History of corn milling .. - Centrostudirpinia.it

History of corn milling .. - Centrostudirpinia.it History of corn milling .. - Centrostudirpinia.it

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78 HISTORY OF CORN MILLING: vol. iv. III. DEE MILLS, j^jj-j^ . CHESTER. long as the said R. del Hope may remain in the aforesaid office under also for his good conduct towards the lord the prince and earl ^^^ ^^ ^j^g suitors of the said mills: Also for his true and faithful 8 Installation payment to the lord the prince and the aforesaid chamberlain, or of Keeper whoso may be named as his deputy for the time being, to the use of ' 140Q t^^ s^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ prince, of all moneys arising from the said mills and - fishery from time to time, as directed by the said chamberlain or his deputy: Also that he will be attentive and obedient to the said chamberlain or his deputy for the time being, as well in the payment of the moneys of the lord the prince, as the sale of grain, malt, and fish derived from the said mills and fishery, selling the same subject to their counsel, as in all other matters whatsoever concerning the said office : Also that all and singular laws and customs of the said mills hitherto used he will observe to the best of his power to the use and behoof of the said lord the prince and earl, under the penalty provided, so long as the said Robert del Hope may hold the said office. 9. Bakers' 9. The bakers of Chester, being citizens, were of Company course personally bound by the customs of the Dee • • • bound, 1464. ^^.„ .11 Ml 1 1 Mills to grind there ; still, on their incorporation the astriction of the company was formally made a condition of their constitution. In 1463 the mayor had issued a charter which, duly recognising the bakers' rights and privileges, had ignored their responsibilities to Dee Mills but in the ; year following, when this was presented to Edward IV. for confirmation, the king ''let them to wit" that astriction to Dee Mills was not to be overlooked, and Inserted a clause to that effect In his confirmation. Had. MSS., Be it knowne to all men that in the citty of Chester ther is and 2054. 41^ hath byn out of tyme of mynd a craft called the craft of comon bakers of the same citty; having belonginge thereto an alderman and two stuards to be chosen by the brethern of the same craft : Which byn and have byn tyme out of mynd bounden to make such p'vision that there be contynuall brede sufficient for alle the kings people beinge there at alle tymes : And in the same citty of Chester it hath ben uset, out of tyme that noe mynde ronnes, that noe mannr of man shuld use the craft of a baker in the sayd citie, nor noe brede bake therein to sell but he were addmited by the alderman and the stuards of the same craft for the tyme being to be one of there brethren in that occupacion ; and have and deliver up his marke [stamp for bread] in wax before the maior of the said citty for the tyme beinge;

SOME FEUDAL MILLS. 79 and there abyde ; III. and be sworne to be ruled in alle thynges concerninge the same craft by the alderman and the stuards thereof for the ^^^^^^^S' EbTER. tyme beinge ; and be redy to pay for the costes and Light of Corpus Christi as oft and expenses of the Play times as it shall be asseset 9, Bakers' Company bound 1464. by the same stuards for the tyme beinge ; and pay unto the same alderman and stuards for the tyme beinge, if he be a forener that shall be so admitted xP, and if he have byn aprentice to the same craft within the same citie xxvj^ viij^\ and a dinner to the brethren of the same craft [on his] firstcomminge thereto, with all other costes and charges belonginge to the same craft ; and keep such assiz [of bread] as shall by the maior of the same citie wekely be assigned unto the same stuards for the tyme beinge. And it is so now, that ill dyvers disposed psons of the same citie, not admited unto the sayd craft nor sworne in forme aforesayd, in late tyme have taken and presumed upon theym, and daly yet usurpen and presumen, to bake brede and it to sell within the same citty ; not keepinge any assize nor doyinge nor payinge any other duty as is aforesayd ; Which brede so baken for the most parte is not sufficiente nor able ; to the grete and generall hurte and desceyt of all the kings people, and greate disclaunder of the maior of the sayd citty for the tyme beinge, and of all the craft of bakers in the same citte, and contrary to the custome aforesayd ; and like to groe to a fynall destruction of the same craft; Wherefore, we John Davidson, alderman ; Robt. Ranson and Thos. Hobbs, stuards of the same craft by the assent of alle our wil and assent brethern of the sayd craft, and by the advice, goode of Robt. brunne, maier of the cittie of Chester, and his counsell ; Consideringe the sayd custome and the mischeyf and inconvenyence that have fain and likely so to fall by cause of the usurpation and brech of the sayd custome ; ffor the Tranquility and comyn weale of alle the kings people, and [for ceasing] the sclaunder aforsayde, and affermynge the sayd custome to be goode ; Wil and ordayne that noe manr of man, of what condicion soo ever he be, occupie the craft of baker in the sayd citie, but if he be admited and sworne in forme aforesayde, upon payne of liij^ iiij^ to be forfet by them that do the contrary to the custome aforesayde as oft tymes as any pson psumes soe to doe : The wan halph of the same payne to be forfet and payde to the kinge and his heyers, Erles of Chester; and the tother halph to the alderman, stewards and brether of the sayd craft for the tyme beinge : The same payne to be levied by the sherifs of the sayd citie and the stuards of the same craft for the tyme beinge, by such meanes as shall be thought most expedient by the same sherifs and stewards for the most hasty levy therof : Also whereas also it hath byn uset out of tyme of mynde that if any brede baked out of the sayd citty be brought to sell within

