History of corn milling .. - Centrostudirpinia.it

History of corn milling .. - Centrostudirpinia.it History of corn milling .. - Centrostudirpinia.it

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166 HISTORY OF CORN MILLING: vol. iv KiNG's^MiLLS LIVERPOOL. ' ^^' ^^^ Morcs had already become as firmly attached to Townsend Mill as had the Crosses to 12. Townsend Eastham and Middle Mills ; and, retaining their Windmill, interest for quite as long a period, they far out- ease, 14 3. stripped them in enterprise as mill-owners ; far exceeding them also, however, in evoking popular hostility to their mill, and in aiding to bring about their own eventual ruin. Robert More's lease of Townsend having expired by 1463, it was then regranted at the old rent to him in conjunction with his partner, William Leyland :— Roll of -^^^ tradidit & ad firmam dimisit VVillmo Leylond & Robto More unum Indentures, molendinu ventriticum in villa de Lyverpole p' antica in tenura III Ed. IV. dci 37. Robti. H'end & tenend' dcm molendinum cum ofnib} p'ficiis eidiii molendino p'tin p'fat Willino & Robto ac assign suis a festo Scl Michis ArchI ultimo p'terito usq3 ad finem t'mini septem ann03 extunc p'x sequenciu & plenarie complend. Reddendo inde annuatim pTato Dno Rege hered & assigii suis tresdecim solid' & quatuor denar sterlingo} ad festa Pasche & Scl Michis ArchI p' equales porc5es. Et p'dcl Willms & Rob'tus sustentabunt & rep'abunt sumptib} suis p'prius & expeii dcu molendinu in ofiiib} p't' : et p'dcus Diis Rex inveniet grossum maeremiu p' rep'acoe ejusdm in parcis de Toxstath & Croxtath ac bosco de Symondeswode p'cipiend' p' delib'ac5em officiar ibm p' tempe existeii : et illud in fine del tmini sufficient' repar' dimittent. Et si contingat dcin annul redditu xiij^ iiij"^ aretro fore in parte vel in toto p'dimidiu annu post aliquem t'minu quo solvi debeat non solut, extunc bii licebit p'fato Dno Regi hered' & assign' suis in diet' fermam reintre & illam in manus suas reassum ac in pristino statu suo possidere p'senti dimissione in aliquo non obstant. Dat &c. apud Westm xxvj'° die Februarii anno &c. secundo. P' consiliu ducat'. The king has granted and to farm letten to William Leyland and Robert More one windmill in the town of Liverpool formerly in the tenure of the said Robert. To have and to hold the said mill, with all the profits belonging thereto, to the aforesaid William and Robert and their assigns, from the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel last past to the end of a term of seven years thence next following and fully to be completed: rendering therefor annually to the aforesaid lord the king, his heirs and assigns, 13s. 4d. sterling, at the Feasts of Easter and St. Michael the Archangel, by equal : portions And the aforesaid William and Robert shall sustain and repair at their own proper costs and charges the said mill in all : things and the said lord the king shall find great timber for the repair of the same in his parks of Toxteth and Croxteth and

SOME FEUDAL MILLS. 167 his wood of Simonsvvood at the there for the time : being and at shall be left in substantial repair. view and consent of the officials ^IV. the end of the term the said mill ^^J^Rll^nf"^' And if it happen that the aforesaid L annual rent of 13s. 4d. either wholly or in part remain in arrear for 12. Townsend a half-year after it should be paid, then it shall be lawful for the Windmill, said lord the king, his heirs and assigns, to re-enter upon the said Lease, 1463. ferme, and take the same into his own hands, even as he possessed it formerly; the present demise notwithstanding. Given at Westminster, February 24, in the second year of our reign. By the Council of the Duchy. This lease would expire in 1470. In the next year Edward Crosse has been shown to be lessee of the town and its two windmills ; as was Henry Crosse in 1475 ; the Mores, apparently, during this time work- ing only their horse-mill near More Hall. 13. In 1546 Sir Richard Molyneux, of Sefton, 13. Townsend acquired the lease of the town and sublet the wind- mills. That now under notice he granted to two of j mdmill. his neighbours at Sefton, Thomas Eves and John Hetoller, who subleased it to Thomas Banks, of Liverpool, tailor ; by whom it would, of course, be once more let to some practical miller. The following is the sublease granted to Banks in 1557 :— This indenture made ye thridde daye of June in ye thredd & Moore Deeds, iiij yer of the reign of Philipp and Marie by the grace of God King ^ & Quene of englond spayne ffraunce boihe sycift [both Sicilies] Jerusalem and Irelond defenders of ye ifayth archiduc of Austria due' of Milaine Burgundy & Brabant Counts of hasburge fflandrie & Tyroll Betwene Thoms Eves & John hehtoller of Sefton w^^'in the countie of Lane' yoman of the one ptie And Thoins Banke of Liv'poole w^^'in the said countie taylor of the other ptie Witnessith y' the said Thoiris Eves & John hehtoller for dyv'se sett & good consideracons theym mouing have demysed granted to farm letten & by these p'nte demysith grantith settith & to ffarme lettith unto ye said Thoins Banke all y^ Wyndy Mylne all standing and beine w'^in the Lordshipp of Lyv'pole within the said countye of Lane comonly called & named the Towne End Mylne w' all & singier the mylstones sale yards multes come of what kynd or nature so ev' hit be, and all comoditys & apptences unto the said Wyndy Mylne w*"" thappurtences. To have hold obtayne & injoy ye said Wyndy singier the p'misses w' thapp'tences unto ye said Thomas Banke his Milne & all & ex""^ and assigns to his and thair vses pfit & advantage imediatly


