History of corn milling .. - Centrostudirpinia.it

History of corn milling .. - Centrostudirpinia.it History of corn milling .. - Centrostudirpinia.it

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32 HISTORY OF CORN MILLING: vol. iv. SHREWSBURY 5^- each ; even 6d. per annum, as at Rodingtone. ABBEY appearino: in the schedule.* Hence the value of the MTT T c: ^^__ (three) small rural mills which Roger gave to the 1. Foundation, abbey would be very far from making up the desired ^° ^ ;^i2 per annum. Now, it is remarkable that the monks in no one of their future inspeximus charters, nor in their History of the Fotmdation, nor elsewhere, ever claim to have been endowed with these burgage rentals ; and it will, indeed, be suggested, shortly, that, before the actual '' foundation charter " was drawn up in 1087, this combined gift of city burgages and rural mills, given at the initial stage of the foundation in 1083, had been found, on experience, to be inadequate to meet Roger's ideas, and that he consequently made a suitable change in its nature when the abbey was opened and an abbot installed, in 1087. 2. Grant of 2. Earl Roger's ''foundation charter" is the next City Multure, \\yi\^ in the evidences. From this we learn that, prior to and during the erection of the monastery, the earl and others had vowed various gifts to the foundation, Hist. Shby., but that the monks, who were trustees for the erection, had not been endowed with them. It is already apparent from Domesday that the abbey was built in 1086 ; being and we may gather from the later evidence of the History of the Foundation that it was in 1087 when the building was fairly completed, the abbey at length opened, and an abbot appointed. This, as Ordericus tells us, was Fulchard, of the reign of William Rufus. It was in the last quarter of 1087, therefore, that Roger's charter was drawn up. In it were formally recited all the gifts that had at different * Owen and Blakeway say: "Tlie mill of Ellesmere forms a 1825, ii. 10. remarkable : exception in the time of the Confessor, which was doubled when Domesday was made." This is an error. No valuation is quoted for the mill : the j[^\o is the it paid a rent of ^10 Domesday, rent of the whole manor :— Ipsi com ten^ Ellesmeles : Ibi iiii hidae, i. 254. &c., &c : Ibi molin : T.R.E. reddet» x li'b de firma : Modo xx li'b.

SOME FEUDAL MILLS. 33 times been vowed ; and the whole endowment was ^^^ 1- L 11 lu 1-1 1 I 1 SHREWSBURY vested m the abbey and the abbot, who, the charter abbey states, had already been appointed. Clearly the king William mentioned in the charter is William IL ^- Grant of City Multure, Rogerus comes Salopesberiae filiis suis et heredibus et baronibus 1087. et hominibus et omnibus amiciis suis Francis et Anglis salutem. j^onast Ang ' Sciatis me construxisse monasterium in suburbia civitatis i. 1682, 379" Salopesberiae in ecclesia sanctorum apostolorum Petri et Pauli quae (Ex Reg. Abb.) antiquitus ibi fundata erat, et concessisse eidem vicum ilium totam qui dicitur Biforiete cum tribus molendinis et omnibus redditibus et tota terra quae est inter duo flumina scilicet inter Sabrinam fluvium et Meolam, et ex alia parte fiuminis Meole terrulam quandam quae vocatur Aldefield. Et quia monachi Sagiensis [Sayiensis] coenobii de mea possessione erant in Normannia et boni testimonii viri, de illis quosdam accepi, et ad edificationem praefati monasterii constitui, nulla illis ejusdem loci donatione concessa, sed ut elemosinas meas, et aliorum fidelium susciperent et colligerent, et de beneficiis coUatis constructionem praefati monasterii festinarent. Postea vero per consilium regis Gulielmi et Roberti episcopi et uxoris meae Adelaisiae et filiorum meorum, unum illorum abbatern ibi posui, et locum ilium liberum feci, nullo omnino alteri loco per subjectionem obnoxium. ... Dedi etiam eis domum in civitate ad sabulonem [tabulonem] ad opus ecclesiae et moltam totius civitatis et curiae meae quando in civitate manerem. . . . Quae omnia ego eis concessi et sigilli mea auctoritate confirmavi. Praecepi etiam filiis meis ut locum ilium diligerent et carum haberent. Et si forte contingeret ut ego in Anglia morirer ibi me ponerent et deinde fratribus loci illius necessaria providerent. Testibus hiis—Roberto episcopo Cestriae, Hugone et Roberto Belismo &c. Roger, Earl of Shrewsbury, to his sons and heirs, his barons and people, and all friends, French and English, greeting. Know ye that I have built a monastery in the suburb of the city of Shrewsbury, in the church of the holy apostles Peter and Paul, which was anciently founded there ; and have conceded to the same all that road called Biforiete, with three mills and all [their] revenues, and all the land between the two rivers, that is to say, between the Severn and the Meole ; also a certain land called Oidfield, on another part of the Meole. And whereas the monks of the monastery of Seez, on my land in Normandy, were men of good repute, I chose certain of them, and appointed them for the erection of the said monastery. They were conceded nothing of the donations made to the abbey, but and others of the they collected and received gifts from myself faithful, and with these benefactions they hastened on the building of the said monastery. VOL. IV. C '