78 HISTORY OF CORN MILLING: vol. iv.<br />

III.<br />

DEE MILLS, j^jj-j^ .<br />

CHESTER.<br />

long as the said R. del Hope may remain in the aforesaid <strong>of</strong>fice under<br />

also for his good conduct towards the lord the prince and earl<br />

^^^ ^^ ^j^g su<strong>it</strong>ors <strong>of</strong> the said mills: Also for his true and fa<strong>it</strong>hful<br />

8 Installation payment to the lord the prince and the aforesaid chamberlain, or<br />

<strong>of</strong> Keeper<br />

whoso may be named as his deputy for the time being, to the use <strong>of</strong><br />

'<br />

140Q<br />

t^^ s^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ prince, <strong>of</strong> all moneys arising from the said mills and<br />

-<br />

fishery from time to time, as directed by the said chamberlain or<br />

his deputy: Also that he will be attentive and obedient to the said<br />

chamberlain or his deputy for the time being, as well in the payment<br />

<strong>of</strong> the moneys <strong>of</strong> the lord the prince, as the sale <strong>of</strong> grain, malt, and<br />

fish derived from the said mills and fishery, selling the same subject<br />

to their counsel, as in all other matters whatsoever concerning the<br />

said <strong>of</strong>fice : Also that all and singular laws and customs <strong>of</strong> the said<br />

mills h<strong>it</strong>herto used he will observe to the best <strong>of</strong> his power to<br />

the use and beho<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the said lord the prince and earl, under the<br />

penalty provided, so long as the said Robert del Hope may hold<br />

the said <strong>of</strong>fice.<br />

9. Bakers' 9. The bakers <strong>of</strong> Chester, being c<strong>it</strong>izens, were <strong>of</strong><br />

Company course personally bound by the customs <strong>of</strong> the Dee<br />

• • •<br />

bound, 1464. ^^.„ .11 Ml 1<br />

1<br />

Mills to grind there ; still, on their incorporation the<br />

astriction <strong>of</strong> the company was formally made a cond<strong>it</strong>ion<br />

<strong>of</strong> their const<strong>it</strong>ution. In 1463 the mayor had<br />

issued a charter which, duly recognising<br />

the bakers'<br />

rights and privileges, had ignored their responsibil<strong>it</strong>ies<br />

to Dee Mills but in the ;<br />

year following, when this was<br />

presented to Edward IV. for confirmation, the king<br />

''let them to w<strong>it</strong>" that astriction to Dee Mills was<br />

not to be overlooked, and Inserted a clause to that<br />

effect In his confirmation.<br />

Had. MSS., Be <strong>it</strong> knowne to all men that in the c<strong>it</strong>ty <strong>of</strong> Chester ther is and<br />

2054. 41^ hath byn out <strong>of</strong> tyme <strong>of</strong> mynd a craft called the craft <strong>of</strong> comon<br />

bakers <strong>of</strong> the same c<strong>it</strong>ty; having belonginge thereto an alderman<br />

and two stuards to be chosen by the brethern <strong>of</strong> the same craft :<br />

Which byn and have byn tyme out <strong>of</strong> mynd bounden to make such<br />

p'vision that there be contynuall brede sufficient for alle the kings<br />

people beinge there at alle tymes :<br />

And in the same c<strong>it</strong>ty <strong>of</strong> Chester <strong>it</strong> hath ben uset, out <strong>of</strong> tyme<br />

that noe mynde ronnes, that noe mannr <strong>of</strong> man shuld use the craft<br />

<strong>of</strong> a baker in the sayd c<strong>it</strong>ie, nor noe brede bake therein to sell but<br />

he were addm<strong>it</strong>ed by the alderman and the stuards <strong>of</strong> the<br />

same craft for the tyme being to be one <strong>of</strong> there brethren in<br />

that occupacion ; and have and deliver up his marke [stamp<br />

for bread] in wax before the maior <strong>of</strong> the said c<strong>it</strong>ty for the<br />

tyme beinge;

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