Eckhard Bick - VISL

Eckhard Bick - VISL

Eckhard Bick - VISL


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(-CONCRETE, - MASS, +COUNT) ‘module’, onda ‘wave’<br />

featc 81 countable features (mark, spot) cor ‘colour’, listra ‘stripe’<br />

anfeatc 85 countable anatomical feature verruga ‘wart’, cabelo ‘hair’<br />

sygc 128 countable item of disease (boil, scar) terçolho ‘sty’, abcesso ‘abcess’<br />

p 115 what you think (thought) idéia ‘idea’, suspeita ‘suspicion’<br />

pp 88 plan, concept (product of thought) projeto ‘project’, estratégia<br />

‘strategy’, noção ‘notion’<br />

reg 8 rule, law regra ‘rule’<br />

right 17 rights, habits (one has)<br />

direito ‘right’, prerrogativa<br />

(= reg +ADJECTIVAL)<br />

‘privilege’<br />

emne not yet topic (both ac and ak) assunto ‘topic’<br />

l 288 what you hear (e.g. natural or artificial aplauso ‘applause’, berro<br />

sound, noise)<br />

‘shout’<br />

som ‘sound’<br />

ll 150 song, piece of music, type of musik bossa=nova, canto ‘song’, hino<br />

(product for hearing-listening)<br />

‘hymn’<br />

w 82 what you see (e.g. bubble, shadow, a light) vislumbre ‘glimpse, glimmer’,<br />

ilusão ‘illusion’, arco-iris<br />

‘rainbow’<br />

ww 67 what you watch, e.g. movie, piece of theater filme ‘film’, sonho ‘dream’,<br />

(product for watching)<br />

novela ‘tv-series’, comédia<br />

s 187 what you say, short utterance (e.g. word, pergunta ‘question’,<br />

question, answer)<br />

salamaleque ‘salem aleikum’<br />

ss 196 speech, joke, lie, rumour, nonsense, gossip, sermão ‘sermon’, testemunho<br />

boast (speech product)<br />

‘testemony’<br />

sd 260 speech act: tease, mockery, fun (you make reza ‘prayer’, ultimato<br />

of s.b.), insult, request (doing by saying), ‘ultimatum’, veto ‘veto’, queixa<br />

intrigue, proposal, settlement, appointment,<br />

ruling, judgement<br />

‘complaint’<br />

ret 130 rhetoric terms (non-rhetoric, e.g parts of hipérbole ‘hyperbole’,<br />

speech like ‘noun’, ‘subject’ -> akc) coloquialismo ‘colloquialism’<br />

o 30 what you smell (odour) or taste bodum ‘smell of non-castrated<br />

goat’, bufa ‘fart’<br />

f what you feel (whish, burst of pain, - where cócegas ‘itching’, deleite<br />

not am)<br />

‘delight’, desejo ‘wish’<br />

rr 129 what you read (unlike r, which is cc: livre, romance ‘novel’, dissertação<br />

jornal)<br />

‘dissertation’<br />

tegn 311 what you write (sign, character, icon, vírgula ‘comma’, dáblio ‘w’,<br />

printed symbol, playing card (ace, king etc.) emblema, gatafunhos<br />

also: (numbers as nouns) ‘scribbles’, o cinco ‘number<br />

five’<br />

geom 102 geometric shape (circle, globe, angle) -> + elipse ‘ellipse’, heksaedro,<br />

top<br />

retângulo ‘rectangle’<br />

line not yet line, stripe, streak (now: ac) linha ‘line’, raio ‘ray, radius’<br />

d 326 what you do or make: mistake, error (test: crime ‘crime’, espiada ‘glance’,<br />

dar/fazer, e.g. dar uma lavadela), also -><br />

CP<br />

gafe ‘blunder’<br />

num+ 80 (syntactic, not semantic, therefore<br />

preferably in combination with ,<br />

- 464 -

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