History of corn milling .. - Centrostudirpinia.it

History of corn milling .. - Centrostudirpinia.it History of corn milling .. - Centrostudirpinia.it

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30 HISTORY OF CORN MILLING: vol. iv. II. Kal. Marti i feria sexta convocavit. Manifesta proceres suos quinto ^^^^a'^f^^^ ^^^^ causa et ad omnibus collaudata, cum eis ad ecclesiam B. Petri MILLS apostoli adiit, ibique se abbatium constructurum palam testibus '- multis devovit, totumque suburbium quod extra portam orientalem 1. Foundation, situm est, Sancto Petro donavit, et super aram per cirothecas suas 1083. donationem posuit. Eodem anno Sagienses monachi Reinaldus et Frodo primitus illuc convenerunt et monachilis officinas Odelerio et Guarino aliisque multus adjuventibus condere coeperunt. Primus abbas illius monasterii Gulielmo Rufo regnante eloquens Fulcheredus fuit. A new monastery at the east gate of his own [baronial] town, Shrewsbury that is, in honour of St. Peter, principal of the apostles, he, Earl Roger, purposed erecting on the border of the stream called Mola, where it flows into the Severn. Accordingly, in the year of the incarnation of our Lord one thousand and eighty-three, the fourth indiction,* Roger, encouraged by his faithful counsellors, that he might fitly verify his purpose, convened Warine the sheriff, Picote of Seez [in Normandy], and others of his nobles on the 5th-6th calends of March [March 3-4]. of all when he His object was made went with them to the manifest to the applause church of St. Peter the apostle, where publicly, in the presence of many witnesses, he vowed to construct the abbey, and gave to St. Peter's the whole of the suburb outside the east gate of the city ; laying his gloves in testimony upon the altar. The same year Reinaldus and Fredus, monks from Seez, first met there and Odelerius and ; Guarin, with many others, able workmen, began to build the monastic offices. The first abbot of the monastery was the eloquent Fulchard, of the reign of William Rufus. The only items in the foregoing account now needing mention are such as will be found pertinent to this enquiry. The abbey was founded near the junction of the Mola, i.e. the mill-brook, and the Severn in 1083, and the erection of the monastery was com- menced in the same year ; the abbey being opened under the first abbot in the reign of William II., viz. in 1087. Odelerius, one of the monks who began the building operations, was the father of Ordericus, our historian. The next source of information is Domesday. The * Ordericus makes a clerical error in terming this the fourth indiction year, as that would be 1081 j the year 1083 being the sixth indiction.

SOME FEUDAL MILLS. 31 survey of Shropshire took place in 1086, and the i^ which was then in course of abbey founding of the abbey, erection, is twice referred to, and its grant of mills recited • ^* Foundation, 1083. In Sciropesberie civitate facit Rogerius com abbatia 7 eid ded Domesday, monasteriu S. Petri ubi erat parochia civitat^ tantu de suis burgibuz ^- ^SS*- 7 molinis qd: xii li'b redd monachis. Dicunt anglig^ burgses de Sciropesberie . . . abbatie qua facit Ibid., i. 252. ibi comes dederit ipse xxxjx burgses. In the city of Shrewsbury Earl Roger is building an abbey, and has given to it the monastery of St. Peter's, where was a parish [church] of the city ; and also as many of his burgages and mills as would yield ;^i2 [per annum] to the monks. The English burgesses of Shrewsbury say that the earl has given to the abbey he is building there 39 burgages. The burgages were not on the abbey lands, but in the city ; otherwise the citizens would have had nothing to say about them. To yield a total income of ^12 per annum, Roger seems to have largely miscalculated the probable produce of the burgages and mills. The Domesday value of burgages in St. Alkmond's parish, ibid., i. 253. in Shrewsbury, was 5d. each ; and the average houses in ibid., 252^ gablo payment for each of the fifty-two Shrewsbury liable in the time of the Confessor had been y^d. It is thus clear that the yield of the thirty-nine burgages would amount to very little, even with the value of their multure (which, of course, usually followed ownership) added thereto. The general income of the mills, therefore, was clearly relied upon to afford the main portion of the ^12 per annum. But the value of mills in the entire county was only small, as hand-stones were doubtless in general use. There was one mill in the county, that of Stanton, which yielded 26s., and two others were rented at 20s. each; but Text, ll. 163. these were high values, and the average was under '

