Eckhard Bick - VISL

Eckhard Bick - VISL

Eckhard Bick - VISL


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2.2.6 Recall: Quantifying the problems<br />

In this chapter, I will attempt a quantitative evaluation of the performance of the<br />

morphological analyser module, i.e. that part of the system most prominent in section<br />

2. Obviously, performance at this level only reflects lexical/morphological coverage<br />

and the efficiency of the morphological heuristics and derivation modules. For an<br />

evaluation of the performance of the parsing system as a whole, see chapters 3.9 and<br />

8.1.<br />

Since it does not include contextual disambiguation, the morphological<br />

analyser will have very low precision figures, directly reflecting the inherent<br />

morphological ambiguity of the Portuguese language. Thus, on average, every word<br />

form is assigned 2 morphological/PoS readings (cp. chapter 3.2). However, recall 66 is<br />

high at the morphological analyser level, and can be measured in a meaningful way.<br />

Assuming a reasonably good lexicon coverage and quantification before analytical<br />

heuristics 67 (as explained in, most cases of recall failure for a given word<br />

form will be cases of "no reading" rather than "wrong" reading, and the statistics<br />

below will be based upon the assumption that, if non-heuristic readings are found,<br />

the correct one will be among them. With this slight simplification it becomes<br />

possible to judge recall by quantifying "unanalysable", no-reading words. 68 This<br />

allows automatic extraction of the problematic words for closer inspection, reducing<br />

inspection work load from 100% to about 0.5%.<br />

The sample in (1) consists of a 131.981 word corpus of literature and<br />

commentaries, containing 604 unanalysable words. For comparison, language<br />

specified percentages for loan word frequency in a larger sample (629.364 words,<br />

2599 unanalysables) from the mixed Borba-Ramsey corpus of Brazilian Portuguese<br />

are given in parentheses.<br />

66<br />

Basically, disambiguation improves precision and reduces recall, ultimately - at 100% precision -, recall will become<br />

"correctness", i.e. the percentage of correct readings.<br />

67<br />

The only kind of heuristics that does have a bearing on the numbers below, are some rules for orthographical regional<br />

variation, but the respective figures are included in table (1). Capitalized names are here not regarded as "unanalysable",<br />

and not included. Name heuristics, involving up to 2% of word forms in running text, is described in detail in<br />

68<br />

The management of “unanalysable” words is discussed in detail in chapter<br />

- 96 -

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