his wood <strong>of</strong> Simonsvvood at the<br />

there for the time : being and at<br />

shall be left in substantial repair.<br />

view and consent <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficials<br />

^IV.<br />

the end <strong>of</strong> the term the said mill<br />

^^J^Rll^nf"^'<br />

And if <strong>it</strong> happen that the aforesaid L<br />

annual rent <strong>of</strong> 13s. 4d. e<strong>it</strong>her wholly or in part remain in arrear for 12. Townsend<br />

a half-year after <strong>it</strong> should be paid, then <strong>it</strong> shall be lawful for the Windmill,<br />

said lord the king, his heirs and assigns, to re-enter upon the said<br />

Lease, 1463.<br />

ferme, and take the same into his own hands, even as he possessed<br />

<strong>it</strong> formerly; the present demise notw<strong>it</strong>hstanding.<br />

Given at Westminster, February 24, in the second year <strong>of</strong> our<br />

reign. By the Council <strong>of</strong> the Duchy.<br />

This lease would expire in 1470. In the next year<br />

Edward Crosse has been shown to be lessee <strong>of</strong> the<br />

town and <strong>it</strong>s two windmills ; as was Henry Crosse in<br />

1475 ; the Mores, apparently, during<br />

this time work-<br />

ing only their horse-mill near More Hall.<br />

13. In 1546 Sir Richard Molyneux, <strong>of</strong> Sefton,<br />

13. Townsend<br />

acquired the lease <strong>of</strong> the town and sublet the wind- mills. That now under notice he granted to two <strong>of</strong><br />

j<br />

mdmill.<br />

his neighbours at Sefton, Thomas Eves and John<br />

Hetoller, who subleased <strong>it</strong> to Thomas Banks, <strong>of</strong><br />

Liverpool, tailor ; by whom <strong>it</strong> would, <strong>of</strong> course, be<br />

once more let to some practical miller. The following<br />

is the sublease granted to Banks in 1557 :—<br />

This indenture made ye thridde daye <strong>of</strong> June in ye thredd & Moore Deeds,<br />

iiij yer <strong>of</strong> the reign <strong>of</strong> Philipp and Marie by the grace <strong>of</strong> God King ^<br />

& Quene <strong>of</strong> englond spayne ffraunce boihe sycift [both Sicilies]<br />

Jerusalem and Irelond defenders <strong>of</strong> ye ifayth archiduc <strong>of</strong> Austria<br />

due' <strong>of</strong> Milaine Burgundy & Brabant Counts <strong>of</strong> hasburge fflandrie<br />

& Tyroll<br />

Betwene Thoms Eves & John hehtoller <strong>of</strong> Sefton w^^'in the<br />

countie <strong>of</strong> Lane' yoman <strong>of</strong> the one ptie And Thoins Banke <strong>of</strong><br />

Liv'poole w^^'in the said countie taylor <strong>of</strong> the other ptie<br />

W<strong>it</strong>ness<strong>it</strong>h y' the said Thoiris Eves & John hehtoller for dyv'se<br />

sett &<br />

good consideracons theym mouing have demysed granted<br />

to farm letten & by these p'nte demys<strong>it</strong>h grant<strong>it</strong>h sett<strong>it</strong>h & to<br />

ffarme lett<strong>it</strong>h unto ye said Thoins Banke all y^ Wyndy Mylne all<br />

standing and beine w'^in the Lordshipp <strong>of</strong> Lyv'pole w<strong>it</strong>hin the said<br />

countye <strong>of</strong> Lane comonly called & named the Towne End Mylne<br />

w' all & singier the mylstones sale yards multes come <strong>of</strong> what kynd<br />

or nature so ev' h<strong>it</strong> be, and all comod<strong>it</strong>ys & apptences unto the said<br />

Wyndy Mylne w*"" thappurtences.<br />

To have hold obtayne & injoy ye said Wyndy<br />

singier the p'misses w' thapp'tences unto ye said Thomas Banke his<br />

Milne & all &<br />

ex""^ and assigns to his and thair vses pf<strong>it</strong> & advantage imediatly

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