Eckhard Bick - VISL

Eckhard Bick - VISL

Eckhard Bick - VISL


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The program module implementing the translational look-up (called trad), takes the<br />

translation of a valency governed preposition from its head, removing and replacing the<br />

original literal “dummy” translation at the preposition itself.<br />

For prepositions that are not valency bound, the valency tag instantiation<br />

technique is not practical since no valency tags are used in the first place. Also, there is<br />

a higher degree of lexical variation in both head and dependent, which would lead to a<br />

proliferation of tags - if they were added -, since most verbs and nouns would have to be<br />

“dependency-potential” tagged for all prepositions ( ...). But since<br />

“free” prepositions retain more of their literal meaning spectrum, the physical and other<br />

semantic features of the @P< argument can be exploited (argument-head polysemy<br />

disambiguation). To this end, the preposition in question is tagged with the relevant<br />

markers for what could be called “semantic valency”. In the case of sobre, the following<br />

cases can be distinguished:<br />

semantic translation type of example<br />

valency tag<br />

argument<br />

udover ADJ, N sobre rico, é inteligente<br />

(‘apart from rich, he is intelligent’)<br />

sobre poeta, é um bom narrador (‘besides<br />

being a poet, he is a good story teller’)<br />

henimod N sobre a noite, sobre o anoitecer<br />

(‘towards nightfall’)<br />

over N sobre a mureta, sobre o gradil<br />

(‘over the wall, over the fence’)<br />

These “semantic valency” tags can then be disambiguated and instantiated in the same<br />

fashion as ordinary valency tags.<br />

In some cases, the spatial semantics of the (nominal or verbal) head could be<br />

used, too (head-dependent disambiguation), as in the following two translation mapping<br />

rules. Typically, heads will be involved in terms of semantic category rather than<br />

lexically (“one lexeme at a time”).<br />

MAP (‘over’) TARGET (“sobre”) IF (0 @N

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