times been vowed ; and the whole endowment was ^^^<br />

1- L 11 lu 1-1 1 I 1 SHREWSBURY<br />

vested m the abbey and the abbot, who, the charter abbey<br />

states, had already been appointed. Clearly the king<br />

William mentioned in the charter is William IL ^- Grant <strong>of</strong><br />

C<strong>it</strong>y Multure,<br />

Rogerus comes Salopesberiae filiis suis et heredibus et baronibus 1087.<br />

et hominibus et omnibus amiciis suis Francis et Anglis salutem.<br />

j^onast Ang '<br />

Sciatis me construxisse monasterium in suburbia civ<strong>it</strong>atis i. 1682, 379"<br />

Salopesberiae in ecclesia sanctorum apostolorum Petri et Pauli quae (Ex Reg. Abb.)<br />

antiqu<strong>it</strong>us ibi fundata erat, et concessisse eidem vicum ilium totam<br />

qui dic<strong>it</strong>ur Biforiete cum tribus molendinis et omnibus redd<strong>it</strong>ibus<br />

et tota terra quae est inter duo flumina scilicet inter Sabrinam fluvium<br />

et Meolam, et ex alia parte fiuminis Meole terrulam quandam quae<br />

vocatur Aldefield.<br />

Et quia monachi Sagiensis [Sayiensis] coenobii de mea possessione<br />

erant in Normannia et boni testimonii viri, de illis quosdam accepi,<br />

et ad edificationem praefati monasterii const<strong>it</strong>ui, nulla illis ejusdem<br />

loci donatione concessa, sed ut elemosinas meas, et aliorum fidelium<br />

susciperent et colligerent, et de beneficiis coUatis constructionem<br />

praefati monasterii festinarent.<br />

Postea vero per consilium regis Gulielmi et Roberti episcopi et<br />

uxoris meae Adelaisiae et filiorum meorum, unum illorum abbatern<br />

ibi posui, et locum ilium liberum feci, nullo omnino alteri loco per<br />

subjectionem obnoxium. ...<br />

Dedi etiam eis domum in civ<strong>it</strong>ate ad sabulonem [tabulonem] ad<br />

opus ecclesiae et moltam totius civ<strong>it</strong>atis et curiae meae quando in<br />

civ<strong>it</strong>ate manerem. . . .<br />

Quae omnia ego eis concessi et sigilli mea auctor<strong>it</strong>ate confirmavi.<br />

Praecepi etiam filiis meis ut locum ilium diligerent et carum<br />

haberent. Et si forte contingeret ut ego in Anglia morirer ibi me<br />

ponerent et deinde fratribus loci illius necessaria providerent.<br />

Testibus hiis—Roberto episcopo Cestriae, Hugone et Roberto<br />

Belismo &c.<br />

Roger, Earl <strong>of</strong> Shrewsbury, to his sons and heirs,<br />

his barons<br />

and people, and all friends, French and English, greeting.<br />

Know ye that I have built a monastery in the suburb <strong>of</strong> the c<strong>it</strong>y<br />

<strong>of</strong> Shrewsbury, in the church <strong>of</strong> the holy apostles Peter and Paul,<br />

which was anciently founded there ; and have conceded to the same<br />

all that road called Biforiete, w<strong>it</strong>h three mills and all [their] revenues,<br />

and all the land between the two rivers, that is to say, between the<br />

Severn and the Meole ; also a certain land called Oidfield, on<br />

another part <strong>of</strong> the Meole.<br />

And whereas the monks <strong>of</strong> the monastery <strong>of</strong> Seez, on my land<br />

in Normandy, were men <strong>of</strong> good repute, I chose certain <strong>of</strong> them,<br />

and appointed them for the erection <strong>of</strong> the said monastery. They<br />

were conceded nothing <strong>of</strong> the donations made to the abbey, but<br />

and others <strong>of</strong> the<br />

they collected and received gifts from myself<br />

fa<strong>it</strong>hful, and w<strong>it</strong>h these benefactions they hastened on the building<br />

<strong>of</strong> the said monastery.<br />

VOL. IV. C<br />


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