Eckhard Bick - VISL

Eckhard Bick - VISL

Eckhard Bick - VISL


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A typical case is arrancar ('to pull out') in (9a), where the @DAT function simply fills<br />

the semantically pre-existing valency slot of "affected" (here a negative variant of<br />

"benefactive": 'to pull out from') - which can be tested for its "dativeness" by<br />

substitution with a predicative object headed by the preposition a (arrancar-lhe ac. -<br />

arrancar ac. a alg.), in analogy with other dative governing ditransitives (e.g. dar<br />

'give'). Such cases can be marked (or ) in the lexicon, and the only<br />

special feature of the se-constructions concerned, is that subject and dative object<br />

coincide, rather than subject and direct object, as usual in reflexive constructions.<br />

Lembrar (9c), too, has a valency slot for "affected" or "benefactive" ('to remind<br />

s.o. of s.th.') and allows alternation between dative lhe and a PP headed by the<br />

preposition a (lembrar-lhe ac. - lembrar ac. a alg.), - though it can also govern a "de"prepositional<br />

object on top of reflexivisation (), as in devem se @ACC><br />

lembrar do @ lembrar de @

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