Eckhard Bick - VISL

Eckhard Bick - VISL

Eckhard Bick - VISL


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• lack of a slot for direct object () or reflexive object () in the verb's valency<br />

inventory suggests se-@SUBJ<br />

Apart from valency, agreement and word order, another - fourth - type of information<br />

can be useful:<br />

Since the impersonal se-@SUBJ per defitionem is assigned the semantic feature<br />

+HUM (cp. the discussion of (4)), it can be ruled out for verbs without the <br />

subject selection restriction, which is marked in the lexicon. For transitive verbs<br />

obligatorily marked , but without a valency reading, in principle both a se-<br />

@SUBJ and a @ACC-PASS reading are feasible. The latter will win even in fair battle<br />

(i.e. with non-specific CG rules), if:<br />

• there is no NP-candidate to fill the verb's @ACC valency slot<br />

• the verb is in the plural<br />

and it would enjoy a strong word order bias where<br />

• an NP @ACC-candidate is pre-positioned.<br />

My intuition after some corpus-inspection is that the border line necessary to delimit the<br />

remaining cases of se-@SUBJ in transitive verbs with direct object candidates is too<br />

soft to make disambiguation practicable. I therefore prefer to make my parser tag, as a<br />

default, all instances of "se" with transitive non-reflexive verbs as @ACC-PASS, and<br />

only choose @SUBJ if number agreement, the uniqueness principle or a special clausal<br />

structure (6c) enforce this solution. Undecided cases of pronominal se, like those<br />

discussed in (5g-h) or (5d) will thus be resolved by the default rule as reflexive<br />

passives. Since passivisation (both analytic and synthetic) is a fairly universal metaphor<br />

for indeterminacy in Indo-European languages, this approach seems to be tenable from<br />

a semantic and MT-point of view, too:<br />

(8a)<br />

Corta- [cortar] V PR 3S IND VFIN @FMV ‘cut is’<br />

se [se] PERS M/F 3S/P ACC/DAT @N ‘the’<br />

cabeça [cabeça] N F S @N ‘the’<br />

rei [rei] N M S @P< ‘king’<br />

$,<br />

fuzila- [fuzilar] V PR 3S IND VFIN @FMV ‘shot is’<br />

se [se] PERS M/F 3S/P ACC/DAT @N ‘the’<br />

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