History of corn milling .. - Centrostudirpinia.it

History of corn milling .. - Centrostudirpinia.it History of corn milling .. - Centrostudirpinia.it

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146 HISTORY OF CORN MILLING VOL. IV. IV. Whereas we and o" predecessors of us the Quene have had ^^J^fil^M^tl'^' of ancient time divers and sundrie milles within our maner of LIVERPOOL. Westdarby and alsoe in our towne of Liverpole, and have had yerlie rents and pffits for the same the time owte of memorie of and that o" tenantes and Inhabitance within o" seid maner of 7. Eastham Windmill. A Royal Command, 1557- man : Westdarby and o"" seid towne of Liverpole have used, the time owte of memorie of man, to grende there come and grayne at the seid milles, whereby our seid milles have byn mayntened, our Rentes truelie aunswerid to us and o*" predecessors, for us the Quene and o' fermers and occupiers, some reasonable : gaynes And as we byn creaditlye enformed that there be divers of o*" tenauntes and other Inhabitanse of o' seid towne and o"" maner of Westdarby, where you be o' stewarde, that have nowe of late erected, builded and made divers and sundrie milles of divers kende of sortes with" o' seid towne as alsoe ells where with" o' seid maner of Westdarby in our seid county of Lancaster : and that there byn divers and manie of o*" seid tenauntes and alsoe divers other psons, w'^'' have byn used and accustomed to griende there corne and grayne at o' seid milles, that now of late have grended ther seid corne at the seid milles so latlie builded whiche hathe not onlie ; byn to the grate hurte and damage of o' fermers ther, but alsoe with" shorte time to cii may growe to the utter decaye of our seid milles ther, and alsoe to the disinherison of us and our herers and successors of us the Quene : Wherefore we, mindinge the Reformacon thereof and the pservacon of owre inheritaunse in the p'misses, will and requier you and never the lesse charge and comaunde youe that youe immedeatlie upon the sighte hereof, by v'tue of thes o'' Ires, doe geve monicon and : warninge And also doe charge and comaunde all and ev'y o' tenauntes, fermers and copieholders dwellinge wth" o"" seid manor and towne and either of them, that theye from the time of the seid monicon and warninge doe greinde all there corne and grayne at somme of o' said milles and in noe other : place And alsoe that youe doe geve like monicon and warninge to all other persons dwellinge and inhabitinge wth" the seid maner or towne that they and ev'y of them w^'' have byn used and accustomed to greinde ther corne and grayne at auncient milles wth" the seid manor or towne shall from thenseforthe greynde ther corne agayne at the seid aunciente milles, and not at anie mille erected and builded in the seid maner or towne wth" the time of xx yeres last unto suche past, other then suche as be of o' milles, yf anie suche be ; time as they shall shewe good matter before o*" Chancello' and Councell of o" seid duchy whie and wherfore they owght not soe to doe : And that youe by v'tue herof doe geve comaundemt and charge to ev'y of the seid psons that shall doe to the contrarie of entente and effecte of thes o' Ires that they and ev'y of them shall appere at a certen daye by youe to be lymited in o" duchy Chamber at Westfn then and ther to aunswere ther facts and doinges therein : And that youe in like maner send to us unto o' court of o' seid duchy the noie of such facts and doeings whiche they have comitted and done cotrarie to the effecte of thes o' Ires :

SOME FEUDAL MILLS. 14' And that youe from time to time doe geve in charge to suche inquests, and shall trulie enquier and true psentment make, of all o*" seid tenauntes fermors and copieholders of o*" seid maner and towne or other psons dwellinge or inhabitynge with" the seid maner or towne whiche have byn used and accustomed to grinde ther corn and grayne at o'' seid milles and goe frome o"" seid milles to griende at anie other mills then o"" ; and putte ther names and ther facts and doeings therin, and wher they micht have bin and hadd ther corne grened at o" seid milles : discrecon to see suche as shall offende in this And upon youre behalfe be fined and amersed for the same : and that the same shalbe streted and gethered to o"^ use w*'' ther fines and amercemts owte in the saide courte : And yf they that shall soe be psnted in o" seid courte upon monicon to be geven to them by youe or yo" deputie will not doe ther duties to o"" seid milles, without resonable cause to youe or o''stewarde there for the time beinge showed and the same by youe or other o"" stewarde ther to be admytted and alowed, and ther byn licens to them geven for a time ; but obstantlie doe goe and w*Mrawe them from o' seid milles, that then youe or other o"" stewarde ther shall geve them and ev'y of them, by v'tue herof, comaunde to appere before o"" Chauncello" and Councell of o' seid Duchy of Lancaster in o' Duchy Chamber at Westm at a certen daye to be lymitted, then and ther to aunswere to the p'misses to the entent that o"" seid Chauncellor and Councell of o' seid Duchy maye see o' inheritaunse in the seid milles p'servid, and the seid offendars punished And further to ; proceed therin accord- inge to the order of our lawes and monicons and justice : accordingelie not faylinge, as youe will answere to us at yo"" pell. Geven the fourthe daye of June in the iiij**" and v"' yeres of o' Reignes. This monition and warning, severe as it may appear, was yet, for the times and under the circumstances, an order of comparative leniency. It was issued by Mary, not as a sovereign, but as the lady of the manor. By the soke of the town '' our said mills have been maintained and our rents truly answered" ; its loss *' within short time to come may grow, to the utter decay of our said mills and also to the disinherison of us and our heirs " ; and it is desirable that the Chancellor " may see offenders punished and our inheritance preserved." It appears to have further embittered the hostility constantly manifested against Molyneux by the town, between IV. KING'S MILLS, LIVERPOOL. 7. Eastham Windmill. A Royal Command, 1557.