30 HISTORY OF CORN MILLING: vol. iv.<br />

II.<br />

Kal. Marti i feria sexta convocav<strong>it</strong>. Manifesta<br />

proceres suos quinto<br />

^^^^a'^f^^^ ^^^^ causa et ad omnibus collaudata, cum eis ad ecclesiam B. Petri<br />

MILLS apostoli adi<strong>it</strong>, ibique se abbatium constructurum palam testibus<br />

'- multis devov<strong>it</strong>, totumque suburbium quod extra portam orientalem<br />

1. Foundation, s<strong>it</strong>um est, Sancto Petro donav<strong>it</strong>, et super aram per cirothecas suas<br />

1083. donationem posu<strong>it</strong>.<br />

Eodem anno Sagienses monachi Reinaldus et Frodo prim<strong>it</strong>us<br />

illuc convenerunt et monachilis <strong>of</strong>ficinas Odelerio et Guarino aliisque<br />

multus adjuventibus condere coeperunt.<br />

Primus abbas illius monasterii Gulielmo Rufo regnante eloquens<br />

Fulcheredus fu<strong>it</strong>.<br />

A new monastery at the east gate <strong>of</strong> his own [baronial] town,<br />

Shrewsbury that is, in honour <strong>of</strong> St. Peter, principal <strong>of</strong> the<br />

apostles, he, Earl Roger, purposed erecting on the border <strong>of</strong> the<br />

stream called Mola, where <strong>it</strong> flows into the Severn.<br />

Accordingly, in the year <strong>of</strong> the incarnation <strong>of</strong> our Lord one<br />

thousand and eighty-three, the fourth indiction,* Roger, encouraged<br />

by his fa<strong>it</strong>hful counsellors, that he might f<strong>it</strong>ly verify his purpose,<br />

convened Warine the sheriff, Picote <strong>of</strong> Seez [in Normandy],<br />

and others <strong>of</strong> his nobles on the 5th-6th calends <strong>of</strong> March<br />

[March 3-4].<br />

<strong>of</strong> all when he<br />

His object was made<br />

went w<strong>it</strong>h them to the<br />

manifest to the applause<br />

church <strong>of</strong> St. Peter the<br />

apostle, where publicly, in the presence <strong>of</strong> many w<strong>it</strong>nesses, he<br />

vowed to construct the abbey, and gave to St. Peter's the whole<br />

<strong>of</strong> the suburb outside the east gate <strong>of</strong> the c<strong>it</strong>y ; laying his gloves in<br />

testimony upon the altar.<br />

The same year Reinaldus and Fredus, monks from Seez, first met<br />

there and Odelerius and ;<br />

Guarin, w<strong>it</strong>h many others, able workmen,<br />

began to build the monastic <strong>of</strong>fices.<br />

The first abbot <strong>of</strong> the monastery was the eloquent Fulchard, <strong>of</strong><br />

the reign <strong>of</strong> William Rufus.<br />

The only <strong>it</strong>ems in the foregoing account now needing<br />

mention are such as will be found pertinent to this<br />

enquiry.<br />

The abbey was founded near the junction<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Mola, i.e. the mill-brook, and the Severn in<br />

1083, and the erection <strong>of</strong> the monastery<br />

was com-<br />

menced in the same year ; the abbey being opened<br />

under the first abbot in the reign <strong>of</strong> William II., viz.<br />

in 1087. Odelerius, one <strong>of</strong> the monks who began<br />

the building operations, was the father <strong>of</strong> Ordericus,<br />

our historian.<br />

The next source <strong>of</strong> information is Domesday. The<br />

* Ordericus makes a clerical error in terming this the fourth indiction year, as<br />

that would be 1081 j the year 1083 being the sixth indiction.

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