 28*<br />

Page<br />

Bobertson County, ground-water condi­<br />

tions in....................... 171-172<br />

municipal ground-water supplies In.. 172<br />

typical springs in,........................ 176<br />

typical wells in..L 173-175<br />

Butherford County^ analyses of ground<br />

waters from_______ 118-119<br />

general features ojf_ _______ 177-178<br />

ground-water conditions in___.. 178-183<br />

municipal ground-water supplies in 183<br />

typical springs tof..._ _.... 187-189<br />

typical wells in..,._______.... . 184-187<br />

St. Louis limestone, character and water­<br />

bearing properties of.__ 26,33,34<br />

mineral constituents in water of 122<br />

nodular chert in Ipwer part of.. pi. 6<br />

occurrence of. __________ 33-34<br />

residual clay overlying_____ pi. 6<br />

St. Peter (?) sandstone, occurrence and char­<br />

acter of.. 61<br />

static altitude of water in. _ 96<br />

water-bearing properties of. T. 97,134,179<br />

Sanitary precautions, need of, for protecting<br />

wells and springs ____ 108-109<br />

Scope of investigation________ 1<br />

Seepage springs, chemical character of water<br />

from..... pi. 8<br />

Silica, dissolved, relation of, to use of ground<br />

water_________.1 100<br />

Silurian limestones, mineral constituents in<br />

water of 122<br />

Silurian rocks, occurrence and character of.. 44-46<br />

Sinks in limestone, diversion of run-off by 75<br />

features of.___ . 72-73<br />

Sodium, dissolved, relation of, to use of<br />

ground water______ 101-102<br />

Solubility of calcareous rocks, differences in.. 73-74<br />

Solution openings in limestone, features of... 71-72<br />

Springs, artesian, general features of. 96<br />

fracture, general features of 92<br />

gravity, general features of_ 89-90<br />

seepage, general features of ___ 90-92<br />

tubular, general features of___ 92-55<br />

mineral constituents in water of.... 95<br />

Standing Bock Well, driller's log of... . 198<br />

Stevens property, driller's log of test well on. 59<br />

Stewart & Terrell well, driller's log of 207<br />

Stewart County, analyses of ground waters<br />

from_.________ - 110-111<br />

general features of_ 190-192<br />

ground-water conditions in..... 192-193<br />

typical springs in..._____... 196-197<br />

typical wells in_________ 194-195<br />

Stone Biver, structural features on 63-64<br />

Stones Biver group, mineral constituents in<br />

water of... 123<br />

Stratigraphy, general features of. 24-29<br />

Structure, general features of 62-68<br />

Sulphate, concentration of, in ground water,<br />

effect of.... - 102-103<br />

Sumner County, analyses of ground waters<br />

from... 112-113<br />

folds in_. _____________. - 64<br />

general features of____...__ 198-200<br />

ground-water conditions in. __ 200-203

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