And that youe from time to time doe geve in charge to suche<br />

inquests, and shall trulie enquier and true psentment make, <strong>of</strong> all o*"<br />

seid tenauntes fermors and copieholders <strong>of</strong> o*" seid maner and towne<br />

or other psons dwellinge or inhab<strong>it</strong>ynge w<strong>it</strong>h" the seid maner or towne<br />

whiche have byn used and accustomed to grinde ther <strong>corn</strong> and<br />

grayne at o'' seid milles and goe frome o"" seid milles to griende at<br />

anie other mills then o"" ; and putte ther names and ther facts and<br />

doeings therin, and wher they micht have bin and hadd ther <strong>corn</strong>e<br />

grened at o" seid milles :<br />

discrecon to see suche as shall <strong>of</strong>fende in this<br />

And upon youre<br />

behalfe be fined and amersed for the same : and that the same<br />

shalbe streted and gethered to o"^ use w*'' ther fines and amercemts<br />

owte in the saide courte : And yf they that shall soe be psnted in<br />

o" seid courte upon monicon to be geven to them by youe or yo"<br />

deputie will not doe ther duties to o"" seid milles, w<strong>it</strong>hout resonable<br />

cause to youe or o''stewarde there for the time beinge showed and<br />

the same by youe or other o"" stewarde ther to be admytted and<br />

alowed, and ther byn licens to them geven for a time ; but obstantlie<br />

doe goe and w*Mrawe them from o' seid milles, that then youe or<br />

other o"" stewarde ther shall geve them and ev'y <strong>of</strong> them, by v'tue<br />

her<strong>of</strong>, comaunde to appere before o"" Chauncello" and Councell <strong>of</strong><br />

o' seid Duchy <strong>of</strong> Lancaster in o' Duchy Chamber at Westm at<br />

a certen daye to be lym<strong>it</strong>ted, then and ther to aunswere to the<br />

p'misses to the entent that o"" seid Chauncellor and Councell <strong>of</strong> o'<br />

seid Duchy maye see o' inher<strong>it</strong>aunse in the seid milles p'servid, and<br />

the seid <strong>of</strong>fendars punished And further to ; proceed therin accord-<br />

inge to the order <strong>of</strong> our lawes and monicons and justice : accordingelie<br />

not faylinge, as youe will answere to us at yo"" pell.<br />

Geven the fourthe daye <strong>of</strong> June in the iiij**" and v"' yeres <strong>of</strong><br />

o' Reignes.<br />

This mon<strong>it</strong>ion and warning, severe as <strong>it</strong> may<br />

appear, was yet, for the times and under the circumstances,<br />

an order <strong>of</strong> comparative leniency. It was<br />

issued by Mary, not as a sovereign, but as the lady<br />

<strong>of</strong> the manor. By the soke <strong>of</strong> the town '' our said<br />

mills have been maintained and our rents truly<br />

answered" ; <strong>it</strong>s loss *'<br />

w<strong>it</strong>hin short time to come<br />

may<br />

grow, to the utter decay<br />

<strong>of</strong> our said mills and also<br />

to the disinherison <strong>of</strong> us and our heirs " ; and <strong>it</strong><br />

is desirable that the Chancellor " may see <strong>of</strong>fenders<br />

punished and our inher<strong>it</strong>ance preserved." It appears<br />

to have further emb<strong>it</strong>tered the hostil<strong>it</strong>y constantly<br />

manifested against Molyneux by the town, between<br />

IV.<br />



7. Eastham<br />

Windmill.<br />

A Royal<br />

Command,<br />


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