Eckhard Bick - VISL

Eckhard Bick - VISL

Eckhard Bick - VISL


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explanation for this may be that a PATIENT/THEME argument ranks higher on the<br />

obligatority scale than a PLACE or DIRECTION argument in much the same way as the<br />

direct object ranks higher than the object complement in a transobjective construction -<br />

it is, after all, the object that is semantically complemented, not the verb. In fact, both<br />

causatives and ergatives have the argument role of PATIENT, either as external (object)<br />

or as internal (subject) complement.<br />

In Portuguese, locative and directive adverbial complements can be distinguished<br />

lexically through the heading preposition ('em', 'sobre' vs. 'para', 'a') or, to a certain<br />

degree, the head adverb ('aqui' vs. 'fora', which can also be used for a pronominal<br />

substitution test on pp-adverbials). This is why valency marking of adverbial governing<br />

verbs makes sense not only for its own (syntactic) sake, but from a lexical<br />

disambiguational point of view, too. Ir ('to go') and ser ('to be'), for instance, share<br />

many inflexion forms (e.g. all of the perfeito simples, mais-que-perfeito and future<br />

subjunctive tenses), but obligatorily valency-bind different types of complements, -<br />

subject complements in the former, and directive adverbials in the latter case.<br />

Like other non-subject non-pronoun complements, most adverbial objects appear<br />

usually after the main verb (@

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