Eckhard Bick - VISL

Eckhard Bick - VISL

Eckhard Bick - VISL


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Appendix: PALMORF program architecture<br />

PALMORF-preparations -> makelistsuffix, makelistprefix<br />

allocates memory, establishes data-structures in RAM, assigns pointer-names.<br />

PALMORF-main<br />

direct input -> direct analysis<br />

-> text file analysis<br />

-> translation module<br />

takes direct word or word sequence input from the key-board and sends<br />

it to direct analysis.<br />

"file" prompts file name input, followed by automatic text file analysis<br />

(with only problematic words shown on the screen). Output is then<br />

written to a _pars file.<br />

"trad" changes output to translation mode (in direct analysis only)<br />

"slut" ends session<br />

direct analysis -> inflexion analysis, -> prefix, -> direct output<br />

analyses keyboard word input directly; unlike text file analysis, this does<br />

not make use of any major preprocessing, but is useful for fast checking<br />

of individual word forms or short sentences.<br />

direct output<br />

writes output to screen, each target word is followed by all its<br />

morphological readings, one per line, ordered by lexical root. If the<br />

optional "trad"-mode is on, every new root in the reading cohort is<br />

followed by a list of its syntactic word class possibilities, one per line,<br />

each followed by Danish translation equivalents. Thus syntactic word<br />

class provides a first, rough polysemy grouping.<br />

findword<br />

searches the lexicon for whole word items, abbreviations, polylexical items<br />

etc., called mainly by the preprocessor for fast reference<br />

inflexion analysis<br />

whole word search<br />

looks the input word up in the lexicon, and, if found, stores word class and - if<br />

irregular - inflexion information for the output module. Whatever the outcome<br />

of the whole word search, the program proceeds to inflexion morpheme<br />

analysis.<br />

inflexion morpheme analysis -> root search<br />

looks for all possible inflexional ending morphemes in the input word<br />

(starting from its right hand lexical border), cuts them off, standardises the<br />

remaining trunk according to the inflexion morphemes base condition, and<br />

sends it to root search.<br />

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